Ending Spending Action Fund Independent Expenditures - 2012 cycle
See Other Cycles: 2010 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024
Total Spent
Supporting Candidates
Opposing Candidates
Totals Through: Nov. 2, 2012
This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $4,745,512, opposing Barack Obama.
States Where Ending Spending Action Fund Has Been Active
Amount Spent
- $1,000
- $1,073,000
Recent Independent Expenditures
Date | Position | Candidate | Race | State | Payee | Purpose | Amount | |
# | Nov. 2, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | Victory Film Group, LLC | media production | $40,000 | |
# | Nov. 2, 2012 | Support | Debra Fischer (REP) | Senate | NE | CD, Inc. | online advertising | $5,000 |
# | Nov. 2, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $768,016 | |
# | Nov. 2, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $177,495 | |
# | Nov. 2, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $694,500 | |
# | Nov. 2, 2012 | Oppose | J. Robert Kerrey (DEM) | Senate | NE | CD, Inc. | online advertising | $5,000 |
# | Nov. 2, 2012 | Oppose | J. Robert Kerrey (DEM) | Senate | NE | DDC Advocacy | direct mail services | $47,765 |
# | Nov. 2, 2012 | Oppose | J. Robert Kerrey (DEM) | Senate | NE | McCarthy Hennings Media, Inc. | media production | $2,915 |
# | Nov. 2, 2012 | Support | Debra Fischer (REP) | Senate | NE | McCarthy Hennings Media, Inc. | media production | $2,915 |
# | Nov. 2, 2012 | Oppose | J. Robert Kerrey (DEM) | Senate | NE | Jessica Moenning | media production | $5,000 |
# | Nov. 2, 2012 | Support | Debra Fischer (REP) | Senate | NE | Jessica Moenning | media production | $5,000 |
# | Nov. 2, 2012 | Oppose | J. Robert Kerrey (DEM) | Senate | NE | Smart Media Group, LLC | media placement | $109,775 |
# | Nov. 2, 2012 | Support | Debra Fischer (REP) | Senate | NE | Smart Media Group, LLC | media placement | $200,000 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Support | George Allen (REP) | Senate | VA | Acxiom Corporation | email deployment | $735 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Support | Tommy Thompson (REP) | Senate | WI | Acxiom Corporation | email deployment | $550 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Support | Josh Mandel (REP) | Senate | OH | Acxiom Corporation | email deployment | $880 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | DDC Advocacy | door-to-door GOTV field operations | $87,751 | |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | DDC Advocacy | door-to-door GOTV field operations | $87,751 | |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | Acxiom Corporation | email deployment | $18,590 | |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Support | Debra Fischer (REP) | Senate | NE | Acxiom Corporation | email deployment | $435 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Support | Dean Heller (REP) | Senate | NV | Acxiom Corporation | email deployment | $190 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Support | Jeff Flake (REP) | Senate | AZ | Acxiom Corporation | email deployment | $572 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Support | Richard Mourdock (REP) | Senate | IN | Acxiom Corporation | email deployment | $663 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Support | Connie Mack (REP) | Senate | FL | Acxiom Corporation | email deployment | $1,373 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | DDC Advocacy | telephone calls | $36,586 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | DDC Advocacy | telephone calls | $36,586 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Smart Media Group, LLC | media placement | $125,138 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Victory Film Group, LLC | media production | $10,000 |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Victory Film Group, LLC | media production | $10,000 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Smart Media Group, LLC | media placement | $125,138 |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | CD, Inc. | online advertising | $2,000 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CD, Inc. | online advertising | $23,000 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Richard Carmona (DEM) | Senate | AZ | CD, Inc. | online advertising | $25,000 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Richard Carmona (DEM) | Senate | AZ | Rick Reed Media, Inc. | media production | $13,250 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | Victory Film Group, LLC | media production | $10,000 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Victory Film Group, LLC | media production | $10,000 | |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $124,950 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $124,950 | |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | J. Robert Kerrey (DEM) | Senate | NE | McCarthy Hennings Media, Inc. | media production | $20,909 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Support | Debra Fischer (REP) | Senate | NE | McCarthy Hennings Media, Inc. | media production | $6,970 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | J. Robert Kerrey (DEM) | Senate | NE | Smart Media Group, LLC | media placement | $112,706 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Support | Debra Fischer (REP) | Senate | NE | Smart Media Group, LLC | media placement | $37,569 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Richard Carmona (DEM) | Senate | AZ | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $250,000 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | DDC Advocacy | direct mail services | $106,000 | |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | DDC Advocacy | direct mail services | $106,000 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | research | $2,181 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | literature | $73,668 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | literature | $847,185 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $26,684 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $306,860 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | literature | $4,728 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | literature | $54,369 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | research | $25,079 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $148,692 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Nahigian Strategies, LLC | media production | $2,475 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Support | Josh Mandel (REP) | Senate | OH | Nahigian Strategies, LLC | media production | $825 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Smart Media Group, LLC | media placement | $150,206 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Support | Josh Mandel (REP) | Senate | OH | Smart Media Group, LLC | media placement | $50,069 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $446,077 | |
# | Oct. 22, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | Acxiom Corporation | email deployment | $5,999 | |
# | Oct. 22, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Acxiom Corporation | email deployment | $17,998 | |
# | Oct. 20, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | DDC Advocacy | telephone calls | $73,171 | |
# | Oct. 19, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | DDC Advocacy | direct mail services | $212,000 | |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | CD, Inc. | online advertising | $2,500 | |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $23,075 | |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $69,225 | |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | J. Robert Kerrey (DEM) | Senate | NE | CD, Inc. | online advertising | $12,500 |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Victory Film Group, LLC | media production | $48,000 | |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CD, Inc. | online advertising | $2,500 | |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | Victory Film Group, LLC | media production | $16,000 | |
# | Oct. 15, 2012 | Oppose | J. Robert Kerrey (DEM) | Senate | NE | Smart Media Group, LLC | media placement | $200,275 |
# | Oct. 15, 2012 | Oppose | J. Robert Kerrey (DEM) | Senate | NE | McCarthy Hennings Media, Inc. | media production | $19,353 |
# | Oct. 14, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | DDC Advocacy | telephone calls | $73,171 | |
# | Oct. 13, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | DDC Advocacy | door-to-door GOTV field operations | $105,500 | |
# | Oct. 13, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | DDC Advocacy | door-to-door GOTV field operations | $105,500 | |
# | Oct. 12, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | DDC Advocacy | direct mail services | $212,000 | |
# | Oct. 12, 2012 | Oppose | J. Robert Kerrey (DEM) | Senate | NE | McCarthy Hennings Media, Inc. | media production | $3,303 |
# | Oct. 12, 2012 | Oppose | J. Robert Kerrey (DEM) | Senate | NE | Smart Media Group, LLC | media placement | $20,275 |
# | Oct. 10, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $148,692 | |
# | Oct. 10, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $446,077 | |
# | Oct. 10, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CD, Inc. | website development | $15,000 | |
# | Oct. 10, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | CD, Inc. | website development | $15,000 | |
# | Oct. 10, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CD, Inc. | web domains | $478 | |
# | Oct. 10, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | CD, Inc. | web domains | $478 | |
# | Oct. 10, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CD, Inc. | web videos | $16,000 | |
# | Oct. 10, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | CD, Inc. | web videos | $16,000 | |
# | Oct. 5, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CD, Inc. | online advertising | $232,078 | |
# | Oct. 5, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | CD, Inc. | online advertising | $232,078 | |
# | Oct. 1, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $241,485 | |
# | Oct. 1, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $80,495 | |
# | Oct. 1, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | DDC Advocacy | direct mail services | $159,000 | |
# | Oct. 1, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | DDC Advocacy | telephone calls | $73,171 | |
# | Sept. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | DDC Advocacy | yard signs | $15,000 | |
# | Sept. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | DDC Advocacy | direct mail services | $53,000 | |
# | Sept. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | DDC Advocacy | door-to-door GOTV field operations | $105,500 | |
# | Sept. 29, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | DDC Advocacy | door-to-door GOTV field operations | $105,500 | |
# | Sept. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | DDC Advocacy | door-to-door hangers/literature | $15,000 | |
# | Sept. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | DDC Advocacy | t-shirts | $15,000 | |
# | Sept. 28, 2012 | Support | Josh Mandel (REP) | Senate | OH | Nahigian Strategies, LLC | media production | $1,650 |
# | Sept. 28, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Nahigian Strategies, LLC | media production | $4,950 |
# | Sept. 28, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Smart Media Group, LLC | media placement | $109,913 |
# | Sept. 28, 2012 | Support | Josh Mandel (REP) | Senate | OH | Smart Media Group, LLC | media placement | $77,453 |
# | Sept. 27, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $235,252 | |
# | Sept. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Victory Film Group, LLC | media production | $69,000 | |
# | Sept. 27, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | Victory Film Group, LLC | media production | $23,000 | |
# | Sept. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | American Media & Advocacy Group | media placement | $705,757 | |
# | Sept. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | CD, Inc. | online advertising | $7,000 | |
# | Sept. 25, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CD, Inc. | online advertising | $7,000 | |
# | Sept. 17, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CD, Inc. | website development | $8,813 | |
# | Sept. 17, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | CD, Inc. | website development | $8,813 | |
# | Sept. 17, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | CD, Inc. | online advertising | $100,000 | |
# | Sept. 17, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CD, Inc. | online advertising | $100,000 | |
# | Sept. 16, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | Victory Film Group, LLC | web videos | $81,500 | |
# | Sept. 16, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Victory Film Group, LLC | web vidoes | $189,500 | |
# | Sept. 14, 2012 | Support | Josh Mandel (REP) | Senate | OH | Smart Media Group, LLC | media placement | $63,185 |
# | Sept. 14, 2012 | Support | Josh Mandel (REP) | Senate | OH | Nahigian Strategies, LLC | media production | $3,300 |
# | July 26, 2012 | Support | Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) | Senate | TX | Smart Media Group, LLC | media palcement | $130,150 |
# | July 26, 2012 | Support | Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) | Senate | TX | CD, Inc. | online advertising | $25,000 |
# | July 26, 2012 | Support | Rafael Edward Ted Cruz (REP) | Senate | TX | McCarthy Hennigns Media, Inc. | media production | $2,007 |
# | May 13, 2012 | Support | Debra S. Fischer (REP) | Senate | NE | Strategic Perception, Inc. | media production | $6,500 |
# | May 12, 2012 | Support | Debra S. Fischer (REP) | Senate | NE | Smart Media Group, LLC | media placement | $100,182 |
# | May 12, 2012 | Oppose | Jon C. Bruning (REP) | Senate | NE | Smart Media Group, LLC | media placement | $100,182 |
# | May 12, 2012 | Support | Debra S. Fischer (REP) | Senate | NE | Strategic Perception, Inc. | media production | $24,000 |
# | May 12, 2012 | Oppose | Jon C. Bruning (REP) | Senate | NE | Strategic Perception, Inc. | media production | $24,000 |
# | Oct. 19, 2010 | Oppose | Harry Reid | Senate | NV | The Herald Group, LLC | media production/placement | $594,438 |