Last updated on Oct. 31, 2015

This database was last updated in November 2015 and should only be used as a historical snapshot.

Rep. Shelley Moore Capito

R-W.Va., 2nd District. Member since 2015. Website | Facebook

votes missed
2 out of 294
misses explained
31 out of 2

Shelley Moore Capito ranks 54th in votes missed of the 434 voting lawmakers in the current Congress, which began this year.

Types of Votes Explained

We classified votes into three categories: On amendments to bills, which are numerous and can be voted on very quickly; on bills considered “under suspension of the rules,” which are usually uncontroversial and require two-thirds support for passage, and on “floor votes,” which include votes “on passage” and require a simple majority for approval.
Floor Votes
Suspension of the Rules

Close Votes Missed

  • Not Voting
  • Voted “present”

All Vote Explanations

Date Vote Roll Call Title Reason
May 29, 2014 Yea House vote 241 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Agree, H RES 599 Inclement weather

Other Representatives from West Virginia:

Name Missed
Evan H. Jenkins (R) 2.9%
Alexander X. Mooney (R) 0.9%
David B. McKinley (R) 0.8%

This database was compiled partly by hand. Are we missing a Personal Explanation?

Email Derek Willis