This database was last updated in December 2015 ago and should only be used as a historical snapshot. More recent data on breaches affecting 500 or more people is available at the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services’ Breach Portal.

VA Sunshine Healthcare Network (VISN 8)

VISN 08 Orlando, FL

Mentioned in a privacy incident report created by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs on March 7, 2011. Also cited in 369 other reports.

Report ID: SPE000000059213, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Reported Entity: VISN 08 Orlando, FL


A mix-up of patient records resulted in Veteran A receiving Veteran B's records. Veteran A was at a clinic appointment when he started having chest pains. He was transported to a civilian hospital and his medical records were sent also. On Friday he received what he thought were his records, but upon opening the envelope he discovered another Veteran's records inside. We are making arrangements to personally retrieve the records and discover how the mix-up occurred and ascertain the full extent of the disclosure. Update: 03/08/11:Due to full name, SSN and date of birth being exposed, Veteran B will be offered credit protection services.


Discussed with Physician and his nurse that if they are going to mail PHI/PII to a veteran, then they should be the ones who actually perform that function. Both seemed agreeable and readily embraced the idea. This was also discussed through HAS channels, since we cannot confirm exactly who stuffed the envelope.

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