Citizens United Political Victory Fund Independent Expenditures - 2018 cycle
See Other Cycles: 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2020 2022 2024 2026
Total Spent
Supporting Candidates
Opposing Candidates
Totals Through: Oct. 31, 2018
This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $325,000, opposing Joe Donnelly.
States Where Citizens United Political Victory Fund Has Been Active
Amount Spent
- $75,000
- $325,000
Recent Independent Expenditures
Date | Position | Candidate | Race | State | Payee | Purpose | Amount | |
# | Nov. 1, 2018 | Oppose | Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) | Senate | AZ | People Who Think | Internet advertising buy to run November 1-November 6 2018. | $68,250 |
# | Nov. 1, 2018 | Oppose | Kyrsten Sinema (DEM) | Senate | AZ | People Who Think | Digital (internet) advertising production. | $6,750 |
# | Nov. 1, 2018 | Support | Martha Mc Sally (REP) | Senate | AZ | People Who Think | Internet advertising buy to run November 1-November 6 2018. | $22,750 |
# | Nov. 1, 2018 | Support | Martha Mc Sally (REP) | Senate | AZ | People Who Think | Digital (internet) advertising production. | $2,250 |
# | Oct. 31, 2018 | Oppose | Claire Mc Caskill | Senate | MO | People Who Think | Internet advertising buy to run October 31 2018 to November 6 2018. | $66,000 |
# | Oct. 31, 2018 | Oppose | Claire Mc Caskill | Senate | MO | People Who Think | Production of two 15 second digital (internet) ads. | $9,000 |
# | Oct. 30, 2018 | Oppose | Joe Donnelly (DEM) | Senate | IN | People Who Think | Television Media buy to air October 30 - November 6 2018. | $310,500 |
# | Oct. 30, 2018 | Oppose | Joe Donnelly (DEM) | Senate | IN | People Who Think | Television Ad Production | $14,500 |