American Crossroads Independent Expenditures - 2012 cycle

See Other Cycles: 2010 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024

Total Spent


Supporting Candidates


Opposing Candidates


Totals Through: May 10, 2011

This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $74,519,317, opposing Barack Obama.

States Where American Crossroads Has Been Active

Amount Spent
  • $64,000
  • $2,691,000

Recent Independent Expenditures

Date Position Candidate Race State Payee Purpose Amount
# Oct. 31, 2012 Oppose Robert Kerrey (DEM) Senate NE CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $361,140
# Oct. 31, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $421,605
# Oct. 31, 2012 Oppose Robert Kerrey (DEM) Senate NE UPGRADE FILMS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $92
# Oct. 31, 2012 Oppose Robert Kerrey (DEM) Senate NE CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $364,090
# Oct. 31, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $1,052,245
# Oct. 30, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $1,728,795
# Oct. 30, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President MCCARTHY HENNINGS MEDIA INC TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $5,248
# Oct. 30, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President UPGRADE FILMS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $17,260
# Oct. 30, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President BLUEFRONT STRATEGIES LLC WEB ADS $120,000
# Oct. 30, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $571,200
# Oct. 30, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President UPGRADE FILMS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $41,230
# Oct. 30, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $9,860,671
# Oct. 30, 2012 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT MCCARTHY HENNINGS MEDIA INC TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $14,957
# Oct. 30, 2012 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $906,593
# Oct. 30, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $23,178
# Oct. 30, 2012 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC RADIO / MEDIA PLACEMENT $59,204
# Oct. 30, 2012 Support Tommy Thompson (REP) Senate WI WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $14,939
# Oct. 30, 2012 Support Tommy Thompson (REP) Senate WI CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $1,330,255
# Oct. 27, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President NEWS JOURNAL PRINT AD PLACEMENT $9,551
# Oct. 27, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President ARENA COMMUNICATIONS PRINT AD PRODUCTION $850
# Oct. 24, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President UPGRADE FILMS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $27,785
# Oct. 24, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $8,802,469
# Oct. 24, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $32,525
# Oct. 24, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President MCCARTHY HENNINGS MEDIA INC TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $108,444
# Oct. 24, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $2,202,024
# Oct. 24, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $200,000
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Tammy Baldwin (DEM) Senate WI CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $1,329,902
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Tammy Baldwin (DEM) Senate WI WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $15,413
# Oct. 23, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $109,650
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President BLUEFRONT STRATEGIES LLC WEB ADS $120,000
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $438,600
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $789,342
# Oct. 23, 2012 Oppose Jon Tester (DEM) Senate MT MCCARTHY HENNINGS MEDIA INC TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $14,827
# Oct. 22, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President RICHARD SALES MEDIA WEB VIDEO $3,500
# Oct. 16, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $109,650
# Oct. 16, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $11,076,634
# Oct. 16, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President UPGRADE FILMS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $53,336
# Oct. 16, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $438,600
# Oct. 16, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President BLUEFRONT STRATEGIES WEB ADS $120,000
# Oct. 10, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President MENTZER MEDIA SERVICES INC TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $1,513,899
# Oct. 10, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President UPGRADE FILMS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $24,915
# Oct. 9, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $38,000
# Oct. 9, 2012 Oppose Bill Nelson (DEM) Senate FL MENTZER MEDIA SERVICES INC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $388,103
# Oct. 9, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $109,650
# Oct. 9, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President BLUEFRONT STRATEGIES WEB ADS $120,000
# Oct. 9, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $400,600
# Oct. 9, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $5,233,302
# Oct. 3, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President RICHARD SALES MEDIA LLC WEB VIDEO $4,000
# Oct. 2, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President MCCARTHY HENNINGS MEDIA INC TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $62,745
# Oct. 2, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $438,600
# Oct. 2, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $109,650
# Oct. 2, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President BLUEFRONT STRATEGIES WEB ADS $120,000
# Oct. 2, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $1,697,722
# Oct. 2, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $9,071,482
# Oct. 1, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President RICHARD SALES MEDIA WEB VIDEO $2,500
# Sept. 25, 2012 Oppose Bill Nelson (DEM) Senate FL RISING TIDE MEDIA GROUP LLC TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $16,585
# Sept. 25, 2012 Oppose Bill Nelson (DEM) Senate FL MENTZER MEDIA SERVICES INC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $1,629,418
# Sept. 18, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $6,186,676
# Sept. 18, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President UPGRADE FILMS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $53,195
# Sept. 18, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $877,200
# Sept. 18, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President BLUEFRONT STRATEGIES LLC WEB ADS $80,000
# Sept. 18, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President BLUEFRONT STRATEGIES WEB ADS $40,000
# Sept. 18, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $2,090,000
# Sept. 12, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President RICHARD SALES MEDIA LLC WEB VIDEO $2,000
# Sept. 5, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $5,314,225
# Sept. 5, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $459,636
# Sept. 5, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $26,864
# Sept. 1, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $165,000
# Aug. 20, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $50,000
# Aug. 17, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President BLUEFRONT STRATEGIES WEB ADS $52,681
# Aug. 17, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President RICHARD SALES MEDIA WEB VIDEO $2,000
# Aug. 17, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $487,344
# July 25, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President RICHARD SALES MEDIA LLC WEB VIDEO $2,000
# July 23, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President BLUEFRONT STRATEGIES LLC WEB ADS $56,406
# July 23, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President TARGETED VICTORY WEB ADS $537,344
# July 20, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President MCCARTHY HENNINGS MEDIA, INC. TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $40,385
# July 20, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President CROSSROADS MEDIA TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $7,930,219
# July 20, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President RICHARD SALES MEDIA LLC WEB VIDEO $2,800
# June 30, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President UPGRADE FILMS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $9,211
# June 29, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President CROSSROADS MEDIA TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $90,525
# June 27, 2012 Support Heather Wilson (REP) Senate NM WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $10,097
# June 25, 2012 Support Heather Wilson (REP) Senate NM MENTZER MEDIA SERVICES INC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $170,099
# June 18, 2012 Oppose Bob Kerrey (DEM) Senate NE MENTZER MEDIA SERVICES INC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $127,066
# June 18, 2012 Oppose Timothy Kaine (DEM) Senate VA CROSSROADS MEDIA TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $358,203
# June 18, 2012 Oppose Shelley Berkley (DEM) Senate NV CROSSROADS MEDIA TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $166,846
# June 15, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President RICHARD SALES MEDIA WEB VIDEO $3,000
# June 13, 2012 Oppose Timothy Kaine (DEM) Senate VA UPGRADE FILMS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $12,247
# June 13, 2012 Oppose Bob Kerrey (DEM) Senate NE UPGRADE FILMS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $11,749
# June 13, 2012 Oppose Shelley Berkley (DEM) Senate NV UPGRADE FILMS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $12,890
# June 12, 2012 Support Heather Wilson (REP) Senate NM MENTZER MEDIA TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $118,594
# June 11, 2012 Oppose Bob Kerrey (DEM) Senate NE MENTZER MEDIA TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $128,035
# June 11, 2012 Oppose Shelley Berkley (DEM) Senate NV CROSSROADS MEDIA TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $166,846
# June 11, 2012 Oppose Timothy Kaine (DEM) Senate VA CROSSROADS MEDIA TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $358,203
# June 7, 2012 Support Heather Wilson (REP) Senate NM WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $228
# June 7, 2012 Support Heather Wilson (REP) Senate NM WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $9,830
# June 7, 2012 Support Heather Wilson (REP) Senate NM UPGRADE FILMS TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION $500
# June 7, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President RICHARD SALES MEDIA WEB VIDEO DISSEMINATED 07/11/12 $2,000
# June 5, 2012 Support Heather Wilson (REP) Senate NM MENTZER MEDIA SERVICES INC TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT $118,594
# June 4, 2012 Support Jesse Kelly (REP) House AZ-8 ARENA COMMUNICATIONS POSTAGE / PRINTING / PRODUCTION $33,084
# May 31, 2012 Support Jesse Kelly (REP) House AZ-8 ARENA COMMUNICATIONS POSTAGE / PRINTING / PRODUCTION $33,084
# May 30, 2012 Support Jesse Kelly (REP) House AZ-8 ARENA COMMUNICATIONS POSTAGE / PRINTING / PRODUCTION $33,084
# May 25, 2012 Oppose Ronald Barber (DEM) House AZ-8 ARENA COMMUNICATIONS POSTAGE / PRINTING / PRODUCTION $33,084
# May 23, 2012 Oppose Ronald Barber (DEM) House AZ-8 ARENA COMMUNICATIONS POSTAGE / PRINTING / PRODUCTION $33,084
# May 21, 2012 Oppose Ronald Barber (DEM) House AZ-8 ARENA COMMUNICATIONS POSTAGE / PRINTING / PRODUCTION $33,084
# May 8, 2012 Support Mitt Romney (REP) President Targeted Victory Web Ads $7,500
# May 8, 2012 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President Targeted Victory Web Ads $7,500
# Nov. 7, 2011 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President VSTHEBRAIN, LLC WEB PRODUCTION $13,945
# Nov. 7, 2011 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President XIGENT, INC. WEB DEVELOPMENT $10,000
# Nov. 7, 2011 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President VSTHEBRAIN, LLC WEB PRODUCTION $6,973
# Nov. 7, 2011 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President XIGENT, INC WEB DEVELOPMENT $10,000
# Nov. 7, 2011 Oppose Barack Obama (DEM) President VSTHEBRAIN, LLC WEB PRODUCTION $6,973
# Sept. 13, 2011 Oppose Claire Mccaskill (DEM) Senate MO CROSSROADS MEDIA, LLC MEDIA $64,098
# Sept. 8, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 CONNECTION STRATEGY, LLC PHONE CALLS $389
# Sept. 8, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 CONNECTION STRATEGY, LLC PHONE CALLS $2,158
# Sept. 8, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 CONNECTION STRATEGY, LLC PHONE CALLS $3,474
# Sept. 8, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 CONNECTION STRATEGY, LLC PHONE CALLS $505
# Sept. 6, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 CONNECTION STRATEGY, LLC PHONE CALLS $90
# Sept. 6, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 CONNECTION STRATEGY, LLC PHONE CALLS $2,039
# Sept. 6, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 CONNECTION STRATEGY, LLC PHONE CALLS $105
# Sept. 6, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 CONNECTION STRATEGY, LLC PHONE CALLS $2,517
# Sept. 6, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 ARENA COMMUNICATIONS POSTAGE, PRINTING / PRODUCTION $13,311
# Sept. 6, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 ARENA COMMUNICATIONS POSTAGE, PRINTING / PRODUCTION $13,311
# Sept. 3, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 CONNECTION STRATEGY, LLC PHONE CALLS $907
# Sept. 3, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 CONNECTION STRATEGY, LLC PHONE CALLS $381
# Sept. 3, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 CONNECTION STRATEGY, LLC PHONE CALLS $752
# Sept. 3, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 CONNECTION STRATEGY, LLC PHONE CALLS $390
# Sept. 2, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 ARENA COMMUNICATIONS POSTAGE, PRINTING / PRODUCTION $13,311
# Sept. 2, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 ARENA COMMUNICATIONS POSTAGE, PRINTING / PRODUCTION $13,311
# Aug. 31, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 CONNECTION STRATEGY, LLC PHONE CALLS $1,236
# Aug. 31, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 ARENA COMMUNICATIONS POSTAGE, PRINTING / PRODUCTION $13,311
# Aug. 31, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 ARENA COMMUNICATIONS POSTAGE, PRINTING / PRODUCTION $13,311
# Aug. 31, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 CONNECTION STRATEGY, LLC PHONE CALLS $1,171
# Aug. 30, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 Connection Strategy, LLC Phone Calls $290
# Aug. 30, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 Connection Strategy, LLC Phone Calls $343
# Aug. 29, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 Arena Communications Postage, Printing/Production $10,842
# Aug. 29, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 Arena Communications Postage, Printing/Production $10,842
# Aug. 26, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 Arena Communications Postage, Printing/Production $10,842
# Aug. 26, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 Arena Communications Postage, Printing/Production $10,842
# Aug. 25, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 Connection Strategy, LLC Phone Calls $514
# Aug. 25, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 Connection Strategy, LLC Phone Calls $681
# Aug. 25, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 Connection Strategy, LLC Phone Calls $357
# Aug. 25, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 Connection Strategy, LLC Phone Calls $853
# Aug. 24, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 Arena Communications Postage, Printing/Production $7,376
# Aug. 24, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 Arena Communications Postage, Printing/Production $7,376
# Aug. 23, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 Targeted Victory Website Production/Online Advertising $75,000
# Aug. 23, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 Wilson - Grand Communications Web Video Production $15,000
# Aug. 22, 2011 Oppose Kate Marshall (DEM) House NV-2 Arena Communications Postage, Printing/Production $7,376
# Aug. 22, 2011 Support Mark Amodei (REP) House NV-2 Arena Communications Postage, Printing/Production $7,376
# May 20, 2011 Oppose Jack Davis House NY-26 Connection Strategy, LLC Phone Calls $560
# May 18, 2011 Support Jane Corwin House NY-26 TargetPoint Consulting, Inc. NY-26 List Enhancement $1,700
# May 17, 2011 Oppose Kathleen Hochul (DEM) House NY-26 Mentzer Media Services, Inc. TV/Media Placement $301,484
# May 17, 2011 Oppose Kathleen Hochul (DEM) House NY-26 Up Grade Films TV/Media Production $11,965
# May 17, 2011 Oppose Jack Davis House NY-26 Arena Communications Postage, Printing/Production $5,167
# May 16, 2011 Oppose Jack Davis House NY-26 Connection Strategy, LLC Phone Calls $603
# May 14, 2011 Oppose Jack Davis House NY-26 Targeted Victory On-line Advertising $50,000
# May 13, 2011 Oppose Jack Davis House NY-26 Arena Communications Postage, Printing/Production $5,167
# May 10, 2011 Oppose Jack Davis House NY-26 Up Grade Films TV/Media Production $12,235
# May 10, 2011 Oppose Jack Davis House NY-26 Mentzer Media Services, Inc. TV/Media Placement $301,484