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This database was last updated in December 2015 ago and should only be used as a historical snapshot. More recent data on breaches affecting 500 or more people is available at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Breach Portal.
West Texas VA Health Care System
4 results found from all sources. Sorted by date.
December 22, 2014
Reported as: WEST TEXAS HCS - 519
Issue: A VA employee reported to Human Resources (HR) that her retirement package was mailed to the incorrect address. The employee received a call from the person who received the package in the mail informing that the package had been received…
Outcome: 12/22/14: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Employee A will be sent a letter offering credit protection services.…
August 26, 2014
Reported as: WEST TEXAS HCS - 519
Issue: On August 11, 2014 at 9:00 AM a Veteran's daughter left a message at the front desk of the dental clinic requesting a return call regarding the status of her father's dentures. A dental assistant, later, returned her call and…
Outcome: 08/26/14: The Incident Resolution Service Team has determined that Veteran A will be sent a letter offering credit protection services due to full name and DoB being disclosed.…
December 9, 2013
Reported as: WEST TEXAS HCS - 519
Issue: On or around August 21, 2013 the ISO ran a SPAR for his weekly/monthly duties and came across an incident that showed that an employee had accessed her ex-husbands medical record.
Outcome: 12/09/13: Veteran A will be sent a notification letter.…
July 3, 2013
Reported as: WEST TEXAS HCS - 519
Issue: During an ongoing investigation a SPAR was ran by the ISO on an individual involved in the investigation and the other employee that was involved with the investigation showed up on the SPAR showing that she had access his medical…
Outcome: 07/03/13: Due to medical information being disclosed, Employee B will be sent a notification letter.…