Last updated on Oct. 31, 2015

Who Missed House Vote 743 (Oct. 3, 2011)?

This database was last updated in November 2015 and should only be used as a historical snapshot.

This vote on suspending the rules and passing H R 765 occurred on Oct. 3, 2011. The vote passed with 394 votes in favor and 0 opposed.

Six out of 39 members of the House gave explanations for missing this vote.

Member Current Date Filed How they would have voted Reason for missing vote
W. Akin, R-Mo.
Michele Bachmann, R-Minn.
John Campbell III, R-Calif.
John R. Carter, R-Tex. Oct. 3, 2011 Yea Ambiguous or no reason
Jerry Costello, D-Ill.
Ander Crenshaw, R-Fla.
Eliot L. Engel, D-N.Y.
Bob Filner, D-Calif.
Gabrielle Giffords, D-Ariz.
Sam Graves, R-Mo. Oct. 4, 2011 Yea Ambiguous or no reason
Raúl M. Grijalva, D-Ariz.
Luis V. Gutiérrez, D-Ill. Oct. 3, 2011 Yea Ambiguous or no reason
Maurice Hinchey, D-N.Y.
Henry C. "Hank" Johnson Jr., D-Ga.
Eddie Bernice Johnson, D-Tex. Oct. 5, 2011 Yes Leave of absence
Jack Kingston, R-Ga.
Cynthia M. Lummis, R-Wyo.
Edward Markey, D-Mass.
R. Miller, D-N.C.
James Moran Jr., D-Va.
John Olver, D-Mass.
Ronald Paul, R-Tex.
Collin C. Peterson, D-Minn.
Jared Polis, D-Colo.
Nick Rahall II, D-W.Va. Oct. 4, 2011 Yea Travel difficulties
Dana Rohrabacher, R-Calif.
Todd Rokita, R-Ind.
Thomas J. Rooney, R-Fla.
Lucille Roybal-Allard, D-Calif.
Bobby L. Rush, D-Ill.
Loretta Sanchez, D-Calif.
Jean Schmidt, R-Ohio
Heath Shuler, D-N.C.
Jackie Speier, D-Calif.
Edolphus Towns, D-N.Y.
Nydia M. Velázquez, D-N.Y.
Peter Welch, D-Vt.
C. Young, R-Fla.
Don Young, R-Alaska