Seiu Cope (Service Employees International Union Committee On Political Education) Independent Expenditures - 2010 cycle

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This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $3,289,625, supporting Bill Halter.

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Dec. 27, 2010 Support Raul Grijalva (DEM) House AZ-7 SEIU-CC, LLC phonebanking on election day; no 24hr notice required $9,270
# Dec. 15, 2010 Oppose John Loughlin (REP) House RI-1 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/20 previously reported as memo item $6,423
# Dec. 15, 2010 Oppose John Loughlin (REP) House RI-1 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/22 previously reported as memo item $6,423
# Dec. 15, 2010 Support David Cicilline (DEM) House RI-1 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/18 previously reported as memo item $6,423
# Dec. 15, 2010 Support David Cicilline (DEM) House RI-1 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/21 previously reported as memo item $2,600
# Dec. 15, 2010 Support David Cicilline (DEM) House RI-1 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/18 previous memo item $2,862
# Oct. 27, 2010 Oppose Jim Renacci (REP) House OH-16 eye2eye communications printing and mailing on 10/27 $12,350
# Oct. 27, 2010 Oppose Jeff Perry (REP) House MA-10 Mission Control Inc printing and mailing on 10/27 $32,820
# Oct. 27, 2010 Support Joe Garcia (DEM) House FL-25 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/27 $33,000
# Oct. 27, 2010 Oppose Joe Heck (REP) House NV-3 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/27 $28,000
# Oct. 27, 2010 Support Robin Carnahan (DEM) Senate MO SEIU-CC, LLC phonebanking starting 10/27 $1,000
# Oct. 25, 2010 Support Robin Carnahan (DEM) Senate MO Mack/Crounse Group LLC printing and mailing 10/25 $4,971
# Oct. 25, 2010 Support Joe Garcia (DEM) House FL-25 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/25 $33,000
# Oct. 25, 2010 Oppose Jeff Perry (REP) House MA-10 Mission Control Inc printing and mailing on 10/25 $32,820
# Oct. 25, 2010 Oppose Jim Renacci (REP) House OH-16 eye2eye communications printing and mailing on 10/25 $12,350
# Oct. 22, 2010 Oppose John Loughlin (REP) House RI-1 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/22 $6,423
# Oct. 22, 2010 Oppose Jim Renacci (REP) House OH-16 eye2eye communications printing and mailing on 10/22 $12,350
# Oct. 22, 2010 Oppose Bobby Schilling (REP) House IL-17 Mission Control Inc printing and mailing on 10/22 $27,000
# Oct. 22, 2010 Oppose Jeff Perry (REP) House MA-10 Mission Control Inc printing and mailing on 10/22 $33,000
# Oct. 22, 2010 Oppose Bobby Schilling (REP) House IL-17 Mission Control Inc printing and mailing on 10/22 $27,000
# Oct. 22, 2010 Oppose David Rivera (REP) House FL-25 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/22 $33,000
# Oct. 21, 2010 Support Robin Carnahan (DEM) Senate MO Mack/Crounse Group LLC printing and mailing 10/21 $4,971
# Oct. 21, 2010 Support David Cicilline (DEM) House RI-1 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/21 $2,600
# Oct. 21, 2010 Support Thomas Perriello (DEM) House VA-5 The New Media Firm, Inc. radio ads 10/21+ $33,761
# Oct. 20, 2010 Oppose David Rivera (REP) House FL-25 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/20 $30,532
# Oct. 20, 2010 Oppose John Loughlin (REP) House RI-1 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/20 $6,423
# Oct. 20, 2010 Oppose Sharron Angle (REP) Senate NV Media Strategies and Res TV ads 10/20+ $225,000
# Oct. 20, 2010 Oppose Jeff Perry (REP) House MA-10 Mission Control Inc printing and mailing on 10/20 $33,000
# Oct. 20, 2010 Oppose Bobby Schilling (REP) House IL-17 Mission Control Inc printing and mailing on 10/20 $27,000
# Oct. 20, 2010 Support Dina Titus (DEM) House NV-3 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/20 $24,000
# Oct. 19, 2010 Oppose Roy Blunt (REP) House MO-7 Mack/Crounse Group LLC printing and mailing 10/19 $4,971
# Oct. 19, 2010 Oppose Todd Young (REP) House IN-9 The New Media Firm, Inc. TV ads 10/19+ $88,137
# Oct. 19, 2010 Oppose Todd Young (REP) House IN-9 The New Media Firm, Inc. radio ads 10/19+ $89,519
# Oct. 18, 2010 Oppose David Rivera (REP) House FL-25 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/18 $30,532
# Oct. 18, 2010 Support David Cicilline (DEM) House RI-1 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/18 $2,862
# Oct. 18, 2010 Support David Cicilline (DEM) House RI-1 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/18 $6,423
# Oct. 18, 2010 Oppose Jeff Perry (REP) House MA-10 Mission Control Inc printing and mailing on 10/18 $33,000
# Oct. 13, 2010 Oppose Bobby Schilling (REP) House IL-17 The New Media Firm, Inc. radio ads 10/13+ $21,324
# Oct. 13, 2010 Oppose Bobby Schilling (REP) House IL-17 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ads 10/13+ $296,137
# Oct. 13, 2010 Oppose Jim Renacci (REP) House OH-16 The New Media Firm, Inc. billboard ad 10/11+ $5,737
# Oct. 12, 2010 Oppose Roy Blunt (REP) House MO-7 Mack/Crounse Group LLC printing and mailing 10/12 $5,000
# Oct. 8, 2010 Oppose Tom Ganley (REP) House OH-13 The New Media Firm, Inc. radio ads 10/6+ $196,889
# Oct. 1, 2010 Support Cedric Richmond (DEM) House LA-2 Fuse Advertising radio ads 10/12+ $99,950
# Oct. 1, 2010 Oppose Joe Heck (REP) House NV-3 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/5; 24 hr notice estiamted 25,000 $23,439
# Oct. 1, 2010 Oppose Joe Heck (REP) House NV-3 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/1 24hr notice est was 25000 $23,439
# Oct. 1, 2010 Oppose Joe Heck (REP) House NV-3 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 9/28; previous memo item for 25,000 $23,439
# Oct. 1, 2010 Oppose Joe Heck (REP) House NV-3 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 9/24; previously memo item for 25,000 $27,502
# Oct. 1, 2010 Oppose Joe Heck (REP) House NV-3 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 10/8; 24hr notice estiamted 25,000 $23,819
# Sept. 30, 2010 Oppose Tim Walberg (REP) House MI-7 Mission Control Inc printing and mailing on 9/30 $30,000
# Sept. 28, 2010 Oppose Joe Heck (REP) House NV-3 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 9/28 $25,000
# Sept. 24, 2010 Oppose Joe Heck (REP) House NV-3 Moxie Media Inc. printing and mailing on 9/24 $25,000
# Sept. 17, 2010 Oppose Tim Walberg (REP) House MI-7 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ad production and air time start 9/18 $230,000
# Sept. 17, 2010 Oppose Jim Renacci (REP) House OH-16 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ad production and air time start 9/18 $435,000
# Aug. 19, 2010 Support Kendrick Meek (DEM) Senate FL SEIU-CC, LLC phonebanking starting 8/19 $42,000
# Aug. 18, 2010 Oppose Jeff Greene (DEM) Senate FL 4900 Group LLC printing and mailing on 8/18 $29,906
# Aug. 16, 2010 Oppose Jeff Greene (DEM) Senate FL 4900 Group LLC printing and mailing on 8/16 $29,906
# Aug. 13, 2010 Oppose Jeff Greene (DEM) Senate FL 4900 Group LLC printing and mailing on 8/13 $29,906
# Aug. 11, 2010 Oppose Jeff Greene (DEM) Senate FL 4900 Group LLC printing and mailing on 8/11 $29,906
# Aug. 9, 2010 Support Michael Bennet (DEM) Senate CO SEIU-CC, LLC phonebanking $4,000
# Aug. 7, 2010 Support Michael Bennet (DEM) Senate CO SEIU-CC, LLC phonebanking starting 8/7 $6,000
# Aug. 4, 2010 Support Michael Bennet (DEM) Senate CO SEIU-CC, LLC phonebanking start 8/4 $40,000
# July 31, 2010 Oppose Roy Blunt (REP) House MO-7 American Express on - line ad previously reported as memo item and 4/28 24-hr notice $40,000
# July 31, 2010 Oppose Roy Blunt (REP) House MO-7 internet ads paid for thru American Express $5,000
# July 31, 2010 Oppose Roy Blunt (REP) House MO-7 Riverfront Times internet ads paid for thru American Express $5,000
# July 31, 2010 Oppose Roy Blunt (REP) House MO-7 internet ads paid for thru American Express $5,000
# July 31, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR American Express on line ads prev memo item and 24-hr notice of 5/25 $5,000
# July 31, 2010 Oppose Roy Blunt (REP) House MO-7 Google memo item for internet ads paid for thru American Express $25,000
# July 31, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR Google internet ads paid for thru American Express $1,000
# July 31, 2010 Oppose Blanche Lincoln (DEM) Senate AR Google on lines ads paid for thru american express $4,000
# July 6, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR SEIU-CC, LLC phonebank 6/7+ previously memo item $76,503
# June 6, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. newpaper ad 6/6 $46,673
# June 4, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ad buy 6/4+ $10,737
# June 2, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ads air 6/2+ $369,441
# June 2, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. production of tv ads $12,968
# June 1, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR Ourso Beychok Johnson printing doorhangers first dist 6/1 $9,000
# June 1, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR Mission Control Inc printing flyers first distributed 5/28 $500
# May 27, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ads air 5/27+ for primary runoff $307,308
# May 26, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR SEIU-CC, LLC phonebanking previously reported as memo est 5/14 $25,973
# May 25, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR Google internet ads start 5/25 $1,000
# May 25, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR Switchboard Communicatio phonecalls starting 5/25 $6,019
# May 25, 2010 Oppose Blanche Lincoln (DEM) Senate AR Google internet ads start 5/25 $4,000
# May 24, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR SEIU-CC, LLC phonebanking start 5/24 for primary runoff $100,000
# May 24, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR Field Strategies Inc door-to-door canvass $100,000
# May 20, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ads air 5/20+ for primary runoff $445,930
# May 20, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. expenses for 5/20 tv spots runoff $5,500
# May 19, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR Switchboard Communicatio phonebanking originally reported 5/12 24hr notice $8,438
# May 17, 2010 Oppose Tim Burns (REP) House PA-12 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ads run 5/13+ special general $200,000
# May 13, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR SEIU-CC, LLC phonebanking 5/13+ $81,000
# May 13, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. tv adds run 5/13+ $250,000
# May 13, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR Switchboard Communicatio phonebanking reported on 5/12 24hr notice $19,968
# May 12, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. production costs radio ads first reported 5/6 $4,000
# May 11, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR Grove Insight research for ads, previously reported a memo item 4/29 $35,400
# May 11, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. addl production cost tv spots reported 5/1 $4,748
# May 11, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR SeeChange Media production cost radio ads (24hr report 5/6) $4,144
# May 11, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. internet ads reported on 4/30 24hr notice $60,000
# May 7, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. addl tv ad production cost; first reported 5/1 $17,505
# May 7, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. addl tv ad production cost; first reported 5/1 $6,627
# May 7, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR Field Strategies Inc door-to-door Canvass $102,985
# May 7, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ad production cost included on 4/30 24 hr notice $14,103
# May 7, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ad production costs part of 4/30 24hr notice $19,053
# May 7, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. addl radio ad production cost; first reported 5/6 $22,035
# May 6, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. radio ads starting 5/6 $50,179
# April 30, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ads 4/30+ time and production $712,198
# April 30, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. radio ads starting 4/30+ time and production $174,291
# April 29, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR The New Media Firm, Inc. internet ads $100,000
# April 29, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR Grove Insight research for IE ads $35,400
# April 28, 2010 Oppose Roy Blunt (REP) House MO-7 American Express internet ads pd via credit cards for google, stlouistoday, riverfront times and $40,000
# April 28, 2010 Oppose Roy Blunt (REP) House MO-7 Fenton Communications ad production and consulting $22,800
# April 23, 2010 Support Bill Halter (DEM) Senate AR SEIU-CC, LLC phonebanking $44,000
# March 24, 2010 Support Dina Titus (DEM) House NV-3 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ads run 3/24+ $159,217
# March 24, 2010 Support Earl Pomeroy (DEM) House ND The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ads run 3/24+ $33,368
# March 24, 2010 Support Thomas Perriello (DEM) House VA-5 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv adds run 3/24+ $77,986
# March 24, 2010 Support Kathy Dahlkemper (DEM) House PA-3 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ads run 3/24+ $42,787
# March 24, 2010 Support John Boccieri (DEM) House OH-16 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ads run 3/24+ $137,162
# March 24, 2010 Support Elizabeth Markey (DEM) House CO-4 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ads run 3/24+ $194,561
# Jan. 28, 2010 Support Barack Obama President SEIU Health & Welfare Fu revised cost door-to-door canvass staff expenses $136,597
# Jan. 25, 2010 Support Martha Coakley (DEM) Senate MA SEIU-CC, LLC phone banking MA Sen special election prev reported as memo item $22,000
# Jan. 25, 2010 Support Martha Coakley (DEM) Senate MA SEIU-CC, LLC phonebanking MA Sen special election previously reported as memo item $57,980
# Jan. 14, 2010 Oppose Scott Brown (REP) Senate MA American Express internet ads Boston Herald paid via credit card $5,000
# Jan. 14, 2010 Oppose Scott Brown (REP) Senate MA American Express credit card paid for Google Ad words $4,862
# Jan. 14, 2010 Oppose Scott Brown (REP) Senate MA American Express USA Today internet ads paid via credit card $5,000
# Jan. 14, 2010 Oppose Scott Brown (REP) Senate MA American Express pressflex internet ads paid via credit card $150
# Jan. 14, 2010 Oppose Scott Brown (REP) Senate MA American Express internet ads paid via credit card $5,000
# Jan. 13, 2010 Support Martha Coakley (DEM) Senate MA Squier Knapp Dunn Commun tv ads Special general air 1/13+ $665,000
# Dec. 7, 2009 Support Martha Coakley (DEM) Senate MA SEIU-CC, LLC phonebanking Senate Spec General $14,439
# Dec. 3, 2009 Support Martha Coakley (DEM) Senate MA SEIU-CC, LLC phonebank for Special General $65,000
# Dec. 2, 2009 Support Martha Coakley (DEM) Senate MA The New Media Firm, Inc. radio ads $214,449
# Nov. 30, 2009 Support Bill Owens (DEM) House NY-23 Squier Knapp Dunn Commun production costs radio ad $8,000
# Nov. 25, 2009 Support Barack Obama President SEIU Local 105 door to door canvass expense for voter id and GOTV $321,199
# Nov. 24, 2009 Support Barack Obama President Erika Gomez door to door canvass expenses for voter ID and GOTV $3,510
# Nov. 20, 2009 Support Michael Michaud (DEM) House ME-2 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ad $119,055
# Nov. 20, 2009 Support Earl Pomeroy (DEM) House ND The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ad $142,051
# Nov. 20, 2009 Support Dina Titus (DEM) House NV-3 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ad $156,767
# Nov. 20, 2009 Support Thomas Perriello (DEM) House VA-5 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ad $125,881
# Nov. 20, 2009 Support Joe Donnelly (DEM) House IN-2 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ad $58,390
# Nov. 20, 2009 Support Brad Ellsworth (DEM) House IN-8 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ad $90,494
# Nov. 20, 2009 Support Baron Hill (DEM) House IN-9 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ad $161,921
# Nov. 20, 2009 Support Paul Hodes House NH-2 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv ad $143,603
# Nov. 1, 2009 Support Bill Owens (DEM) House NY-23 Novak Media radio ad time and production costs $8,625
# June 30, 2009 Support Scott Murphy (DEM) House NY-20 Squier Knapp Dunn Commun production cost for TV ads in Special General reported on 3/28 $1,543
# May 29, 2009 Support Barack Obama President Local 615 phone bank cost above original estimate $250
# May 29, 2009 Support Barack Obama President Local 615 phone banking $1,981
# April 20, 2009 Support Sara Feigenholtz House IL-5 SEIU-CC, LLC Phone Banking IL-05 special primary start 2/22 $227
# March 26, 2009 Support Scott Murphy (DEM) House NY-20 Squier Knapp Dunn Communications tv ads special general 3/27+ $75,000
# March 24, 2009 Support Sarah Feigenholtz House IL-5 SEIU -CC, LLC phone banking special election $24,376
# March 20, 2009 Support Barack Obama President Mosaic printed material $5,425
# March 9, 2009 Support Barack Obama President Mosaic printed material for canvass $11,057
# Feb. 27, 2009 Support Sarah Feigenholtz House IL-5 The New Media Firm, Inc. tv buy and production air 2/24+ $225,000
# Feb. 22, 2009 Support Sarah Feigenholtz House IL-5 SEIU -CC, LLC phonebanking $24,540
# Feb. 10, 2009 Oppose Bob Schaeffer Senate CO SEIU -CC, LLC phone banking $3,289
# Feb. 10, 2009 Support John Mc Cain President The New Media Firm, Inc. addl exp for ads aired and reported 9/1 $330
# Feb. 10, 2009 Oppose Joe Knollenberg House MI-9 SEIU -CC, LLC phone banking $7,881
# Feb. 10, 2009 Support Barack Obama President SEIU -CC, LLC phone banking $1,408
# Jan. 29, 2009 Oppose Steve Chabot (REP) House OH-1 SEIU Phone LLC phonebanking previously reported as memo item $944
# Jan. 29, 2009 Support Barack Obama President SEIU Phone LLC phonebanking previously reported as a memo item $3,338
# Jan. 29, 2009 Support Steve Driehaus (DEM) House OH-1 SEIU Phone LLC phonebanking previously reported as memo item $3,338
# Jan. 29, 2009 Oppose Steve Chabot (REP) House OH-1 SEIU Phone LLC phonebanking previously reported as memo item $1,281
# Jan. 27, 2009 Support Barack Obama President BLT & Associates graphic design $625
# Jan. 27, 2009 Support Barack Obama President AP/Wide World Photos photographs $400
# Jan. 16, 2009 Support Barack Obama President SEIU-CC, LLC phonebanking previously reported as memo item $1,405
# Jan. 13, 2009 Support Barack Obama President SEIU United Healthcare W canvass staff & expense for activity previously reported as memo item $16,105
# Jan. 9, 2009 Support James Martin Senate GA SEIU-CC, LLC phonebanking $21,558
# Jan. 8, 2009 Support Barack Obama President SEIU-CC, LLC phone banking previously reported as memo item $1,310