Citizens United Political Victory Fund Independent Expenditures - 2010 cycle

See Other Cycles: 2002 2004 2006 2008 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026

This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $209,491, opposing Harry Reid.

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Oct. 8, 2010 Support Sharron Angle (REP) Senate NV TMA Direct Inc. Internet Advertising starting 10/08/2010 and running through 10/31/2010. $8,935
# Oct. 8, 2010 Oppose Harry Reid (DEM) Senate NV TMA Direct Inc. Internet Advertising starting 10/08/2010 and running through 10/31/2010. $8,935
# Oct. 7, 2010 Oppose Harry Reid (DEM) Senate NV Patrick Media Television ads starting 10/07/2010 and running through 10/13/2010. $168,844
# Oct. 7, 2010 Support Sharron Angle (REP) Senate NV Patrick Media Television ads starting 10/07/2010 and running through 10/13/2010. $168,844
# July 19, 2010 Oppose Harry Reid (DEM) Senate NV Intrepid Media Television ads starting 7/19/10 and running through 7/25/2010. $31,713
# July 19, 2010 Support Sharron Angle (REP) Senate NV Intrepid Media Television ads starting 7/19/10 and running through 7/25/2010. $31,713
# March 18, 2010 Oppose Dina Titus (DEM) House NV-3 Patrick Media Television commercial (ObamaCare) $5,154
# March 17, 2010 Oppose Dina Titus (DEM) House NV-3 InfoCision Management Corporation Automated phone calls to voters opposing ObamaCare $9,416
# March 15, 2010 Oppose Dina Titus (DEM) House NV-3 Patrick Media Television commercial (ObamaCare) running from March 16, 2010 to March 19, 20010 $124,970