Last updated on Oct. 31, 2015

Who Missed House Vote 43 (Jan. 22, 2007)?

This database was last updated in November 2015 and should only be used as a historical snapshot.

This vote table the appeal of the ruling of the chair of the bill H R 476 occurred on Jan. 22, 2007. The vote passed with 223 votes in favor and 190 opposed.

Four out of 21 members of the House gave explanations for missing this vote.

Member Current Date Filed How they would have voted Reason for missing vote
Brian Bilbray, R-Calif.
Rob Bishop, R-Utah
Stephen Buyer, R-Ind.
Julia Carson, D-Ind. Jan. 22, 2007 Yes Ambiguous or no reason
Jerry Costello, D-Ill.
John Abney Culberson, R-Tex.
Luis V. Gutiérrez, D-Ill. Jan. 22, 2007 Yea Ambiguous or no reason
John Linder, R-Ga.
Frank D. Lucas, R-Okla.
Jim McDermott, D-Wash.
James Moran Jr., D-Va.
Charles Norwood Jr., R-Ga. Jan. 24, 2007 No Ambiguous or no reason
Charles Pickering Jr., R-Miss.
Earl Pomeroy, D-N.D. Jan. 23, 2007 Yea Travel difficulties
Mike Rogers, R-Mich.
Bobby L. Rush, D-Ill.
Paul Ryan, R-Wis.
Adam Smith, D-Wash.
Michael R. Turner, R-Ohio
Maxine Waters, D-Calif.
Henry Waxman, D-Calif.