Last updated on Oct. 31, 2015

Who Missed House Vote 1082 (Nov. 13, 2007)?

This database was last updated in November 2015 and should only be used as a historical snapshot.

This vote on suspending the rules and passing H R 3315 occurred on Nov. 13, 2007. The vote passed with 398 votes in favor and 6 opposed.

Seven out of 28 members of the House gave explanations for missing this vote.

Date Filed
How they would have voted
Reason for missing vote
Neil Abercrombie, D-Hawaii Nov. 14, 2007 Yea Attending memorial services
Sanford D. Bishop Jr., D-Ga. Nov. 14, 2007 Aye Ambiguous or no reason
Rob Bishop, R-Utah
Julia Carson, D-Ind.
Barbara Cubin, R-Wyo.
Artur Davis, D-Ala.
Thomas Davis III, R-Va.
John Doolittle, R-Calif.
Michael F. Doyle, D-Pa.
Jo Ann Emerson, R-Mo.
Brian Higgins, D-N.Y. Nov. 14, 2007 Yes Ambiguous or no reason
Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y.
William Jefferson, D-La.
Timothy Johnson, R-Ill. Nov. 14, 2007 Aye Ambiguous or no reason
Ray LaHood, R-Ill.
Howard McKeon, R-Calif.
James Moran Jr., D-Va.
James Oberstar, D-Minn.
Ronald Paul, R-Tex.
Deborah Pryce, R-Ohio
H. Saxton, R-N.J.
Adam Smith, D-Wash.
Hilda Solis, D-Calif. Nov. 14, 2007 Yea Ambiguous or no reason
Gene Taylor, D-Miss.
Maxine Waters, D-Calif.
Robert Wexler, D-Fla.
Frank Wolf, R-Va. Nov. 14, 2007 Yea Medical matter
Lynn Woolsey, D-Calif. Nov. 15, 2007 Yea Ambiguous or no reason