Club For Growth PAC Independent Expenditures - 2010 cycle
See Other Cycles: 2008 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026
This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $248,652, supporting Sharron E Angle.
Recent Independent Expenditures
Date | Position | Candidate | Race | State | Payee | Purpose | Amount | |
# | Oct. 21, 2010 | Oppose | John Mckee Jr Hon Spratt (DEM) | House | SC-5 | Club for Growth | tv ad production costs (from advance line 21) | $210 |
# | Oct. 21, 2010 | Oppose | John Mckee Jr Hon Spratt (DEM) | House | SC-5 | Red Sea, LLC | tv ad air buy, production costs | $210,232 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | Kenneth R Buck (REP) | Senate | CO | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $227 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | Jesse Kelly (REP) | House | AZ-8 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $239 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | David Schweikert (REP) | House | AZ-5 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $1,646 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | David Schweikert (REP) | House | AZ-5 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $272 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | Keith J Rothfus (REP) | House | PA-4 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $1,397 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | Keith J Rothfus (REP) | House | PA-4 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $230 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | John Michael 'mick'' Mulvaney (REP) | House | SC-5 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $1,563 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | John Michael 'mick'' Mulvaney (REP) | House | SC-5 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $258 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $1,192 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $197 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | Kenneth R Buck (REP) | Senate | CO | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $1,374 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | Rand Paul (REP) | Senate | KY | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $155 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | Rand Paul (REP) | Senate | KY | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $938 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $255 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $1,546 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | Joseph W Miller (REP) | Senate | AK | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $334 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | Joseph W Miller (REP) | Senate | AK | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $2,026 |
# | Oct. 20, 2010 | Support | Jesse Kelly (REP) | House | AZ-8 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $1,450 |
# | Oct. 15, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $23 |
# | Sept. 11, 2010 | Support | Rand Paul (REP) | Senate | KY | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $3,384 |
# | Sept. 11, 2010 | Support | Rand Paul (REP) | Senate | KY | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $137 |
# | Sept. 11, 2010 | Support | Ronald Harold Johnson (REP) | Senate | WI | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $3,101 |
# | Sept. 11, 2010 | Support | Ronald Harold Johnson (REP) | Senate | WI | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $126 |
# | Sept. 11, 2010 | Support | Ronald Harold Johnson (REP) | Senate | WI | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $391 |
# | Aug. 20, 2010 | Support | Ronald Harold Johnson (REP) | Senate | WI | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $388 |
# | Aug. 20, 2010 | Support | Rand Paul (REP) | Senate | KY | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $2,895 |
# | Aug. 20, 2010 | Support | Rand Paul (REP) | Senate | KY | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $293 |
# | Aug. 20, 2010 | Support | Ronald Harold Johnson (REP) | Senate | WI | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $3,835 |
# | Aug. 13, 2010 | Support | Rand Paul (REP) | Senate | KY | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $100 |
# | Aug. 6, 2010 | Support | Ronald Harold Johnson (REP) | Senate | WI | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $453 |
# | Aug. 6, 2010 | Support | Rand Paul (REP) | Senate | KY | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $3,942 |
# | Aug. 6, 2010 | Support | Rand Paul (REP) | Senate | KY | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $364 |
# | Aug. 6, 2010 | Support | Ronald Harold Johnson (REP) | Senate | WI | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $3,541 |
# | Aug. 6, 2010 | Support | Ronald Harold Johnson (REP) | Senate | WI | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $327 |
# | Aug. 6, 2010 | Support | Kevin Calvey (REP) | House | OK-5 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $1,042 |
# | Aug. 6, 2010 | Support | Kevin Calvey (REP) | House | OK-5 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $8,144 |
# | Aug. 6, 2010 | Support | Kevin Calvey (REP) | House | OK-5 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $399 |
# | Aug. 6, 2010 | Support | Kevin Calvey (REP) | House | OK-5 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $752 |
# | Aug. 4, 2010 | Support | Kevin Calvey (REP) | House | OK-5 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $206 |
# | July 30, 2010 | Support | Rand Paul (REP) | Senate | KY | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $81 |
# | July 30, 2010 | Support | Rand Paul (REP) | Senate | KY | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $226 |
# | July 30, 2010 | Support | Kevin Calvey (REP) | House | OK-5 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $226 |
# | July 29, 2010 | Support | Kevin Calvey (REP) | House | OK-5 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $563 |
# | July 28, 2010 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $12 |
# | July 28, 2010 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $12 |
# | July 26, 2010 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $12 |
# | July 20, 2010 | Oppose | James A Barnett (REP) | House | KS-1 | Club for Growth | tv ad production costs (from advance line 21) | $596 |
# | July 20, 2010 | Oppose | James A Barnett (REP) | House | KS-1 | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $84 |
# | July 20, 2010 | Support | James A Barnett (REP) | House | KS-1 | Red Sea, LLC | tv ad air buy, production costs | $109,982 |
# | July 20, 2010 | Oppose | Clyde Preston Hardiman (REP) | House | MI-3 | Red Sea, LLC | tv ad air buy, production costs | $125,250 |
# | July 20, 2010 | Oppose | Clyde Preston Hardiman (REP) | House | MI-3 | Club for Growth | tv ad production costs (from advance line 21) | $477 |
# | July 14, 2010 | Support | Ronald Harold Johnson (REP) | Senate | WI | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $417 |
# | July 14, 2010 | Support | Ronald Harold Johnson (REP) | Senate | WI | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $50 |
# | July 14, 2010 | Support | Mike Lee (REP) | Senate | UT | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $50 |
# | July 9, 2010 | Support | Justin Amash (REP) | House | MI-3 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $5,526 |
# | July 9, 2010 | Support | Justin Amash (REP) | House | MI-3 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $820 |
# | July 9, 2010 | Support | Justin Amash (REP) | House | MI-3 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $1,000 |
# | July 8, 2010 | Support | Justin Amash (REP) | House | MI-3 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $541 |
# | July 6, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $21 |
# | July 6, 2010 | Support | Justin Amash (REP) | House | MI-3 | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $21 |
# | June 16, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | tv ad production costs (from advance line 21) | $103 |
# | June 16, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $133 |
# | June 16, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Red Sea, LLC | tv ad air buy, production costs | $97,624 |
# | June 15, 2010 | Oppose | Paul Thurmond (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | tv ad production costs (from advance line 21) | $80 |
# | June 15, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $120 |
# | June 15, 2010 | Oppose | Paul Thurmond (REP) | House | SC-1 | Warfield and Company | tv ad production costs | $4,500 |
# | June 15, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Warfield and Company | tv ad production costs | $4,500 |
# | June 15, 2010 | Oppose | Paul Thurmond (REP) | House | SC-1 | Thompson Communications, Inc. | tv ad air buy | $29,990 |
# | June 15, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Thompson Communications, Inc. | tv ad air buy | $29,990 |
# | June 15, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $120 |
# | June 15, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | tv ad production costs (from advance line 21) | $80 |
# | June 14, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $289 |
# | June 14, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Blue Point LLC | mail costs, postage | $17,700 |
# | June 14, 2010 | Oppose | Paul Thurmond (REP) | House | SC-1 | Blue Point LLC | mail costs, postage | $17,700 |
# | June 14, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $57 |
# | June 14, 2010 | Oppose | Paul Thurmond (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $57 |
# | June 14, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $289 |
# | June 14, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $200 |
# | June 14, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | internet communications (from advance line 21) | $21 |
# | June 14, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $200 |
# | June 12, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $142 |
# | June 12, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $142 |
# | June 11, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $241 |
# | June 11, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $465 |
# | June 11, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $241 |
# | June 11, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $465 |
# | June 10, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $102 |
# | June 10, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $161 |
# | June 10, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $102 |
# | June 10, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $161 |
# | June 10, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $165 |
# | May 28, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $398 |
# | May 27, 2010 | Oppose | Sue Lowden (REP) | Senate | NV | Red Sea, LLC | tv ad air buy, porduction costs | $208,127 |
# | May 27, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Blue Point LLC | mail costs, postage | $30,000 |
# | May 27, 2010 | Oppose | Sue Lowden (REP) | Senate | NV | Blue Point LLC | mail costs, postage | $30,000 |
# | May 27, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Red Sea, LLC | tv ad air buy, produciton costs | $208,127 |
# | May 27, 2010 | Oppose | Sue Lowden (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | tv ad produciton costs (from advance line 21) | $289 |
# | May 27, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | tv ad produciton costs (from advance line 21) | $289 |
# | May 27, 2010 | Oppose | Sue Lowden (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $42 |
# | May 27, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $42 |
# | May 27, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $164 |
# | May 26, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $497 |
# | May 26, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Red Sea, LLC | tv ad air buy, production costs | $109,985 |
# | May 26, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | tv ad production costs (from advance Line 21) | $127 |
# | May 26, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $81 |
# | May 25, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $480 |
# | May 25, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $362 |
# | May 24, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $350 |
# | May 24, 2010 | Oppose | Joseph A Jr Sestak (DEM) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $21 |
# | May 21, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | mail costs, postage (from advance Line 21) | $3,018 |
# | May 21, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $2,000 |
# | May 21, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance Line 21) | $238 |
# | May 21, 2010 | Oppose | B Lee Hawkins (REP) | House | GA-9 | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $94 |
# | May 21, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | USPS | postage | $622 |
# | May 19, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance Line 21) | $449 |
# | May 19, 2010 | Support | Sharron E Angle (REP) | Senate | NV | Club for Growth | press release (from advance Line 21) | $101 |
# | May 17, 2010 | Oppose | Charlie Crist (NNE) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $20 |
# | May 17, 2010 | Oppose | Charlie Crist (NNE) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $21 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Michael Richard Pompeo (REP) | House | KS-4 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $344 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Michael Richard Pompeo (REP) | House | KS-4 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $233 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Robin Tucker Smith (REP) | House | TN-3 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $232 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $226 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $257 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $195 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $103 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $381 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $334 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Robin Tucker Smith (REP) | House | TN-3 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $342 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $107 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $1,519 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $2,875 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $3,790 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $3,323 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Robin Tucker Smith (REP) | House | TN-3 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $3,408 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Michael Richard Pompeo (REP) | House | KS-4 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $3,430 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $1,570 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $158 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $153 |
# | May 15, 2010 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $289 |
# | May 13, 2010 | Oppose | Charlie Crist (NNE) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $108 |
# | May 13, 2010 | Oppose | Charlie Crist (NNE) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $21 |
# | May 13, 2010 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $22 |
# | May 13, 2010 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $21 |
# | April 30, 2010 | Oppose | B Lee Hawkins (REP) | House | GA-9 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $96 |
# | April 30, 2010 | Oppose | B Lee Hawkins (REP) | House | GA-9 | Blue Point LLC | mail costs, postage | $36,000 |
# | April 28, 2010 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $20 |
# | April 27, 2010 | Oppose | B Lee Hawkins (REP) | House | GA-9 | Red Sea, LLC | tv ad air buy, production costs | $77,821 |
# | April 27, 2010 | Oppose | B Lee Hawkins (REP) | House | GA-9 | Club for Growth | tv ad production costs (from advance line 21) | $214 |
# | April 16, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $5,044 |
# | April 16, 2010 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $4,867 |
# | April 16, 2010 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $433 |
# | April 16, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $620 |
# | April 16, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $450 |
# | April 16, 2010 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $598 |
# | April 14, 2010 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $19 |
# | April 8, 2010 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $60 |
# | March 26, 2010 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $304 |
# | March 23, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $76 |
# | March 19, 2010 | Support | Adrian Smith (REP) | House | TN-3 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $273 |
# | March 19, 2010 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $447 |
# | March 19, 2010 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $4,027 |
# | March 19, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $288 |
# | March 19, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $206 |
# | March 19, 2010 | Support | Robin Tucker Smith (REP) | House | TN-3 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $164 |
# | March 19, 2010 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $274 |
# | March 19, 2010 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $268 |
# | March 19, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $3,850 |
# | March 19, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $2,755 |
# | March 19, 2010 | Support | Robin Tucker Smith (REP) | House | TN-3 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $2,192 |
# | March 19, 2010 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $3,656 |
# | March 19, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $480 |
# | March 19, 2010 | Support | Timothy E Scott (REP) | House | SC-1 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $344 |
# | March 19, 2010 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $456 |
# | March 16, 2010 | Oppose | Robert F Bennett (REP) | Senate | UT | Club for Growth | brochure production costs (from advance line 21) | $278 |
# | March 16, 2010 | Oppose | Robert F Bennett (REP) | Senate | UT | Guidant Strategies | brochure production costs | $2,205 |
# | March 11, 2010 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $289 |
# | March 11, 2010 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $289 |
# | Feb. 23, 2010 | Oppose | Charlie Crist (NNE) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $29 |
# | Feb. 18, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $21 |
# | Feb. 17, 2010 | Support | Jeff Duncan (REP) | House | SC-3 | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $197 |
# | Feb. 12, 2010 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | mail costs, postage (from advance line 21) | $105 |
# | Feb. 12, 2010 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | mail costs, postage (from advance line 21) | $633 |
# | Feb. 12, 2010 | Support | Michael Richard Pompeo (REP) | House | KS-4 | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $49 |
# | Feb. 12, 2010 | Support | Robin Tucker Smith (REP) | House | TN-3 | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $49 |
# | Feb. 12, 2010 | Oppose | Robert F Bennett (REP) | Senate | UT | Club for Growth | mail costs, postage (from advance line 21) | $738 |
# | Feb. 4, 2010 | Oppose | Robert F Bennett (REP) | Senate | UT | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $21 |
# | Feb. 4, 2010 | Oppose | Robert F Bennett (REP) | Senate | UT | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $83 |
# | Feb. 1, 2010 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $83 |
# | Jan. 18, 2010 | Support | Scott P Brown (REP) | Senate | MA | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $161 |
# | Jan. 8, 2010 | Oppose | Robert F Bennett (REP) | Senate | UT | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $122 |
# | Dec. 17, 2009 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $81 |
# | Dec. 12, 2009 | Support | Timothy A Huelskamp (REP) | House | KS-1 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $5,261 |
# | Dec. 12, 2009 | Support | Kevin Calvey (REP) | House | OK-5 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $390 |
# | Dec. 12, 2009 | Support | Timothy A Huelskamp (REP) | House | KS-1 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $484 |
# | Dec. 12, 2009 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $437 |
# | Dec. 12, 2009 | Support | Kevin Calvey (REP) | House | OK-5 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $4,243 |
# | Dec. 12, 2009 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $4,752 |
# | Nov. 21, 2009 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $1,288 |
# | Nov. 21, 2009 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $5,009 |
# | Nov. 21, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $398 |
# | Nov. 21, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs | $713 |
# | Nov. 21, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $2,822 |
# | Nov. 21, 2009 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $720 |
# | Nov. 13, 2009 | Oppose | Charlie Crist (NNE) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $162 |
# | Nov. 12, 2009 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $431 |
# | Nov. 9, 2009 | Support | Marco Rubio (REP) | Senate | FL | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $371 |
# | Nov. 3, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $207 |
# | Nov. 2, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $297 |
# | Oct. 26, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $334 |
# | Oct. 22, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $318 |
# | Oct. 21, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $299 |
# | Oct. 21, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $214 |
# | Oct. 21, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $21 |
# | Oct. 20, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $65 |
# | Oct. 20, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | television ad production costs (from advance line 21) | $50 |
# | Oct. 20, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Red Sea, LLC | television ad air buy, production costs | $101,136 |
# | Oct. 20, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $19 |
# | Oct. 19, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $273 |
# | Oct. 19, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $160 |
# | Oct. 16, 2009 | Oppose | Dierdre K Scozzafava (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $20 |
# | Oct. 15, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | phone solicitations (from advance line 21) | $659 |
# | Oct. 14, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | mail costs, postage (from advance line 21) | $407 |
# | Oct. 14, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | mail costs, postage (from advance line 21) | $407 |
# | Oct. 14, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $438 |
# | Oct. 14, 2009 | Support | Thomas A Coburn (REP) | Senate | OK | Club for Growth | mail costs, postage (from advance line 21) | $407 |
# | Oct. 14, 2009 | Support | Timothy A Huelskamp (REP) | House | KS-1 | Club for Growth | mail costs, postage (from advance line 21) | $407 |
# | Oct. 14, 2009 | Support | James W Demint (REP) | Senate | SC | Club for Growth | mail costs, postage (from advance line 21) | $407 |
# | Oct. 14, 2009 | Support | Kevin Calvey (REP) | House | OK-5 | Club for Growth | mail costs, postage (from advance line 21) | $407 |
# | Oct. 14, 2009 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Club for Growth | mail costs, postage (from advance line 21) | $407 |
# | Oct. 10, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $9,875 |
# | Oct. 10, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $1,403 |
# | Oct. 9, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $10 |
# | Oct. 9, 2009 | Oppose | Dierdre K Scozzafava (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $10 |
# | Oct. 9, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $28 |
# | Oct. 8, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $402 |
# | Oct. 7, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | newspaper op-ed (from advance line 21) | $583 |
# | Oct. 6, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | phone fund raising solicitations (from advance line 21) | $464 |
# | Oct. 5, 2009 | Oppose | Jeannette H Schmidt (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $71 |
# | Oct. 5, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $392 |
# | Oct. 1, 2009 | Oppose | William Owens (DEM) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | television/radio production costs (from advance line 21) | $361 |
# | Oct. 1, 2009 | Oppose | Dierdre K Scozzafava (REP) | House | NY-23 | Red Sea, LLC | television/radio ad air buy, production costs | $137,457 |
# | Oct. 1, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $139 |
# | Oct. 1, 2009 | Oppose | Dierdre K Scozzafava (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $93 |
# | Oct. 1, 2009 | Oppose | William Owens (DEM) | House | NY-23 | Red Sea, LLC | television/radio ad air buy, production costs | $137,457 |
# | Oct. 1, 2009 | Oppose | Dierdre K Scozzafava (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | television/radio production costs (from advance line 21) | $361 |
# | Sept. 29, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $1,462 |
# | Sept. 29, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $386 |
# | Sept. 29, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $11,301 |
# | Sept. 29, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs/copy writing | $2,000 |
# | Sept. 28, 2009 | Support | Douglas L Hoffman (REP) | House | NY-23 | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $103 |
# | Sept. 25, 2009 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $348 |
# | Sept. 14, 2009 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $56 |
# | Sept. 14, 2009 | Support | Timothy A Huelskamp (REP) | House | KS-1 | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $56 |
# | Sept. 11, 2009 | Support | Timothy A Huelskamp (REP) | House | KS-1 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $252 |
# | Sept. 11, 2009 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $312 |
# | Sept. 11, 2009 | Support | Kevin Calvey (REP) | House | OH-5 | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $243 |
# | Sept. 11, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $390 |
# | Sept. 11, 2009 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $3,327 |
# | Sept. 11, 2009 | Support | Timothy A Huelskamp (REP) | House | KS-1 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $2,680 |
# | Sept. 11, 2009 | Support | Kevin Calvey (REP) | House | OK-5 | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $2,588 |
# | Sept. 11, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $4,159 |
# | Sept. 11, 2009 | Support | John Thomas Jr Graves (REP) | House | GA-9 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs/copy writing | $522 |
# | Sept. 11, 2009 | Support | Timothy A Huelskamp (REP) | House | KS-1 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs/copy writing | $420 |
# | Sept. 11, 2009 | Support | Kevin Calvey (REP) | House | OK-5 | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs/copy writing | $406 |
# | Sept. 11, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Stafford Creative Services | mail costs/copy writing | $652 |
# | May 27, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $416 |
# | May 14, 2009 | Support | Kevin Calvey (REP) | House | OK-5 | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $267 |
# | May 6, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $20 |
# | May 6, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $20 |
# | May 5, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $19 |
# | May 1, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $20 |
# | May 1, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $21 |
# | May 1, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication (from advance line 21) | $20 |
# | April 30, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $20 |
# | April 30, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $21 |
# | April 30, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $19 |
# | April 30, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $21 |
# | April 29, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $23 |
# | April 29, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $54 |
# | April 29, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | $93 | |
# | April 29, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $21 |
# | April 29, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $21 |
# | April 29, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $19 |
# | April 28, 2009 | Support | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $19 |
# | April 28, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $26 |
# | April 28, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $150 |
# | April 28, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $19 |
# | April 28, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $96 |
# | April 24, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $21 |
# | April 24, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $21 |
# | April 23, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $237 |
# | April 21, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $1,419 |
# | April 21, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $8,624 |
# | April 20, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $43 |
# | April 17, 2009 | Oppose | Arlen Specter (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | internet communication(from adv. line21) | $53 |
# | April 16, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $340 |
# | April 16, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | email costs (from advance line 21) | $275 |
# | April 16, 2009 | Support | Patrick Joseph Toomey (REP) | Senate | PA | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $187 |
# | April 14, 2009 | Support | James W Demint (REP) | Senate | SC | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $34 |
# | April 14, 2009 | Support | Thomas A Coburn (REP) | Senate | OK | Club for Growth | press release (from advance line 21) | $34 |
# | April 7, 2009 | Support | Thomas A Coburn (REP) | Senate | OK | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $939 |
# | April 7, 2009 | Support | James W Demint (REP) | Senate | SC | Club for Growth | mail costs (from advance line 21) | $751 |
# | April 7, 2009 | Support | James W Demint (REP) | Senate | SC | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $4,231 |
# | April 7, 2009 | Support | Thomas A Coburn (REP) | Senate | OK | Paul and Partners | mail costs, postage | $5,289 |