American Federation Of State County & Municipal Employees P E O P L E Independent Expenditures - 2012 cycle

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Total Spent


Supporting Candidates


Opposing Candidates


Totals Through: Oct. 22, 2012

This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $1,942,750, opposing Dean Heller.

States Where American Federation Of State County & Municipal Employees P E O P L E Has Been Active

Amount Spent
  • $71,000
  • $1,949,000

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Oct. 31, 2012 Oppose Richard A Berg (REP) Senate ND MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC Mailer - Social Security #2 $23,865
# Oct. 30, 2012 Oppose Richard A Berg (REP) Senate ND MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC Mailer - Conflict of Interest #2 $44,852
# Oct. 30, 2012 Oppose Christopher Carl Collins (REP) House NY-27 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Mail 'NY-27' 'Collins 7' $35,750
# Oct. 29, 2012 Oppose Richard A Berg (REP) Senate ND MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC Mailer - Social Security #1 $23,865
# Oct. 29, 2012 Oppose William Steve Ii Southerland (REP) House FL-2 ADELSTEIN LISTON TV ad Not So Much $130,107
# Oct. 29, 2012 Oppose James B Renacci (REP) House OH-16 MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC Mail Piece Medicare 2 $15,542
# Oct. 29, 2012 Oppose Daniel J Benishek (REP) House MI-1 THE CAMPAIGN WORKSHOP Mail Piece 'AME1210_Summary' $10,135
# Oct. 29, 2012 Support Kathleen Courtney Hochul (DEM) House NY-27 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Phone 'NY-27' $24,500
# Oct. 26, 2012 Oppose Daniel J Benishek (REP) House MI-1 THE CAMPAIGN WORKSHOP Mail Piece 'AME1209_Medicare Negative' $10,135
# Oct. 25, 2012 Oppose Christopher Carl Collins (REP) House NY-27 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Mail 'NY-27' 'Collins 6' $35,750
# Oct. 24, 2012 Oppose Richard A Berg (REP) Senate ND MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC MPND12013 - Pell Grants #1 $44,852
# Oct. 24, 2012 Oppose Daniel J Benishek (REP) House MI-1 THE CAMPAIGN WORKSHOP Mail Piece 'AME1208_Clean Water Negative' $10,135
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Christopher Carl Collins (REP) House NY-27 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Mail 'NY-27' 'Collins 5' $35,750
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Dean Heller (REP) Senate NV THE CAMPAIGN GROUP TV ad 'Nice' $690,075
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Dean Heller (REP) Senate NV THE CAMPAIGN GROUP Online ad 'Nice' $9,925
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose George Allen (REP) Senate VA WATERFRONT STRATEGIES Production Cost - 30 TV 'Education-AFSCME' $6,182
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Christopher Carl Collins (REP) House NY-27 ENVISION COMMUNICATIONS Production cost 'NY-27' 'Chance' $4,687
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Christopher Carl Collins (REP) House NY-27 WATERFRONT STRATEGIES TV ad 'NY-27' 'Chance' $119,518
# Oct. 22, 2012 Oppose James B Renacci (REP) House OH-16 MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC Mail Piece Medicare 1 $15,542
# Oct. 22, 2012 Oppose Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ ADELSTEIN LISTON TV ad 'Behind' $1,199,534
# Oct. 22, 2012 Oppose Richard A Berg (REP) Senate ND MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC MPND12016 - Medicare #5 $25,043
# Oct. 22, 2012 Oppose James B Renacci (REP) House OH-16 MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC Mail Piece Medicare 1 $21,555
# Oct. 19, 2012 Oppose Richard A Berg (REP) Senate ND MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC MPND12010 - VAW #2 $38,444
# Oct. 18, 2012 Support Sean Patrick Maloney (DEM) House NY-18 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Canvass 'NY-18' $56,500
# Oct. 18, 2012 Support Kathleen Courtney Hochul (DEM) House NY-27 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Phone 'NY-27' $24,500
# Oct. 18, 2012 Oppose Christopher Carl Collins (REP) House NY-27 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Mail 'NY-27' 'Collins 4' $35,750
# Oct. 18, 2012 Oppose Richard A Berg (REP) Senate ND MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC MPND12004 - Medicare #4 $23,865
# Oct. 17, 2012 Oppose Richard A Berg (REP) Senate ND MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC MPND12006 - Out of Touch #3 $44,852
# Oct. 17, 2012 Oppose Christopher Carl Collins (REP) House NY-27 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Mail 'NY-27' 'Collins 3' $35,750
# Oct. 17, 2012 Support Sean Patrick Maloney (DEM) House NY-18 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Phone 'NY-18' $26,000
# Oct. 15, 2012 Oppose Brian Phillip Bilbray (REP) House CA-52 ADELSTEIN LISTON TV Ads 'Procedure AP' $376,953
# Oct. 15, 2012 Oppose Nan Hayworth (REP) House NY-18 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Mail 'NY-18' 'Hayworth 3' $27,200
# Oct. 15, 2012 Oppose Richard A Berg (REP) Senate ND MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC MPND12008 - VAW #1 $38,444
# Oct. 15, 2012 Oppose Francisco Raul Canseco (REP) House TX-23 ADELSTEIN LISTON TV Ads 'Washington Way' $206,031
# Oct. 15, 2012 Oppose Jeff Denham (REP) House CA-10 ADELSTEIN LISTON Online ad 'Casa' $9,451
# Oct. 15, 2012 Oppose Jeff Denham (REP) House CA-10 ADELSTEIN LISTON TV ads Behind Casa $166,059
# Oct. 12, 2012 Oppose Christopher P Gibson (REP) House NY-19 WATERFRONT STRATEGIES TV ads & Production cost 'NY-19' 'Hit' $182,526
# Oct. 12, 2012 Oppose Richard A Berg (REP) Senate ND MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC MPND12011 - Medicare #3 $23,865
# Oct. 12, 2012 Oppose Nan Hayworth (REP) House NY-18 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Mail 'NY-18' 'Hayworth 2' $26,800
# Oct. 11, 2012 Oppose Christopher Carl Collins (REP) House NY-27 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Mail 'NY-27' 'Collins 2' $35,750
# Oct. 10, 2012 Support Sean Patrick Maloney (DEM) House NY-18 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Mail 'NY-18' 'Hayworth 1' $27,200
# Oct. 9, 2012 Oppose Robert T. Schilling (REP) House IL-17 WATERFRONT STRATEGIES TV ads 'The Facts' $150,207
# Oct. 9, 2012 Oppose George Allen (REP) Senate VA WATERFRONT STRATEGIES TV ads 'Better People' $741,166
# Oct. 9, 2012 Oppose Christopher Carl Collins (REP) House NY-27 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Mail 'NY-27' 'Collins 1' $35,750
# Oct. 8, 2012 Support Sean Patrick Maloney (DEM) House NY-18 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Mail 'NY-18' 'Maloney 3' $26,800
# Oct. 8, 2012 Oppose Tommy G Thompson (REP) Senate WI ADELSTEIN LISTON TV Ads, Production & Distribution 'Do Away With' $777,499
# Oct. 4, 2012 Support Sean Patrick Maloney (DEM) House NY-18 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Mail 'NY-18' 'Maloney 2' $27,200
# Oct. 2, 2012 Oppose Nan Hayworth (REP) House NY-18 ENVISION COMMUNICATIONS Production 'Perfect' ads $4,098
# Oct. 2, 2012 Oppose Nan Hayworth (REP) House NY-18 WATERFRONT STRATEGIES TV ads 'Perfect' $92,257
# Oct. 2, 2012 Oppose Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN WATERFRONT STRATEGIES TV ads 'Against Us' $302,198
# Oct. 1, 2012 Support Sean Patrick Maloney (DEM) House NY-18 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Mail 'NY-18' 'Maloney 1' $27,200
# Oct. 1, 2012 Oppose Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN RALSTON LAPP MEDIA Production Cost Against Us $7,582
# Oct. 1, 2012 Support Kathleen Courtney Hochul (DEM) House NY-27 RED HORSE STRATEGIES Phone 'NY-27' $15,000
# Sept. 28, 2012 Oppose Linda Mcmahon (REP) Senate CT MISSION CONTROL, INC Mailer: Weren't A Concern, His Job, 46 million, 10% $148,028
# Sept. 28, 2012 Oppose James B Renacci (REP) House OH-16 MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC Mail Piece 'Taxes 5' $23,552
# Sept. 28, 2012 Oppose James B Renacci (REP) House OH-16 MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC Mail Piece 'Taxes 4' $23,552
# Sept. 28, 2012 Oppose Linda Mcmahon (REP) Senate CT MISSION CONTROL, INC Mailer: The Belt, Wrestling Poster, Action Figure $110,993
# Sept. 27, 2012 Oppose Mitt Romney (REP) President VA THE CAMPAIGN GROUP Radio TV & Online ads 'Republicans' $500,000
# Sept. 27, 2012 Oppose Mitt Romney (REP) President FL ONE STOP BUSINESS SOLUTIONS, LLC Signs for Florida Rally $321
# Sept. 27, 2012 Oppose James B Renacci (REP) House OH-16 ADELSTEIN LISTON TV Ad 'Flight' $784,145
# Sept. 27, 2012 Oppose Mitt Romney (REP) President OH THE CAMPAIGN GROUP Radio TV & Online ads 'Republicans' $500,000
# Sept. 25, 2012 Oppose James B Renacci (REP) House OH-16 MACK CROUNSE GROUP, LLC Mail Piece 'Taxes 3' $23,552
# Sept. 25, 2012 Oppose Daniel E. Lungren (REP) House CA-7 THE CAMPAIGN GROUP TV & Online ads 'The Man' $800,000
# Sept. 25, 2012 Oppose Daniel J Benishek (REP) House MI-1 THE CAMPAIGN GROUP TV & Online ads 'Struggling' $209,000
# Sept. 19, 2012 Oppose Linda Lingle (REP) Senate HI ADELSTEIN LISTON TV Ads '17 Days' $71,205
# Sept. 17, 2012 Oppose Joseph Jr Coors (REP) House CO-7 WATERFRONT STRATEGIES TV ads 'Rooster' $238,494
# Sept. 17, 2012 Oppose Joseph Jr Coors (REP) House CO-7 SHORR JOHNSON MAGNUS Production Costs 'Rooster' $8,146
# Sept. 12, 2012 Oppose James B Renacci (REP) House OH-16 ADELSTEIN LISTON Production Costs - 'Didn't Take Long' $11,500
# Sept. 12, 2012 Oppose James B Renacci (REP) House OH-16 ADELSTEIN LISTON TV Ad - 'Didn't Take Long' $520,260
# Sept. 12, 2012 Oppose James B Renacci (REP) House OH-16 ADELSTEIN LISTON Online Ad - 'Didn't Take Long' $9,425
# Sept. 5, 2012 Oppose Dean Heller (REP) Senate NV THE CAMPAIGN GROUP TV - 'Side' $1,090,825
# Sept. 5, 2012 Oppose Dean Heller (REP) Senate NV THE CAMPAIGN GROUP Online Ads $47,208
# Sept. 4, 2012 Oppose Tommy G Thompson (REP) Senate WI ADELSTEIN LISTON ONLINE ADS $47,375
# Sept. 4, 2012 Oppose Tommy G Thompson (REP) Senate WI ADELSTEIN LISTON Production Cost - 'Washington Change Us' $18,700
# Sept. 4, 2012 Oppose Dean Heller (REP) Senate NV THE CAMPAIGN GROUP Radio - 'Mortgages' $104,717
# Sept. 4, 2012 Oppose Tommy G Thompson (REP) Senate WI ADELSTEIN LISTON TV Ad - 'Washington Change Us' $899,469