Service Employees International Union Committee On Political Education (Seiu Cope) Independent Expenditures - 2008 cycle
See Other Cycles: 2002 2004 2006 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026
Total Spent
Supporting Candidates
Opposing Candidates
Totals Through: Nov. 6, 2006
This committee is active in presidential and congressional races and has spent most of its money, $38,260,253, supporting Barack Obama.
States Where Service Employees International Union Committee On Political Education (Seiu Cope) Has Been Active
Amount Spent
- $3,000
- $2,871,000
Recent Independent Expenditures
Date | Position | Candidate | Race | State | Payee | Purpose | Amount | |
# | Dec. 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU United Healthcare Workers West | addl phonebanking | $35,568 | |
# | Dec. 8, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phone banking reported 11/1 | $12,867 | |
# | Dec. 4, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Mosaic | printed materials reported 10/30 | $4,473 | |
# | Nov. 24, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU United Healthcare Workers West | canvass staff & expense | $73,523 | |
# | Nov. 21, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Fenton Communications | internet ad production | $20,000 | |
# | Nov. 20, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Mosaic | yard signs | $20,811 | |
# | Nov. 20, 2008 | Oppose | Steve Chabot (REP) | House | OH-1 | SEIU Phone LLC | phonebanking | $1,277 |
# | Nov. 19, 2008 | Support | James Martin (DEM) | Senate | GA | Bryan Barash | GOTV internet tool | $3,000 |
# | Nov. 19, 2008 | Oppose | Erik Paulsen (REP) | House | MN-3 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $14,798 |
# | Nov. 18, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Fenton Communications | internet ad production | $20,000 | |
# | Nov. 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Mikelan Dogan | canvass Materials | $2,050 | |
# | Nov. 13, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Green Solutions | mailing DVD copies | $2,596 | |
# | Nov. 12, 2008 | Oppose | Erik Paulsen (REP) | House | MN-3 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $16,567 |
# | Nov. 12, 2008 | Oppose | Marilyn Musgrave (REP) | House | CO-4 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $15,005 |
# | Nov. 12, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Fenton Communications | internet ad production | $2,000 | |
# | Nov. 12, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU United Healthcare Workers West | canvass staff & expense | $123,528 | |
# | Nov. 12, 2008 | Support | Carol Shea Porter (DEM) | House | NH-1 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $16,109 |
# | Nov. 12, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $111,058 | |
# | Nov. 12, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $16,109 | |
# | Nov. 12, 2008 | Support | Jigar Madia (DEM) | House | MN-3 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $16,567 |
# | Nov. 5, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | TBWB Strategies | printing canvass literature | $6,453 | |
# | Nov. 5, 2008 | Oppose | Thelma Drake (REP) | House | VA-2 | The New Media Firm, Inc. | internet ads | $5,036 |
# | Nov. 3, 2008 | Support | Al Franken (DEM) | Senate | MN | The New Media Firm, Inc. | radio ads air 11/3-11/4 | $20,000 |
# | Nov. 3, 2008 | Support | Al Franken (DEM) | Senate | MN | TBWB Strategies | printing GOTV literature | $10,000 |
# | Nov. 3, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | TBWB Strategies | printing GOTV literature | $10,000 | |
# | Oct. 31, 2008 | Support | Jeanne Shaaheen (DEM) | Senate | NH | TBWB Strategies | printing canvass material | $961 |
# | Oct. 31, 2008 | Oppose | Marilyn Musgrave (REP) | House | CO-4 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $560 |
# | Oct. 31, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | TBWB Strategies | printing canvass material | $31,571 | |
# | Oct. 31, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $17,456 | |
# | Oct. 31, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | TBWB Strategies | printing and postage | $186,662 | |
# | Oct. 31, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | Shorr Johnson Magnus Strategic Media | ad production | $17,430 |
# | Oct. 30, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | SEIU Phone LLC | phonebanking | $14,794 | |
# | Oct. 30, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Accumail | mailing DVD copies | $6,676 | |
# | Oct. 30, 2008 | Oppose | Erik Paulsen (REP) | House | MN-3 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $16,470 |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Image Pointe | pins/buttons | $3,080 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Support | Elwyn Tinklenberg (DEM) | House | MN-6 | AMS Communications | printing and postage | $33,381 |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $17,560 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phone banking | $1,404 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Local 1000 | canvass staff & expenses | $2,000 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Local 199 | canvass staff & expenses | $50,000 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Mosaic | printed materials | $5,425 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Support | Elwyn Tinklenberg (DEM) | House | MN-6 | AMS Communications | printing an dmailing | $34,000 |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Oppose | Gordon Smith (REP) | Senate | OR | Pressflex LLC | Web Ad | $1,002 |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $109,000 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | Pressflex LLC | Web Ad | $1,002 |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | Newspaper National Network | web ad buy | $3,000 |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Oppose | Marilyn Musgrave (REP) | House | CO-4 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $15,101 |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Support | Carol Shea Porter (DEM) | House | NH-1 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $16,344 |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Support | Jigar Madia (DEM) | House | MN-3 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $17,530 |
# | Oct. 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | printed materials | $500 | |
# | Oct. 28, 2008 | Oppose | Erik Paulsen (REP) | House | MN-3 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $16,506 |
# | Oct. 28, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $16,621 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2008 | Support | Al Franken (DEM) | Senate | MN | AMS Communications | printing and mailing | $110,400 |
# | Oct. 27, 2008 | Support | Al Franken (DEM) | Senate | MN | AMS Communications | printing and postage | $110,400 |
# | Oct. 27, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Local 1000 | canvass staff & expenses | $21,000 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | TBWB Strategies | printing and postage | $170,662 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $16,593 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Compass Media group Inc | printing canvass literature | $28,460 | |
# | Oct. 26, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $1,000,000 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Oppose | Gordon Smith (REP) | Senate | OR | Blogads | internet ads | $1,002 |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | Blogads | internet ads | $1,002 |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Impact Priniting | printing literature | $569 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Support | Al Franken (DEM) | Senate | MN | Impact Priniting | printing literature | $569 |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU United Healthcare Workers West | canvass staff and expense | $250,000 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | TBWB Strategies | printing canvass literature | $30,900 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Support | Jeanne Shaaheen (DEM) | Senate | NH | TBWB Strategies | printing canvass literature | $3,635 |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Compass Media group Inc | printing canvass literature | $26,415 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Support | Martin Heinrich (DEM) | House | NM-1 | Compass Media group Inc | printing canvass literature | $4,365 |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Support | Teague Harry (DEM) | House | NM-2 | Compass Media group Inc | printing canvass literature | $2,100 |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebanking | $4,000 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Oppose | Gordon Smith (REP) | Senate | OR | | internet ads | $2,500 |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Support | Jigar Madia (DEM) | House | MN-3 | Impact Priniting | printing GOTV literature | $569 |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Oppose | Gordon Smith (REP) | Senate | OR | | internet ads | $2,500 |
# | Oct. 24, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | Newspaper National Network | internet ads | $3,000 |
# | Oct. 23, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $9,092 |
# | Oct. 23, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Local 1000 | canvass staff and expense | $21,000 | |
# | Oct. 23, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | TBWB Strategies | printing and mailing | $170,662 | |
# | Oct. 23, 2008 | Oppose | Thelma Drake (REP) | House | VA-2 | The New Media Firm, Inc. | internet ads | $3,500 |
# | Oct. 23, 2008 | Oppose | Bob Schaeffer (REP) | Senate | CO | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $33,798 |
# | Oct. 23, 2008 | Oppose | Thelma Drake (REP) | House | VA-2 | Jason Rosenbaum | Production of Internet ad | $300 |
# | Oct. 23, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $9,092 | |
# | Oct. 23, 2008 | Oppose | Erik Paulsen (REP) | House | MN-3 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $14,297 |
# | Oct. 23, 2008 | Oppose | Bob Schaeffer (REP) | Senate | CO | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $33,352 |
# | Oct. 23, 2008 | Oppose | Joe Knollenberg (REP) | House | MI-9 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $15,857 |
# | Oct. 23, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Mosaic | Posters & knicknacks for convention | $25,686 | |
# | Oct. 23, 2008 | Support | Jigar Madia (DEM) | House | MN-3 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $14,297 |
# | Oct. 23, 2008 | Oppose | Joe Knollenberg (REP) | House | MI-9 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $15,857 |
# | Oct. 22, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebanking | $1,404 | |
# | Oct. 22, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $16,975 | |
# | Oct. 22, 2008 | Oppose | Erik Paulsen (REP) | House | MN-3 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $14,040 |
# | Oct. 22, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | Shorr Johnson Magnus Strategic Media | TV AD | $582,000 |
# | Oct. 22, 2008 | Support | Jeff Merkley (DEM) | Senate | OR | The New Media Firm, Inc. | yv ads run 10/22+ | $420,000 |
# | Oct. 22, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Ossen Cardenas Media | radio ads | $35,000 | |
# | Oct. 22, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Ossen Cardenas Media | radio ads | $35,000 | |
# | Oct. 22, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | Shorr Johnson Magnus Strategic Media | TV ad production | $17,430 |
# | Oct. 21, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | MD/DC State Council, SEIU | canvass staff and expenss | $12,500 | |
# | Oct. 21, 2008 | Support | Frank Kratovil (DEM) | House | MD-1 | MD/DC State Council, SEIU | canvass staff and expenses | $12,500 |
# | Oct. 20, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebanking | $4,000 | |
# | Oct. 20, 2008 | Oppose | Erik Paulsen (REP) | House | MN-3 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $14,050 |
# | Oct. 20, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | TBWB Strategies | printing and mailing | $10,000 | |
# | Oct. 20, 2008 | Support | Al Franken (DEM) | Senate | MN | TBWB Strategies | printing and mailing | $10,000 |
# | Oct. 20, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Local 73 | canvass staff and expenses | $63,607 | |
# | Oct. 20, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Compass Media group Inc | printing literature | $28,920 | |
# | Oct. 19, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Illinois State Council | early vote promo material | $32,000 | |
# | Oct. 19, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Illinois State Council | newspaper ads | $20,000 | |
# | Oct. 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Local 1 | canvass staff & expenses | $142,241 | |
# | Oct. 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Healthcare IL-IN | canvass staff & expenses | $322,372 | |
# | Oct. 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Illinois State Council | radio ads | $125,000 | |
# | Oct. 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Illinois State Council | early vote promo materila | $42,000 | |
# | Oct. 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Illinois State Council | newspaper ads | $20,000 | |
# | Oct. 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Local 73 | canvass staff & expenses | $63,607 | |
# | Oct. 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | MD/DC State Council, SEIU | canvass staff & expenses | $12,500 | |
# | Oct. 17, 2008 | Support | Frank Kratovil (DEM) | House | MD-1 | MD/DC State Council, SEIU | canvass staff & expenses | $12,500 |
# | Oct. 17, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | Shorr Johnson Magnus Strategic Media | TV ad | $582,000 |
# | Oct. 17, 2008 | Support | Jeff Merkley (DEM) | Senate | OR | The New Media Firm, Inc. | tv ads run 10/22+ | $420,000 |
# | Oct. 17, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Fenton Communications | internet ads | $25,000 | |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Oppose | Bob Schaeffer (REP) | Senate | CO | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $32,505 |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Oppose | Steve Chabot (REP) | House | OH-1 | SEIU Phone LLC | phonebanking | $1,281 |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Oppose | Joe Knollenberg (REP) | House | MI-9 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $60,752 |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Illinois State Council | radio ads | $120,000 | |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Phone LLC | phonebanking | $4,000 | |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Oppose | Joe Knollenberg (REP) | House | MI-9 | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebanking | $1,939 |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Oppose | Bob Schaeffer (REP) | Senate | CO | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebanking | $3,090 |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $46,171 |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Support | Steve Driehaus (DEM) | House | OH-1 | SEIU Phone LLC | phonebanking | $4,000 |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Oppose | Erik Paulsen (REP) | House | MN-3 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $14,495 |
# | Oct. 16, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $16,751 |
# | Oct. 15, 2008 | Oppose | Joe Knollenberg (REP) | House | MI-9 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $15,771 |
# | Oct. 15, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU United Healthcare Workers West | phonebanking | $100,000 | |
# | Oct. 15, 2008 | Oppose | Steve Chabot (REP) | House | OH-1 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $17,344 |
# | Oct. 15, 2008 | Oppose | Joe Knollenberg (REP) | House | MI-9 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $15,771 |
# | Oct. 15, 2008 | Oppose | Steve Chabot (REP) | House | OH-1 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $17,344 |
# | Oct. 15, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | TBWB Strategies | printing and mailing | $172,008 | |
# | Oct. 15, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU United Healthcare Workers West | phonebanking | $100,000 | |
# | Oct. 15, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Illinois State Council | canvass expenses | $65,660 | |
# | Oct. 15, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Illinois State Council | canvass expenses | $65,660 | |
# | Oct. 15, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | TBWB Strategies | printing and mailing | $172,008 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Support | Jigar Madia (DEM) | House | MN-3 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $14,495 |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Fenton Communications | internet ads | $100,000 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Fenton Communications | internet ads | $25,000 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass with stars expenses | $50,000 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $1,300,000 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Local 615 | phonebank staff | $1,500 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Healthcare IL-IN | canvass staff and expenses | $315,808 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Illinois State Council | phonebank | $17,000 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Local 1 | canvass staff and expenses | $234,035 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Support | Jigar Madia (DEM) | House | MN-3 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $14,495 |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Fenton Communications | internet ads | $100,000 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Illinois State Council | phonebank | $17,000 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Local 615 | phonebank staff | $1,500 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Healthcare IL-IN | canvass staff and expenses | $315,808 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Local 1 | canvass staff and expenses | $234,035 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Fenton Communications | internet ads | $25,000 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $1,300,000 | |
# | Oct. 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass with stars expenses | $50,000 | |
# | Oct. 13, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Next Big Thing | Phonebanking | $15,000 | |
# | Oct. 13, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Activate | phonebanking | $5,000 | |
# | Oct. 13, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Compass Media group Inc | printing walk literature | $30,150 | |
# | Oct. 13, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Activate | phonebanking | $5,000 | |
# | Oct. 13, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Healthcare IL-IN | canvass staff wk end 10/11 | $6,564 | |
# | Oct. 13, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Compass Media group Inc | printing walk literature | $30,150 | |
# | Oct. 13, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Healthcare IL-IN | canvass staff wk end 10/11 | $6,564 | |
# | Oct. 13, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Next Big Thing | Phonebanking | $15,000 | |
# | Oct. 9, 2008 | Oppose | Bob Schaeffer (REP) | Senate | CO | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $34,668 |
# | Oct. 9, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expense | $250,000 | |
# | Oct. 9, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $9,610 | |
# | Oct. 9, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $9,610 |
# | Oct. 9, 2008 | Oppose | Bob Schaeffer (REP) | Senate | CO | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $34,668 |
# | Oct. 9, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expense | $250,000 | |
# | Oct. 9, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $9,610 | |
# | Oct. 9, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $9,610 |
# | Oct. 7, 2008 | Oppose | Joe Knollenberg (REP) | House | MI-9 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $15,771 |
# | Oct. 7, 2008 | Oppose | Joe Knollenberg (REP) | House | MI-9 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $15,771 |
# | Oct. 7, 2008 | Oppose | Steve Chabot (REP) | House | OH-1 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $17,344 |
# | Oct. 7, 2008 | Oppose | Steve Chabot (REP) | House | OH-1 | SEIU Local 1199 WV/KY/OH | phonebanking | $1,281 |
# | Oct. 7, 2008 | Oppose | Steve Chabot (REP) | House | OH-1 | MNP Partners Inc. | printing and mailing | $17,344 |
# | Oct. 7, 2008 | Oppose | Steve Chabot (REP) | House | OH-1 | SEIU Local 1199 WV/KY/OH | phonebanking | $1,281 |
# | Oct. 6, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Squier Knapp Dunn Communications | tv ad production costs | $75,000 | |
# | Oct. 6, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Squier Knapp Dunn Communications | tv ad production costs | $75,000 | |
# | Oct. 6, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Squier Knapp Dunn Communications | tv ads run 10/6+ | $1,012,500 | |
# | Oct. 6, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Squier Knapp Dunn Communications | tv ads run 10/6+ | $1,012,500 | |
# | Oct. 3, 2008 | Oppose | Joe Knollenberg (REP) | House | MI-9 | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebanking | $1,939 |
# | Oct. 3, 2008 | Oppose | Joe Knollenberg (REP) | House | MI-9 | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebanking | $1,939 |
# | Oct. 2, 2008 | Oppose | Joe Knollenberg (REP) | House | MI-9 | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing literature | $60,156 |
# | Oct. 2, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing literature | $8,680 | |
# | Oct. 2, 2008 | Oppose | Bob Schaeffer (REP) | Senate | CO | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing literature | $120,919 |
# | Oct. 2, 2008 | Oppose | Steve Chabot (REP) | House | OH-1 | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing literature | $71,194 |
# | Oct. 2, 2008 | Oppose | Steve Chabot (REP) | House | OH-1 | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebanking | $1,257 |
# | Oct. 2, 2008 | Oppose | Joe Knollenberg (REP) | House | MI-9 | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing literature | $60,156 |
# | Oct. 2, 2008 | Oppose | Bob Schaeffer (REP) | Senate | CO | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing literature | $120,919 |
# | Oct. 2, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing literature | $44,625 |
# | Oct. 2, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing literature | $8,680 |
# | Oct. 2, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing literature | $8,680 | |
# | Oct. 2, 2008 | Oppose | Steve Chabot (REP) | House | OH-1 | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing literature | $71,194 |
# | Oct. 2, 2008 | Oppose | Steve Chabot (REP) | House | OH-1 | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebanking | $1,257 |
# | Oct. 2, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing literature | $44,625 |
# | Oct. 2, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu (REP) | Senate | NH | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing literature | $8,680 |
# | Oct. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $50,000 | |
# | Oct. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $250,000 | |
# | Oct. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $50,000 | |
# | Oct. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Local 105 | canvass staff and expenses | $59,109 | |
# | Oct. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Local 105 | canvass staff and expenses | $6,308 | |
# | Oct. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Local 105 | canvass staff and expenses | $59,109 | |
# | Oct. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expense | $300,000 | |
# | Oct. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Local 105 | canvass staff and expenses | $6,308 | |
# | Oct. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $250,000 | |
# | Oct. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expense | $300,000 | |
# | Sept. 29, 2008 | Oppose | Thelma Drake (REP) | House | VA-2 | The New Media Firm, Inc. | tv ads run 9/29+ | $150,000 |
# | Sept. 29, 2008 | Oppose | Thelma Drake (REP) | House | VA-2 | The New Media Firm, Inc. | tv ads run 9/29+ | $150,000 |
# | Sept. 28, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $500,000 | |
# | Sept. 28, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $500,000 | |
# | Sept. 25, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $275,000 | |
# | Sept. 25, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $497,000 | |
# | Sept. 25, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $497,000 | |
# | Sept. 25, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Local 1199P | costs of rally | $7,000 | |
# | Sept. 25, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Local 1199P | costs of rally | $7,000 | |
# | Sept. 25, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $275,000 | |
# | Sept. 22, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | PR Newswire Inc | press release/fax service | $680 | |
# | Sept. 22, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | PR Newswire Inc | press release/fax service | $680 | |
# | Sept. 22, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebanks | $15,000 | |
# | Sept. 22, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebanks | $15,000 | |
# | Sept. 19, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | SEIU Local 1199 WV/KY/OH | phonebanking | $14,440 | |
# | Sept. 19, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | SEIU Local 1199 WV/KY/OH | phonebanking | $14,440 | |
# | Sept. 19, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebanking | $70,216 | |
# | Sept. 19, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebanking | $70,216 | |
# | Sept. 12, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Accumail | postage andmailing | $911 | |
# | Sept. 12, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Green Solutions | dvd production and shipping | $138,320 | |
# | Sept. 12, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Fenton Communications | create/produce TV ad | $19,248 | |
# | Sept. 12, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Media Strategies and Research | TV ads air 9/12+ | $1,973,000 | |
# | Sept. 12, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Accumail | postage and mailing | $49,911 | |
# | Sept. 12, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Media Strategies and Research | TV ads air 9/12+ | $1,973,000 | |
# | Sept. 12, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Green Solutions | dvd production and shipping | $138,320 | |
# | Sept. 12, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Fenton Communications | create/produce TV ad | $19,248 | |
# | Sept. 12, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Accumail | postage and mailing | $49,911 | |
# | Sept. 12, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Accumail | postage andmailing | $911 | |
# | Sept. 10, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Missouri Kansas State Council | canvass staff salary & expense | $255,261 | |
# | Sept. 10, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Local 199 | canvass staff salary & expense | $365,365 | |
# | Sept. 10, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU Local 199 | canvass staff salary & expense | $365,365 | |
# | Sept. 10, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Missouri Kansas State Council | canvass staff salary & expense | $255,261 | |
# | Sept. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Compass Media group Inc | printing literature for canvass | $43,421 | |
# | Sept. 1, 2008 | Support | Jigar Madia (DEM) | House | MN-3 | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $11,637 |
# | Sept. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $1,060,000 | |
# | Sept. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $229,975 | |
# | Sept. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | cost of Road to Health Care tour | $50,000 | |
# | Sept. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $229,975 | |
# | Sept. 1, 2008 | Support | Tim Walz (DEM) | House | MN-1 | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $11,637 |
# | Sept. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $1,060,000 | |
# | Sept. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Compass Media group Inc | printing literature for canvass | $43,421 | |
# | Sept. 1, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | The New Media Firm, Inc. | radio ads air 9/1+ | $8,273 | |
# | Sept. 1, 2008 | Support | Tim Walz (DEM) | House | MN-1 | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $11,637 |
# | Sept. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | cost of Road to Health Care tour | $50,000 | |
# | Sept. 1, 2008 | Support | Jigar Madia (DEM) | House | MN-3 | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $11,637 |
# | Sept. 1, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | The New Media Firm, Inc. | radio ads air 9/1+ | $8,273 | |
# | Aug. 25, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama | President | SEIU General Fund | communications areound Democratic Conven | $20,000 | |
# | Aug. 25, 2008 | Support | Timothy Walz | House | MN-3 | MNP Partners | printing and mailing | $6,250 |
# | Aug. 25, 2008 | Support | Al Franken | Senate | MN | Lit Happens | printing and mailing | $5,250 |
# | Aug. 25, 2008 | Support | Jiger Madia | House | MN-1 | MNP Partners | printing and mailing | $6,250 |
# | Aug. 25, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama | President | SEIU General Fund | canvass staff costs | $1,000,000 | |
# | Aug. 21, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expense | $241,908 | |
# | Aug. 21, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expense | $241,908 | |
# | Aug. 18, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $2,531,307 | |
# | Aug. 18, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expenses | $2,531,307 | |
# | Aug. 13, 2008 | Oppose | John Sununu | Senate | NH | Squier Knapp Dunn Communications | television ads | $600,000 |
# | Aug. 13, 2008 | Oppose | Gordon Smith | Senate | OR | The New Media Firm Inc | television and radio ads | $500,000 |
# | Aug. 10, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expense | $277,973 | |
# | Aug. 10, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff and expense | $277,973 | |
# | Aug. 4, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Peter D. Hart Research Associates, Inc. | Polling and research for web posting | $56,000 | |
# | Aug. 4, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Peter D. Hart Research Associates, Inc. | Polling and research for web posting | $56,000 | |
# | Aug. 4, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | reimb staff time for website | $110 | |
# | Aug. 4, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | reimb staff time for website | $110 | |
# | Aug. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Mosaic | rally signs | $4,417 | |
# | Aug. 1, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Mosaic | rally signs | $4,417 | |
# | July 31, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | PR Newswire Inc | Press release dist 7/29 | $415 | |
# | July 31, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | PR Newswire Inc | Press release dist 7/29 | $415 | |
# | July 30, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | canvass staff/exp start 7/28 | $918,720 | |
# | July 22, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | door-to-door canvass staff & costs | $35,000 | |
# | July 22, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | door-to-door canvass staff & costs | $35,000 | |
# | July 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | door-todoor canvass staff and expenses | $96,379 | |
# | July 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | door-todoor canvass staff and expenses | $96,379 | |
# | July 17, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | costs of anti-greed events | $50,000 | |
# | July 17, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | cost of Road to Health Care bus tour | $50,000 | |
# | July 17, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | costs of anti-greed events | $50,000 | |
# | July 17, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | cost of Road to Health Care bus tour | $50,000 | |
# | June 26, 2008 | Support | Gerry Connolly | House | VA-11 | Mack/Crounse Group LLC | printing & mailing 6/4+ | $32,508 |
# | June 24, 2008 | Support | Bill Foster (DEM) | House | IL-14 | The New Media Firm, Inc. | media buying expense | $10,285 |
# | June 24, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | The New Media Firm, Inc. | mobile billboard | $14 |
# | June 10, 2008 | Support | Travis Childers (DEM) | House | MS-1 | SEIU Communications Center Inc | GOTV Phonebank 5/11-12 | $27,472 |
# | June 4, 2008 | Support | Connelly Gerry (DEM) | House | VA-11 | Mack Crounse Group | printing and mailing 6/4+ | $32,506 |
# | May 31, 2008 | Support | Gary Connelly (DEM) | House | VA-11 | SEIU Communications Center Inc | Phonebank starting 5/31 | $14,857 |
# | May 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Mt) (DEM) | President | MT | M & R Strategic Services | printing and mailing | $12,500 |
# | May 28, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Brendel's Eatery of New York | election day rally food expense | $311 |
# | May 28, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Horizon Bus Inc. | election day rally bus rental | $1,450 |
# | May 26, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Mt) (DEM) | President | MT | M & R Strategic Services | printing and mailing distributed 5/28 | $12,264 |
# | May 26, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Mt) (DEM) | President | MT | M & R Strategic Services | phonebanking start 5/30 | $10,000 |
# | May 26, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Mt) (DEM) | President | MT | M & R Strategic Services | phonebanking start 5/30 | $10,000 |
# | May 26, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Mt) (DEM) | President | MT | M & R Strategic Services | printing and mailing distributed 5/28 | $12,264 |
# | May 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Or) (DEM) | President | OR | The Strategy Group | printing and mailing | $5,119 |
# | May 14, 2008 | Support | Jeff Merkley (DEM) | Senate | OR | Local 49 | printing and mailing | $21,651 |
# | May 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Or) (DEM) | President | OR | Local 49 | printing and mailing | $21,651 |
# | May 14, 2008 | Support | Jeff Merkley (DEM) | Senate | OR | The Strategy Group | printing and mailing | $5,119 |
# | May 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Or) (DEM) | President | OR | Local 49 | printing and mailing | $21,651 |
# | May 14, 2008 | Support | Jeff Merkley (DEM) | Senate | OR | Local 49 | printing and mailing | $21,651 |
# | May 8, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Mt) (DEM) | President | MT | M & R Strategic Services | printing and mailing | $22,500 |
# | May 8, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Mt) (DEM) | President | MT | M & R Strategic Services | printing and mailing | $22,500 |
# | May 2, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $105,048 |
# | May 2, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $59,190 |
# | May 2, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $59,190 |
# | May 2, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $105,048 |
# | April 30, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $105,048 |
# | April 30, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Dudley Media | TV ads air 4/30+ | $475,000 |
# | April 30, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | cost of HealthCare Bus tour | $50,000 | |
# | April 30, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | SEIU (General Fund) | cost of HealthCare Bus tour | $50,000 | |
# | April 30, 2008 | Support | Don Cazayoux (DEM) | House | LA-6 | The New Media Firm, Inc. | TV Ads air 4/30+ | $150,000 |
# | April 30, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $105,048 |
# | April 30, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Shorr Johnson Magnus Strategic Media | TV ad production | $25,000 |
# | April 30, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Dudley Media | TV ads air 4/30+ | $475,000 |
# | April 30, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Shorr Johnson Magnus Strategic Media | TV ad production | $25,000 |
# | April 30, 2008 | Support | Don Cazayoux (DEM) | House | LA-6 | The New Media Firm, Inc. | TV Ads air 4/30+ | $150,000 |
# | April 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebank | $150,000 |
# | April 29, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Squier Knapp Dunn Communications | tv ads air 4/29+ | $1,500,000 | |
# | April 29, 2008 | Support | Andre Carson (DEM) | House | IN-7 | The New Media Firm, Inc. | TV ads air 4/29+ | $150,000 |
# | April 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $66,780 |
# | April 29, 2008 | Oppose | John Mc Cain (REP) | President | Squier Knapp Dunn Communications | tv ads air 4/29+ | $1,500,000 | |
# | April 29, 2008 | Support | Andre Carson (DEM) | House | IN-7 | The New Media Firm, Inc. | TV ads air 4/29+ | $150,000 |
# | April 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $66,780 |
# | April 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebank | $150,000 |
# | April 25, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $48,125 |
# | April 25, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $48,125 |
# | April 24, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $58,860 |
# | April 24, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (In) (DEM) | President | IN | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $58,860 |
# | April 20, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | SEIU Local 32BJ | door-to-door canvass expenses | $3,600 |
# | April 20, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Dudley Media | TV ads air 4/20+ | $140,000 |
# | April 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | The New Media Firm, Inc. | mobile billboard | $16,568 |
# | April 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $53,864 |
# | April 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Dudley Media | TV ads production | $24,000 |
# | April 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Dudley Media | TV ads air 4/17+ | $600,000 |
# | April 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Compass Media group Inc | printing literature | $24,200 |
# | April 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $127,062 |
# | April 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebank | $100,000 |
# | April 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | The New Media Firm, Inc. | mobile billboard | $6,360 |
# | April 16, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $55,691 |
# | April 16, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $122,043 |
# | April 15, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $77,232 |
# | April 14, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $74,237 |
# | April 12, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $74,970 |
# | April 9, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $90,598 |
# | April 9, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebank 4/10+ | $100,000 |
# | April 8, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing cost | $74,237 |
# | April 6, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | SEIU (General Fund) | door to door canvass staff and expense | $700,000 |
# | April 6, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Compass Media group Inc | printing literature for canvass | $39,692 |
# | March 28, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Tx) (DEM) | President | TX | The Tyson Organization | phonebank expense | $20,104 |
# | March 25, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | Compass Media group Inc | printing | $3,120 |
# | March 19, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | SEIU (General Fund) | door-to-door canvass voter id/reg 3/17+ | $147,765 |
# | March 19, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | SEIU Local 32BJ | door-to-door canvas voter ID/Reg 3/17+ | $14,064 |
# | March 19, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Pa) (DEM) | President | PA | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebank voter ID / reg 3/17+ | $84,720 |
# | March 3, 2008 | Support | Bill Foster (DEM) | House | IL-14 | The New Media Firm, Inc. | TV ads air 3/3 + | $225,000 |
# | Feb. 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Tx) (DEM) | President | TX | SEIU (General Fund) | cost of door-to-door canvass | $55,000 |
# | Feb. 29, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Tx) (DEM) | President | TX | SEIU (General Fund) | cost of door-to-door canvass | $120,000 |
# | Feb. 28, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Tx) (DEM) | President | TX | SEIU (General Fund) | cost of door-to-door canvass | $300,000 |
# | Feb. 28, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Oh) (DEM) | President | OH | SEIU (General Fund) | costs of door-to-door canvass | $300,000 |
# | Feb. 28, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Tx) (DEM) | President | TX | The Tyson Organization | phonebank persuasion and GOTV | $162,139 |
# | Feb. 27, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Oh) (DEM) | President | OH | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing literature | $297,337 |
# | Feb. 27, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Oh) (DEM) | President | OH | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing | $16,690 |
# | Feb. 25, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Tx) (DEM) | President | TX | Squier Knapp Dunn Communications | printing and postage | $299,000 |
# | Feb. 25, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Tx) (DEM) | President | TX | The Tyson Organization | phonebank persuasion and GOTV | $87,861 |
# | Feb. 25, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Wi) (DEM) | President | WI | Squier Knapp Dunn Communications | printing for canvass materials GOTV | $1,000 |
# | Feb. 21, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Tx) (DEM) | President | TX | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phonebank persuasion and GOTV | $50,000 |
# | Feb. 21, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Oh) (DEM) | President | OH | SEIU (General Fund) | cost of door-to-door canvass | $125,000 |
# | Feb. 21, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Tx) (DEM) | President | TX | Squier Knapp Dunn Communications | tv spots air 2/29+ | $700,000 |
# | Feb. 21, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Tx) (DEM) | President | TX | Squier Knapp Dunn Communications | tv spots air 2/26+ | $700,000 |
# | Feb. 21, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Oh) (DEM) | President | OH | The New Media Firm, Inc. | TV ads air 2/26+ | $699,600 |
# | Feb. 21, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Oh) (DEM) | President | OH | The New Media Firm, Inc. | TV ads air 2/29+ | $699,600 |
# | Feb. 21, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Oh) (DEM) | President | OH | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing lit. dist 2/23 | $14,210 |
# | Feb. 20, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Wi) (DEM) | President | WI | SEIU (General Fund) | reimbursed cost for GOTV canvass workers | $165,000 |
# | Feb. 19, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Oh) (DEM) | President | OH | Compass Media group Inc | printing and mailing lit. dist 2/23 | $102,682 |
# | Feb. 17, 2008 | Support | Barack Obama (Wi) (DEM) | President | WI | SEIU Communications Center Inc | phone banking GOTV | $74,800 |
# | Feb. 11, 2008 | Support | Donna Edwards (DEM) | House | MD-4 | Urban Projects, Inc | workers for voter contact | $25,000 |
# | Feb. 9, 2008 | Support | Donna Edwards (DEM) | House | MD-4 | Linemark Printing | printing leaflets (estimate) | $1,232 |
# | Feb. 6, 2008 | Support | Donna Edwards (DEM) | House | MD-4 | Urban Projects, Inc | workers for voter contact starting 2/2 | $100,000 |
# | Feb. 5, 2008 | Support | Donna Edwards (DEM) | House | MD-4 | The New Media Firm, Inc. | internet ads running 2/2+ | $26,000 |
# | Feb. 2, 2008 | Support | Donna Edwards (DEM) | House | MD-4 | Image Pointe | t-shirts for canvass workers | $2,240 |
# | Feb. 1, 2008 | Support | Donna Edwards (DEM) | House | MD-4 | Squier Knapp Dunn Communications | TV spots air 2/1 + | $470,060 |
# | Jan. 7, 2008 | Oppose | Albert Wynn (DEM) | House | MD-4 | Squier Knapp Dunn Communications | media buy airing 1/7 | $250,060 |
# | Nov. 6, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | PA-4 | canvass workers | $5,200 | |
# | Nov. 6, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | OR-5 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $4,049 | |
# | Nov. 6, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | IA-1 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $3,036 | |
# | Nov. 6, 2006 | Support | House | PA-6 | canvass workers | $11,600 | ||
# | Nov. 6, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | OR-5 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $2,024 | |
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | IN-9 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $2,906 | |
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | Senate | MD | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $2,538 | ||
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | House | MN-6 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $6,372 | ||
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | NH-2 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $2,024 | |
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | WI-8 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $1,235 | |
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | House | VA-2 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $3,715 | ||
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | Senate | VA | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $247 | ||
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | PA-10 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $2,125 | |
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | PA-7 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $5,813 | |
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | House | PA-6 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $4,539 | ||
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | PA-4 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $4,605 | |
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | Senate | OH | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $9,161 | ||
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | OH-15 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $4,117 | |
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | House | OH-1 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $5,044 | ||
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | AZ-5 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $12,125 | |
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | CO-7 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $2,451 | |
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | FL-16 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $6,218 | |
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | FL-22 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $3,259 | |
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | IA-1 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $770 | |
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | IN-2 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $3,771 | |
# | Nov. 4, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | IN-8 | reimbursed staff time for canvass | $3,932 | |
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | PA-7 | phone bank | $5,424 | |
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | House | NV-3 | canvass personnel and expense | $20,000 | ||
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | House | NV-3 | canvass personnel and expenses | $6,280 | ||
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | IA-1 | phone bank | $500 | |
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | PA-4 | phone bank | $6,585 | |
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | House | OH-1 | canvass workers | $16,830 | ||
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | Senate | OH | printing literature | $12,451 | ||
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | Senate | OH | radio media buy | $250,000 | ||
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Oppose | (REP) | House | PA-4 | postage | $8,281 | |
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | MN-1 | printing for mailing | $25,128 | |
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | MN-1 | printing | $4,500 | |
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | WA-8 | printing literature | $2,800 | |
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | House | NV-3 | printing literature | $4,550 | ||
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | WI-8 | canvass workers | $14,448 | |
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | House | NV-3 | canvass workers | $15,988 | ||
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | House | OH-1 | canvass workers | $4,460 | ||
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | PA-4 | canvass workers | $3,045 | |
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | WA-8 | canvass workers | $37,848 | |
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | House | PA-6 | canvass workers | $6,317 | ||
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | PA-7 | canvass workers | $5,143 | |
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | House | PA-6 | phone bank | $5,424 | ||
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | PA-10 | phone bank | $5,424 | |
# | Nov. 3, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | WI-8 | phone bank | $5,897 | |
# | Nov. 2, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | WI-8 | phone bank | $14,324 | |
# | Nov. 2, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | WA-8 | phone bank | $32,989 | |
# | Nov. 2, 2006 | Support | House | NV-3 | phone bank | $7,312 | ||
# | Nov. 2, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | MN-1 | phone bank | $34,734 | |
# | Nov. 2, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | MN-1 | postage and printing | $15,750 | |
# | Nov. 2, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | WI-8 | phone bank | $9,174 | |
# | Nov. 2, 2006 | Support | House | VA-2 | phone bank | $17,757 | ||
# | Nov. 2, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | PA-10 | phone bank | $14,406 | |
# | Nov. 2, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | PA-7 | phone bank | $10,819 | |
# | Nov. 2, 2006 | Support | House | PA-6 | phone bank | $10,819 | ||
# | Nov. 2, 2006 | Support | House | MN-6 | phone bank | $9,174 | ||
# | Nov. 2, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | MN-1 | phone bank | $5,475 | |
# | Nov. 2, 2006 | Support | (DEM) | House | AZ-5 | phone bank | $9,174 |