Club For Growth PAC Independent Expenditures - 2012 cycle

See Other Cycles: 2008 2010 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024 2026

Total Spent


Supporting Candidates


Opposing Candidates


Totals Through: May 15, 2010

This committee is active in the presidential race and has spent most of its money, $247,067, opposing Richard Carmona.

States Where Club For Growth PAC Has Been Active

Amount Spent
  • $4,000
  • $324,000

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Oct. 9, 2012 Oppose Richard Carmona (DEM) Senate AZ Blue Point LLC mail production costs, postage $246,800
# Oct. 9, 2012 Oppose Richard Carmona (DEM) Senate AZ Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance line 21) $267
# Oct. 5, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Big Eye Direct mail production costs, postage $2,667
# Oct. 5, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance line 21) $362
# Oct. 5, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Big Eye Direct mail production costs, postage $2,777
# Oct. 5, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance Line 21) $377
# Oct. 4, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth email costs (from advance Line 21) $209
# Oct. 2, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $221
# Sept. 25, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $213
# Sept. 20, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth email costs (from advance Line 21) $233
# Sept. 20, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $62
# Sept. 13, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth email costs (from advance Line 21) $210
# Sept. 10, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN DK Designs mail production costs $12
# Sept. 10, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Loudoun Printing and Graphics mail production costs $339
# Sept. 10, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Big Eye Direct mail production costs, postage $2,493
# Sept. 10, 2012 Oppose Joseph S Donnelly (DEM) Senate IN Club for Growth press release (from advance Line 21) $70
# Sept. 10, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance Line 21) $463
# Sept. 10, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Loudoun Printing and Graphics mail production costs $347
# Sept. 10, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ DK Designs mail production costs $12
# Sept. 10, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Big Eye Direct mail production costs, postage $2,317
# Sept. 10, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance line 21) $430
# Aug. 29, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $62
# Aug. 16, 2012 Oppose Paul Anthony Gosar (REP) House AZ-4 Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $61
# Aug. 16, 2012 Support Ron Gould (REP) House AZ-4 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $210
# Aug. 7, 2012 Support Ron Gould (REP) House AZ-4 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $199
# July 31, 2012 Support Ronald D Desantis (REP) House FL-6 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $239
# July 24, 2012 Support Ron Gould (REP) House AZ-4 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $229
# July 20, 2012 Support Ronald D Desantis (REP) House FL-6 USPS postage $2,905
# July 20, 2012 Support Ron Gould (REP) House AZ-4 Paul and Partners mail production costs $2,263
# July 20, 2012 Support Ronald D Desantis (REP) House FL-6 Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance line 21) $712
# July 20, 2012 Support Ron Gould (REP) House AZ-4 USPS postage $2,133
# July 20, 2012 Support Ronald D Desantis (REP) House FL-6 Paul and Partners mail production costs $3,083
# July 20, 2012 Support Ron Gould (REP) House AZ-4 Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance line 21) $522
# July 11, 2012 Support Ron Gould (REP) House AZ-4 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $190
# June 28, 2012 Support Scott Keadle (REP) House NC-8 Club for Growth mail production costs, postage (from advance line 21) $282
# June 28, 2012 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth mail production costs, postage (from advance line 21) $282
# June 28, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth mail production costs, postage (from advance Line 21) $282
# June 27, 2012 Support Ronald D Desantis (REP) House FL-6 Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $65
# June 27, 2012 Support Ronald D Desantis (REP) House FL-6 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $224
# June 21, 2012 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $69
# June 19, 2012 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $80
# June 15, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Big Eye Direct mail production costs, postage $10,667
# June 15, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance line 21) $338
# June 15, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Big Eye Direct mail production costs, postage $8,380
# June 15, 2012 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Big Eye Direct mail production costs, postage $9,049
# June 15, 2012 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance line 21) $287
# June 15, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance line 21) $266
# June 14, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $294
# June 12, 2012 Support Scott Keadle (REP) House NC-8 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $240
# June 5, 2012 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $254
# May 29, 2012 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $69
# May 25, 2012 Support Kevin Cramer (REP) House ND-1 Paul and Partners mail production costs $1,703
# May 25, 2012 Oppose Joseph S Donnelly (DEM) Senate IN Club for Growth press release (from advance Line 21) $62
# May 25, 2012 Support Kevin Cramer (REP) House ND-1 USPS postage $1,976
# May 25, 2012 Support Scott Keadle (REP) House NC-8 Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance line 21) $379
# May 25, 2012 Support Scott Keadle (REP) House NC-8 Paul and Partners mail production costs $1,737
# May 25, 2012 Support Scott Keadle (REP) House NC-8 USPS postage $2,016
# May 25, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance line 21) $623
# May 25, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI USPS postage $3,318
# May 25, 2012 Support Kevin Cramer (REP) House ND-1 Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance line 21) $371
# May 25, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance Line 21) $264
# May 25, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN USPS postage $1,408
# May 25, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Paul and Partners mail production costs $1,213
# May 25, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Paul and Partners mail production costs $2,859
# May 22, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $250
# May 17, 2012 Support Kevin Cramer (REP) House ND-1 Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $56
# May 17, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $252
# May 15, 2012 Support Scott Keadle (REP) House NC-8 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $247
# May 10, 2012 Support Thomas H Massie (REP) House KY-4 Big Eye Direct mail production costs, postage $2,227
# May 10, 2012 Support Thomas H Massie (REP) House KY-4 Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $113
# May 9, 2012 Support Thomas H Massie (REP) House KY-4 Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $538
# May 9, 2012 Support Thomas H Massie (REP) House KY-4 USPS postage $1,030
# May 8, 2012 Support Thomas H Massie (REP) House KY-4 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $255
# May 3, 2012 Support Thomas H Massie (REP) House KY-4 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $273
# May 1, 2012 Support Thomas H Massie (REP) House KY-4 Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $80
# April 19, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $45
# April 19, 2012 Support Scott Keadle (REP) House NC-8 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $45
# April 19, 2012 Oppose Richard G Lugar (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $75
# April 18, 2012 Support Scott Keadle (REP) House NC-8 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $58
# April 18, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $58
# April 13, 2012 Support Scott Keadle (REP) House NC-8 Paul and Partners mail production costs $1,932
# April 13, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance line 21) $744
# April 13, 2012 Support Scott Keadle (REP) House NC-8 USPS postage $3,252
# April 13, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN USPS postage $4,354
# April 13, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Paul and Partners mail production costs $2,586
# April 13, 2012 Support Scott Keadle (REP) House NC-8 Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance line 21) $555
# April 3, 2012 Oppose Richard G Lugar (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $68
# April 3, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $279
# April 3, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth mail production costs, postage (from advance line 21) $222
# March 29, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $58
# March 29, 2012 Support Scott Keadle (REP) House NC-8 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $58
# March 27, 2012 Support Scott Keadle (REP) House NC-8 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $214
# March 22, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $304
# March 19, 2012 Support Scott Keadle (REP) House NC-8 Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $74
# March 16, 2012 Support Thomas Cotton (REP) House AR-4 Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $517
# March 16, 2012 Support Thomas Cotton (REP) House AR-4 USPS postage $2,956
# March 16, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN USPS postage $4,067
# March 16, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI USPS postage $2,826
# March 16, 2012 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX USPS postage $4,005
# March 16, 2012 Support Thomas Cotton (REP) House AR-4 Paul and Partners mail costs $2,452
# March 16, 2012 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $701
# March 16, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Paul and Partners mail production costs $2,345
# March 16, 2012 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Paul and Partners mail costs $3,323
# March 16, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Paul and Partners mail costs $3,374
# March 16, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $711
# March 16, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance line 21) $494
# March 13, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $295
# March 7, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $347
# March 1, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $249
# Feb. 28, 2012 Support Thomas Cotton (REP) House AR-4 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $296
# Feb. 23, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $333
# Feb. 21, 2012 Support Thomas Cotton (REP) House AR-4 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $334
# Feb. 21, 2012 Oppose Richard G Lugar (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $62
# Feb. 21, 2012 Oppose Richard G Lugar (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $82
# Feb. 20, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI USPS postage $1,247
# Feb. 20, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Paul and Partners mail production costs $1,125
# Feb. 20, 2012 Support Thomas Cotton (REP) House AR-4 Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $597
# Feb. 20, 2012 Support Thomas Cotton (REP) House AR-4 USPS postage $1,875
# Feb. 20, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth mail production costs (from advance line 21) $397
# Feb. 20, 2012 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $416
# Feb. 20, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Paul and Partners mail costs $1,421
# Feb. 20, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN USPS postage $1,575
# Feb. 20, 2012 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX USPS postage $1,305
# Feb. 20, 2012 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Paul and Partners mail costs $1,178
# Feb. 20, 2012 Support Thomas Cotton (REP) House AR-4 Paul and Partners mail costs $1,692
# Feb. 20, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $502
# Feb. 15, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $306
# Feb. 14, 2012 Support Richard E Mourdock (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $104
# Feb. 14, 2012 Support Thomas Cotton (REP) House AR-4 Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $80
# Feb. 9, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $246
# Feb. 2, 2012 Oppose Richard G Lugar (REP) Senate IN Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $60
# Jan. 31, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $327
# Jan. 26, 2012 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $317
# Jan. 25, 2012 Oppose Tommy G Thompson (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $105
# Jan. 24, 2012 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $361
# Jan. 24, 2012 Oppose Tommy G Thompson (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $77
# Jan. 19, 2012 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $354
# Jan. 12, 2012 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $419
# Jan. 10, 2012 Oppose Tim Murphy (REP) House PA-18 Red Sea, LLC tv ad air buy, production costs $61,765
# Jan. 10, 2012 Oppose Tim Murphy (REP) House PA-18 Club for Growth tv ad production costs (from advance Line 21) $13
# Dec. 22, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth phone solicitations (from advance line 21) $245
# Dec. 22, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth phone solicitations (from advance line 21) $368
# Dec. 15, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $329
# Dec. 13, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $385
# Dec. 8, 2011 Support Steve Mr. King (REP) House IA-4 Paul and Partners mail costs, postage $3,442
# Dec. 8, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $590
# Dec. 8, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Paul and Partners mail costs, postage $7,056
# Dec. 8, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Paul and Partners mail production costs, postage $6,084
# Dec. 8, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $525
# Dec. 8, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Paul and Partners mail costs, postage $6,284
# Dec. 8, 2011 Support Steve Mr. King (REP) House IA-4 Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $288
# Dec. 8, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $509
# Dec. 6, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $411
# Dec. 1, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $466
# Dec. 1, 2011 Oppose Tommy G Thompson (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $55
# Nov. 22, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth mail costs, postage (from advance line 21) $1,459
# Oct. 18, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Paul and Partners mail costs, postage $8,532
# Oct. 18, 2011 Support Josh Mandel (REP) Senate OH Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $523
# Oct. 18, 2011 Support Josh Mandel (REP) Senate OH Paul and Partners mail costs, postage $6,088
# Oct. 18, 2011 Support Josh Mandel (REP) Senate OH Stafford Creative Services mail costs $456
# Oct. 18, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Stafford Creative Services mail costs $426
# Oct. 18, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Stafford Creative Services mail costs $478
# Oct. 18, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Paul and Partners mail costs, postage $6,373
# Oct. 18, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $488
# Oct. 18, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Paul and Partners mail costs, postage $5,680
# Oct. 18, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Stafford Creative Services mail costs $640
# Oct. 18, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $548
# Oct. 18, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $733
# Oct. 13, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $405
# Sept. 30, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $38
# Sept. 29, 2011 Oppose Tommy G Thompson (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $55
# Sept. 29, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $299
# Sept. 23, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $61
# Sept. 23, 2011 Support Josh Mandel (REP) Senate OH Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $61
# Sept. 23, 2011 Support Steve Mr. King (REP) House IA-4 Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $61
# Sept. 23, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $61
# Sept. 23, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $61
# Sept. 21, 2011 Oppose Tommy G Thompson (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $60
# Sept. 20, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $326
# Sept. 13, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $479
# Sept. 2, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Paul and Partners mail costs, postage $4,771
# Sept. 2, 2011 Support Josh Mandel (REP) Senate OH Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $730
# Sept. 2, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth mail cost (from advance line 21) $492
# Sept. 2, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $605
# Sept. 2, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Paul and Partners mail costs, postage $3,879
# Sept. 2, 2011 Support Josh Mandel (REP) Senate OH Paul and Partners mail costs, postage $5,754
# Sept. 1, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $337
# Sept. 1, 2011 Support Mark W Neumann (REP) Senate WI Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $62
# Aug. 9, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $442
# Aug. 4, 2011 Support Josh Mandel (REP) Senate OH Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $500
# July 11, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth mail cost (from advance line 21) $510
# July 11, 2011 Support Steve Mr. King (REP) House IA-4 Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $510
# July 11, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth mail costs, postage (from advance line 21) $510
# June 29, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $146
# June 29, 2011 Support Josh Mandel (REP) Senate OH Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $165
# June 28, 2011 Support Josh Mandel (REP) Senate OH Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $57
# June 10, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $557
# June 10, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Paul and Partners mail costs, postage $4,513
# June 10, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Paul and Partners mail costs, postage $7,769
# June 10, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $959
# June 2, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $57
# June 2, 2011 Support Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) Senate TX Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $425
# May 14, 2011 Support Steve Mr. King (REP) House IA-4 Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $839
# May 14, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Paul and Partners mail costs, postage $9,909
# May 14, 2011 Support Steve Mr. King (REP) House IA-4 Paul and Partners mail costs, postage $6,958
# May 14, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth mail costs (from advance line 21) $1,194
# May 5, 2011 Support Steve Mr. King (REP) House IA-4 Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $95
# April 28, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $505
# March 23, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth press release (from advance line 21) $278
# March 23, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $339
# March 18, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $473
# March 9, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth email costs (from advance line 21) $582
# Feb. 17, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth mail costs (pulled from advance line 21) $1,984
# Feb. 17, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Paul and Partners mail costs, postage $18,236
# Feb. 16, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth press release (pulled from advance line 21) $76
# Feb. 16, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth email costs (pulled from advance line 21) $517
# Feb. 16, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth phone solicitations (pulled from advance line 21) $245
# Feb. 15, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth phone solicitations (pulled from advance line 21) $245
# Feb. 14, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth press release (pulled from advance line 21) $98
# Feb. 14, 2011 Support Jeff Flake (REP) Senate AZ Club for Growth email costs (pulled from advance line 21) $641