This database was last updated in December 2019 and should only be used as a historical snapshot. The data is current as of March 2019. More recent Physical Inspection Scores are available from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Ramsay House I
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Recent Inspection Results
According to data published by, the most recent inspection for Ramsay House I was December 4, 2017, in which it received a passing score.
This score was 6.3 points better than the average for New Hampshire (91.7).
Inspection History
Ramsay House I has had at least 2 physical inspections between 2013 and March 2019.
84 | October 6, 2015 |
98 | December 4, 2017 |
In a small percentage of cases, a HUD inspection may have taken place between the published reports and is not shown here. That is why we use a dotted line.
Source: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
Note: This database contains all inspection reports made available to the public by HUD from 2013 to March 2019. If a property is inspected multiple times within a short time period, it is possible that HUD has not publicly released all of those inspection scores. Data for multifamily complexes only includes facilities with an active HUD contract.