Last updated on Oct. 31, 2015

Who Missed House Vote 337 (June 15, 2009)?

This database was last updated in November 2015 and should only be used as a historical snapshot.

This vote on suspending the rules and passing H R 2325 occurred on June 15, 2009. The vote passed with 374 votes in favor and 0 opposed.

13 out of 59 members of the House gave explanations for missing this vote.

Member Current Date Filed How they would have voted Reason for missing vote
Rodney Alexander, R-La.
Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.
James Barrett, R-S.C. June 17, 2009 Aye Ambiguous or no reason
Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn.
Roy Blunt, R-Mo.
Jo Bonner, R-Ala.
Frederick Boucher, D-Va.
Charles W. Boustany Jr., R-La.
Kevin Brady, R-Tex.
Paul Broun Jr., R-Ga. June 17, 2009 Yea Ambiguous or no reason
Corrine Brown, D-Fla.
Michael E. Capuano, D-Mass.
Howard Coble, R-N.C. June 17, 2009 Aye Travel difficulties
Jim Cooper, D-Tenn.
Jerry Costello, D-Ill.
Nathan Deal, R-Ga.
Joe Donnelly, D-Ind. June 15, 2009 Yea Travel difficulties
John J. Duncan Jr., R-Tenn.
Eliot L. Engel, D-N.Y.
Barney Frank, D-Mass.
Phil Gingrey, R-Ga.
Sam Graves, R-Mo.
Raúl M. Grijalva, D-Ariz.
Jeb Hensarling, R-Tex.
Peter Hoekstra, R-Mich.
Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Tex.
Timothy Johnson, R-Ill. June 17, 2009 Aye Ambiguous or no reason
Patrick Kennedy, D-R.I.
Mary Jo Kilroy, D-Ohio June 17, 2009 Yea Ambiguous or no reason
John B. Larson, D-Conn.
John Lewis, D-Ga. June 26, 2009 Yes Medical matter
Jerry Lewis, R-Calif.
David Loebsack, D-Iowa
Carolyn B. Maloney, D-N.Y. June 17, 2009 Yea Ambiguous or no reason
Donald Manzullo, R-Ill. June 17, 2009 Yea Travel difficulties
Kenny Marchant, R-Tex.
James Marshall, D-Ga.
Carolyn McCarthy, D-N.Y. June 17, 2009 Yea Ambiguous or no reason
Michael Michaud, D-Me. June 17, 2009 Yea Official business
James Moran Jr., D-Va.
John Olver, D-Mass.
Bill Pascrell Jr., D-N.J.
Chellie Pingree, D-Me.
Adam Putnam, R-Fla. June 17, 2009 Yea Ambiguous or no reason
Mike Rogers, R-Mich.
Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif.
Bobby L. Rush, D-Ill.
Joe Sestak, D-Pa.
John Shadegg, R-Ariz.
Heath Shuler, D-N.C.
Michael K. Simpson, R-Idaho
Albio Sires, D-N.J. June 17, 2009 Yes Ambiguous or no reason
Lamar Smith, R-Tex.
Zachary Space, D-Ohio
John Sullivan, R-Okla.
Patrick J. Tiberi, R-Ohio
Edolphus Towns, D-N.Y.
Maxine Waters, D-Calif.
C. Young, R-Fla.