United Steelworkers Political Action Fund Independent Expenditures - 2008 cycle

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Total Spent


Supporting Candidates


Opposing Candidates


Totals Through: Oct. 23, 2008

This committee is active in the presidential race and has spent most of its money, $97,356, supporting Barack Obama.

States Where United Steelworkers Political Action Fund Has Been Active

Amount Spent
  • $2,000
  • $95,000

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Nov. 3, 2008 Support Barack Obama (DEM) President P American Products S -Yard Signs-Inv. $11,323
# Oct. 23, 2008 Support Barack Obama (DEM) President P Tigereye Promotions, LLC S -Buttons-Inv. #15255 $3,419
# Oct. 23, 2008 Support Barack Obama (DEM) President P American Products S -Cheer Mitt -Invoice $2,407
# Oct. 23, 2008 Support Barack Obama (DEM) President P Financial Innovations S -Shirts-Inv. #554419 $32,268
# Oct. 23, 2008 Support Barack Obama (DEM) President P Tigereye Promotions, LLC S -Buttons-Inv. #15107 $2,989
# Oct. 23, 2008 Support Barack Obama (DEM) President P Tigereye Promotions, LLC S -Buttons-Inv. #15255 $3,419
# Oct. 23, 2008 Support Barack Obama (DEM) President P Tigereye Promotions, LLC S -Buttons-Inv. #15107 $2,989
# Oct. 23, 2008 Support Barack Obama (DEM) President P USW General Fund S OCT 2008 USW Website $795
# Oct. 23, 2008 Support Barack Obama (DEM) President P Financial Innovations S -Shirts-Inv. #554419 $32,268
# Oct. 23, 2008 Support Barack Obama (DEM) President P American Products S -Cheer Mitt -Invoice $2,407
# Oct. 23, 2008 Support Barack Obama (DEM) President P USW General Fund S OCT 2008 USW Website $795
# Oct. 8, 2008 Support Barack Obama (DEM) President P USW General Fund S SEP 2008 USW Website $733
# Aug. 29, 2008 Support Barack Obama (DEM) President 00 USW General Fund S AUG 2008 USW Website $771
# Aug. 15, 2008 Support Barack Obama (DEM) President 00 USW General Fund S JUL 2008 USW Website $771