United Steelworkers Political Action Fund Independent Expenditures - 2016 cycle
See Other Cycles: 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026
Total Spent
Supporting Candidates
Opposing Candidates
Totals Through: Oct. 27, 2016
This committee is active in presidential and congressional races and has spent most of its money, $15,727, supporting Hillary Clinton.
States Where United Steelworkers Political Action Fund Has Been Active
Amount Spent
- $0
- $1,000
Recent Independent Expenditures
Date |
# | Nov. 4, 2016 | Support | Hillary Clinton (DEM) | President | United Steelworkers | Reimburse Transportation Costs - Steel Blitz | $748 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2016 | Support | Hillary Clinton (DEM) | President | American Products | INV# 23692 T-shirts - Hillary/Kaine (200) | $566 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2016 | Support | Hillary Clinton (DEM) | President | PDQ Printing | INV# 120352; 10,000 Clinton/Kaine Hard Hat Stickers | $579 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2016 | Support | Catherine Cortez Masto (DEM) | Senate | NV | PDQ Printing | Inv # 120352 - 1,500 Cortez Masto Hard Hat Stickers | $87 |
# | Oct. 27, 2016 | Support | Tom Nelson (DEM) | House | WI-8 | PDQ Printing | Inv # 120352 - 1,500 Nelson Hard Hat Stickers | $87 |
# | Oct. 27, 2016 | Support | Rick Nolan (DEM) | House | MN-8 | PDQ Printing | Inv # 120352 - 1,500 Nolan Hard Hat Stickers | $87 |
# | Oct. 27, 2016 | Support | Margaret Hassan (DEM) | Senate | NH | PDQ Printing | Inv # 120352 - 500 Hassan Hard Hat Stickers | $29 |
# | Oct. 27, 2016 | Support | Katie Mc Ginty (DEM) | Senate | PA | PDQ Printing | Inv # 120352 - 3,000 McGinty Hard Hat Stickers | $174 |
# | Oct. 27, 2016 | Support | Deborah Ross (DEM) | Senate | NC | PDQ Printing | Inv # 120352 - 2,000 Ross Hard Hat Stickers | $116 |
# | Oct. 19, 2016 | Support | Deborah Ross (DEM) | Senate | NC | United Steelworkers | Invoice # 206 - 500 Placards (Steelworkers for Deborah Ross) | $168 |
# | Sept. 30, 2016 | Support | Hillary Clinton (DEM) | President | Allegheny Commercial Printing | Inv # 161200 - Steelworkers for Clinton/Kaine Signs | $2,290 | |
# | Sept. 21, 2016 | Support | Ted Strickland (DEM) | Senate | OH | American Products | Invoice 23541 - Strickland T-Shirts | $857 |
# | Sept. 21, 2016 | Support | Katie Mc Ginty (DEM) | Senate | PA | American Products | Invoice 23541 - McGinty T-Shirts | $857 |
# | Sept. 21, 2016 | Support | Hillary Clinton (DEM) | President | American Products | Inv# 23541 & 23537 - Steelworkers for Hillary T-Shirts | $8,957 | |
# | Aug. 15, 2016 | Support | Hillary Clinton (DEM) | President | Ethix Ventures Inc. | Inv# 5408 Steelworkers for Hillary Buttons (2500) | $1,023 | |
# | July 22, 2016 | Support | Hillary Clinton (DEM) | President | Ethix Ventures Inc. | Inv# 5203 Steelworker for Hillary Buttons (500) | $265 | |
# | July 22, 2016 | Support | Hillary Clinton (DEM) | President | Ethix Ventures Inc. | Inv# 5203 Steelworker for Hillary Buttons (500) | $265 | |
# | June 29, 2016 | Support | Hillary Clinton (DEM) | President | Allegheny Commercial Printing | Inv. # 160882 - Steelworkers for Hillary Posters | $517 | |
# | June 29, 2016 | Support | Hillary Clinton (DEM) | President | Allegheny Commercial Printing | Inv. # 160882 - Steelworkers for Hillary Posters | $517 |
Date |