Susan B Anthony List Inc Independent Expenditures - 2012 cycle
See Other Cycles: 2010 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022 2024
Total Spent
Supporting Candidates
Opposing Candidates
Totals Through: Nov. 1, 2012
This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $510,889, supporting Richard J. Santorum.
States Where Susan B Anthony List Inc Has Been Active
Amount Spent
- $2,000
- $80,000
Recent Independent Expenditures
Date | Position | Candidate | Race | State | Payee | Purpose | Amount | |
# | Nov. 1, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Billy Cody | Meals & Supplies | $100 | |
# | Nov. 1, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Billy Cody | Meals & Supplies | $100 |
# | Oct. 31, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Billy Cody | Meals & Supplies | $100 | |
# | Oct. 31, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Billy Cody | Meals & Supplies | $100 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Billy Cody | Meals & Supplies | $100 | |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Billy Cody | Meals & Supplies | $100 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Billy Cody | Meals & Supplies | $100 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Support | Mitt / Ryan, Paul D. Romney (REP) | President | Design 4, Inc. | Web Ad | $300 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Kroger | Supplies | $53 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Kroger | Supplies | $53 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Subway | Meals | $34 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Subway | Meals | $34 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Vocelli Pizza | Meals | $29 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Vocelli Pizza | Meals | $29 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Billy Cody | Meals & Supplies | $100 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Design 4, Inc. | Web Ad | $5,700 | |
# | Oct. 28, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Mary Novick | Mileage | $51 |
# | Oct. 28, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Mary Novick | Mileage | $51 | |
# | Oct. 28, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Billy Cody | Meals | $100 | |
# | Oct. 28, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Billy Cody | Meals | $100 |
# | Oct. 28, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Billy Cody | Meals & Supplies | $100 | |
# | Oct. 28, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Billy Cody | Meals & Supplies | $100 |
# | Oct. 28, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Wendy's | Meals | $13 | |
# | Oct. 28, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Wendy's | Meals | $13 |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Kroger | Supplies | $28 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Vocelli Pizza | Meals | $22 |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Vocelli Pizza | Meals | $22 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Subway | Meals | $23 |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Subway | Meals | $23 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Mary Novick | Mileage | $51 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Kroger | Supplies | $17 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Kroger | Supplies | $17 |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Kroger | Supplies | $9 | |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Kroger | Supplies | $9 |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Kroger | Supplies | $28 |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Mary Novick | Mileage | $51 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Vocelli Pizza | Meals | $28 | |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Vocelli Pizza | Meals | $28 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Speedway | Gas | $23 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Speedway | Gas | $23 | |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Mary Novick | Mileage | $154 | |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Mary Novick | Mileage | $154 |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Kroger | Meals | $34 |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Kroger | Meals | $34 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Hampton Inn | Hotel | $315 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Hampton Inn | Hotel | $315 |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Office Max | Office Supplies | $10 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Office Max | Supplies | $10 |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Pitteria Pizza | Meals | $32 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Pitteria Pizza | Meals | $32 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Joseph Simon Mr. Donnelly (DEM) | Senate | IN | Hickory Printing Solutions | Postage | $3,906 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Support | Mitt / Ryan, Paul D. Romney (REP) | President | The Lukens Company | Mailer | $2,291 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Support | George Allen (REP) | Senate | VA | The Lukens Company | Mailer | $9,166 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Hickory Printing Solutions | Postage | $1,225 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Michael Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | Hickory Printing Solutions | Postage | $4,900 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Hickory Printing Solutions | Postage | $977 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Support | Mitt / Ryan, Paul D. Romney (REP) | President | Hickory Printing Solutions | Postage | $977 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Office Max | Flyers | $11 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Support | Richard E Mourdock (REP) | Senate | IN | Hickory Printing Solutions | Postage | $3,906 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Support | Mitt / Ryan, Paul D. Romney (REP) | President | Hickory Printing Solutions | Postage | $1,225 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Support | George Allen (REP) | Senate | VA | Hickory Printing Solutions | Postage | $4,900 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | i360, LLC | Voter Data | $400 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Joseph Simon Mr. Donnelly (DEM) | Senate | IN | i360, LLC | Voter Data | $800 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Michael Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | i360, LLC | Voter Data | $800 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Support | Mitt / Ryan, Paul D. Romney (REP) | President | i360, LLC | Voter Data | $400 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Support | Richard E Mourdock (REP) | Senate | IN | i360, LLC | Voter Data | $800 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Support | George Allen (REP) | Senate | VA | i360, LLC | Voter Data | $800 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Kroger | Supplies | $47 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Kroger | Supplies | $47 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Office Max | Meals | $11 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Subway | Meals | $34 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Subway | Meals | $34 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | The Lukens Company | Mailers | $2,291 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Michael Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | The Lukens Company | Mailers | $9,166 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Joseph Simon Mr. Donnelly (DEM) | Senate | IN | The Lukens Company | Mailers | $7,127 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | The Lukens Company | Mailers | $1,782 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Support | Mitt / Ryan, Paul D. Romney (REP) | President | The Lukens Company | Mailers | $1,782 | |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Support | Richard E Mourdock (REP) | Senate | IN | The Lukens Company | Mailes | $7,127 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Michael Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | POUND, FEINSTEIN & ASSOCIATES | Radio Ad | $50,000 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Kroger | Supplies | $48 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Kroger | Supplies | $48 | |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Vocelli Pizza | Meals | $28 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Vocelli Pizza | Meals | $28 | |
# | Oct. 22, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Kroger | Supplies | $43 | |
# | Oct. 22, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Kroger | Supplies | $43 |
# | Oct. 22, 2012 | Oppose | Joseph Simon Mr. Donnelly (DEM) | Senate | IN | FP1 Strategies | TV Ad | $40,000 |
# | Oct. 22, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Pitteria Pizza | Meals | $25 |
# | Oct. 22, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Pitteria Pizza | Meals | $25 | |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Vocelli Pizza | Meals | $13 | |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Walmart | Supplies | $32 |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Walmart | Supplies | $32 | |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Vocelli Pizza | Meals | $13 |
# | Oct. 20, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Speedway | Gas | $27 |
# | Oct. 20, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Speedway | Gas | $27 | |
# | Oct. 19, 2012 | Oppose | J Robert Kerrey (DEM) | Senate | NE | Nebo Media | Radio Ad | $39,877 |
# | Oct. 19, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Kroger | Meals | $28 | |
# | Oct. 19, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Kroger | Meals | $28 |
# | Oct. 19, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Kroger | Supplies | $5 |
# | Oct. 19, 2012 | Oppose | J Robert Kerrey (DEM) | Senate | NE | Online Advertising | $200 | |
# | Oct. 19, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Kroger | Supplies | $5 | |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Vocelli Pizza | Meals | $40 |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Vocelli Pizza | Meals | $40 | |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | Office Max | Flyers | $30 |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Office Max | Flyers | $30 | |
# | Aug. 13, 2012 | Oppose | Bill Nelson (DEM) | Senate | FL | Design 4, Inc. | Design & Production | $451 |
# | Aug. 13, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Design 4, Inc. | Design & Production | $676 | |
# | Aug. 13, 2012 | Oppose | Bill Nelson (DEM) | Senate | FL | The Printing Express | Mailing | $5,073 |
# | Aug. 13, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | The Printing Express | Mailing | $7,609 | |
# | Aug. 10, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | The Printing Express | Mailing | $2,637 | |
# | Aug. 10, 2012 | Oppose | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | Senate | WI | Design 4, Inc. | Design & Production | $156 |
# | Aug. 10, 2012 | Oppose | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | Senate | WI | The Printing Express | Mailing | $1,758 |
# | Aug. 10, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | Design 4, Inc. | Design & Production | $234 | |
# | May 16, 2012 | Support | Alecia Dawn Webb Edgington (REP) | House | KY-4 | POUND, FEINSTEIN & ASSOCIATES | RADIO AD | $10,081 |
# | April 19, 2012 | Support | Cherilyn B Eagar (REP) | House | UT-2 | MORGAN, MEREDITH & ASSOCIATES DIRECT MAIL MARKETING GROUP | MAILING | $1,506 |
# | March 18, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Design 4, Inc. | BUS WRAP DESIGN | $5,525 | |
# | March 18, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | United Airlines | Flight | $698 | |
# | March 18, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | US AIRWAYS | BAGGAGE FEE | $25 | |
# | March 18, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | US AIRWAYS | AIRFARE | $578 | |
# | March 18, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | United Airlines | BAGGAGE FEE | $25 | |
# | March 17, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | KINZIE CHOPHOUSE | MEAL | $227 | |
# | March 17, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | HOLIDAY INN | HOTEL | $1,158 | |
# | March 17, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | ARMERICAN AIRLINES | AIRFARE | $294 | |
# | March 17, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | WENDY'S (IL) | MEAL | $17 | |
# | March 16, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Panera (Quincy) | Meals | $50 | |
# | March 16, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Hampton Inn | Hotel | $1,124 | |
# | March 16, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Hoffman House | Meals | $9 | |
# | March 16, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | St Giuseppe Heavenly Pizza | Meals | $20 | |
# | March 15, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Brand Imaging Group | Bus Patch | $634 | |
# | March 15, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Holiday Inn | Hotel | $784 | |
# | March 15, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | John L Productions | Bus Rental | $12,150 | |
# | March 15, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | McDonalds | Meals | $10 | |
# | March 15, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Mark Roepke | Travel | $6,300 | |
# | March 15, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | United Airlines | Airfare | $415 | |
# | March 15, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Yellow Cab of DC | Cabfare | $20 | |
# | March 15, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Brand Imaging Group | Bus Patch | $70 | |
# | March 15, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | John L Productions | Bus Rental | $1,350 | |
# | March 15, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Mark Roepke | Travel | $700 | |
# | March 15, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | United Airlines | Airfare | $46 | |
# | March 15, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | US AIRWAYS | Airfare | $74 | |
# | March 15, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | US AIRWAYS | Baggage Fee | $25 | |
# | March 15, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | US AIRWAYS | Airfare | $670 | |
# | March 13, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | CITY OF MOBILE PARKING OFFICE | PARKING FEES FOR BUS | $32 | |
# | March 13, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | US AIRWAYS | BAGGAGE FEE | $25 | |
# | March 13, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | US AIRWAYS | AIRFARE | $2,349 | |
# | March 13, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | HOLIDAY INN | MEALS | $8 | |
# | March 13, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | SUBWAY | MEALS | $24 | |
# | March 13, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | HUDSON NEWS BAR & GRILL | MEALS | $51 | |
# | March 12, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | DREAMLAND BBQ | MEAL | $144 | |
# | March 12, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | HOLIDAY INN | HOTEL | $1,068 | |
# | March 11, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Mark Roepke | Travel | $500 | |
# | March 11, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Sweet Pepper's Deli | Meal | $49 | |
# | March 11, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | John L Productions | Bus Rental | $900 | |
# | March 11, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | John L Productions | Bus Rental | $900 | |
# | March 11, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Lofton's Grill @ Holiday Inn | Meals | $44 | |
# | March 11, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Mark Roepke | Travel | $500 | |
# | March 11, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Lofton's Grill @ Holiday Inn | Meals | $31 | |
# | March 11, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Holiday Inn | Hotel | $1,024 | |
# | March 10, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Holiday Inn Express | Hotel | $225 | |
# | March 10, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Bates House of Turkey | Meals | $5 | |
# | March 10, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Dobb's Famous BBQ | Meals | $75 | |
# | March 10, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Julia's Restaurant | Meals | $45 | |
# | March 9, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Fedex Office | Promotional Flyers | $552 | |
# | March 9, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | John L Productions | Bus Rental | $5,100 | |
# | March 9, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Mark Roepke | Travel Expenses | $2,500 | |
# | March 9, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Delta Air | Airfare | $885 | |
# | March 9, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Einstein Bagels | Meals | $16 | |
# | March 9, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Fastsigns Dearborn | Bus Magnet | $600 | |
# | March 9, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Fedex Office | Promotional Flyers | $552 | |
# | March 9, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Holiday Inn | Hotel | $203 | |
# | March 9, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | John L Productions | Bus Rental | $5,100 | |
# | March 9, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Orbitz | Airfare | $420 | |
# | March 9, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Mark Roepke | Travel Expenses | $2,500 | |
# | March 9, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Delta Air | Baggage Check | $25 | |
# | March 9, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Fastsigns Dearborn | Bus Magnet | $600 | |
# | March 7, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | District Dept of Transportation | Permit Parking | $52 | |
# | March 7, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | District Dept of Transportation | Permit Parking | $110 | |
# | March 6, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Bristol Mall | Meal | $54 | |
# | March 6, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Marriott Courtyard | Travel | $468 | |
# | March 6, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | AMERICAN AIRLINES | FLIGHT | $270 | |
# | March 5, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Paradigm Security Services | Security | $180 | |
# | March 5, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Advanced Protective Services | Security | $240 | |
# | March 5, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Marriott Hotel | Hotel | $1,354 | |
# | March 4, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | United Airlines | Airfare | $746 | |
# | March 4, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Travelocity | Travel | $415 | |
# | March 4, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Five Guys | Meals | $18 | |
# | March 4, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Oyster Bar | Meals | $121 | |
# | March 4, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Tubby's Tank House | Meals | $109 | |
# | March 4, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Delta Air | Airfare | $705 | |
# | March 4, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Five Guys | Meals | $14 | |
# | March 3, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Tubby's Tank House | Meals | $135 | |
# | March 3, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Chick-Fil-A | Meals | $48 | |
# | March 2, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Mark Roepke | Travel Expenses | $1,000 | |
# | March 2, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Holiday Inn | Travel | $2,310 | |
# | March 2, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Chili's | Meal | $120 | |
# | March 2, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Holiday Inn | Hotel | $803 | |
# | March 1, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Chipotle | Meals | $14 | |
# | March 1, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Wendy's | Meals | $8 | |
# | March 1, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board Ohio Statehouse | Permit Fee | $200 | |
# | March 1, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Holiday Inn | Hotel | $1,578 | |
# | March 1, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Wendy's | Meal | $1 | |
# | Feb. 29, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | MH Media | 'Trust Rick' Ad | $200,000 | |
# | Feb. 29, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Holiday Inn | Travel | $1,121 | |
# | Feb. 29, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Fastsigns Dearborn | Sign | $96 | |
# | Feb. 29, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Kaile Mattice | Subcontractor | $2,600 | |
# | Feb. 29, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | The Printing Express | Printing | $1,030 | |
# | Feb. 29, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Panera | Meals | $42 | |
# | Feb. 29, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Mark Roepke | Advance | $18,500 | |
# | Feb. 29, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | John L Productions | Bus Rental | $21,250 | |
# | Feb. 28, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Marriott | Hotel | $1,596 | |
# | Feb. 28, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Jimmy Johns | Meals | $20 | |
# | Feb. 28, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Jimmy Johns | Meals | $16 | |
# | Feb. 28, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Ponderosa Steakhouse | Meals | $5 | |
# | Feb. 27, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Holiday Inn | Hotel | $608 | |
# | Feb. 27, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Delta Air | Travel | $518 | |
# | Feb. 27, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Bob Evans | Meal | $77 | |
# | Feb. 27, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Holiday Inn | Meals | $95 | |
# | Feb. 26, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | COURTYARD BY MARRIOTT | HOTEL | $625 | |
# | Feb. 26, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Culver's | Meal | $8 | |
# | Feb. 26, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Outback Steakhouse | Meal | $118 | |
# | Feb. 26, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Culver's | Meal | $8 | |
# | Feb. 26, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Culver's | Meal | $38 | |
# | Feb. 26, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Fairfield Inn | Hotel | $880 | |
# | Feb. 25, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Holiday Inn | Meal | $82 | |
# | Feb. 25, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Ruby Tuesday | Meal | $144 | |
# | Feb. 24, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Fedex Office | Printing Flyers | $266 | |
# | Feb. 24, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Bob Evans | Meals | $42 | |
# | Feb. 24, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Bob Evans | Meals | $14 | |
# | Feb. 24, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Holiday Inn | Travel | $1,072 | |
# | Feb. 23, 2012 | Support | Richard Santorum (REP) | President | JOHN L PRODUCTIONS | BUS RENTAL | $18,000 | |
# | Feb. 23, 2012 | Support | Richard Santorum (REP) | President | BRAND IMAGING GROUP | BUS WRAP | $11,605 | |
# | Feb. 23, 2012 | Support | Richard Santorum (REP) | President | TOWNEPLACE SUITES | HOTEL | $879 | |
# | Feb. 23, 2012 | Support | Richard Santorum (REP) | President | THE B.O.B. | MEALS | $155 | |
# | Feb. 23, 2012 | Support | Richard Santorum (REP) | President | CRACKER BARREL | MEALS | $122 | |
# | Feb. 23, 2012 | Support | Richard Santorum (REP) | President | DELTA | AIRFARE | $1,834 | |
# | Feb. 23, 2012 | Support | Richard Santorum (REP) | President | MARK ROEPKE | ADVANCE, TRAVEL | $5,000 | |
# | Feb. 23, 2012 | Support | Richard Santorum (REP) | President | HOLIDAY INN | HOTEL | $1,549 | |
# | Feb. 22, 2012 | Support | Richard Santorum (REP) | President | STAPLES | SUPPLIES | $38 | |
# | Feb. 22, 2012 | Support | Richard Santorum (REP) | President | MH Media | Radio Advertisement-Will | $149,000 | |
# | Feb. 20, 2012 | Support | Richard J. Santorum (REP) | President | Delta Air | Flight | $718 |