Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies Independent Expenditures - 2012 cycle
See Other Cycles: 2010 2014 2016 2018
Total Spent
Supporting Candidates
Opposing Candidates
Totals Through: Nov. 4, 2012
This committee is active in congressional races and has spent most of its money, $6,071,594, supporting Mitt Romney.
States Where Crossroads Grassroots Policy Strategies Has Been Active
Amount Spent
- $149,000
- $4,000,000
Recent Independent Expenditures
Date | Position | Candidate | Race | State | Payee | Purpose | Amount | |
# | Nov. 4, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $13,343 | |
# | Nov. 3, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | UPGRADE FILMS | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $75 | |
# | Nov. 3, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $165,000 | |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | UPGRADE FILMS | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $26,452 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | TARGETED VICTORY | WEB ADS | $51,239 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | UPGRADE FILMS | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $28,858 | |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | Senate | WI | TARGETED VICTORY | WEB ADS | $37,265 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | RISING TIDE MEDIA GROUP LLC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $14,826 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | MCCARTHY HENNINGS MEDIA INC | RADIO MEDIA PRODUCTION | $1,023 | |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | Senate | WI | TARGETED VICTORY | WEB ADS | $37,265 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Joseph Donnelly (DEM) | Senate | IN | TARGETED VICTORY | WEB ADS | $74,529 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Jon Tester (DEM) | Senate | MT | BLUEFRONT STRATEGIES LLC | WEB ADS | $52,000 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Cheri Bustos (DEM) | House | IL-17 | MENTZER MEDIA SERVICES INC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $522,368 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | TARGETED VICTORY | WEB ADS | $41,923 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Angus King (IND) | Senate | ME | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $333,873 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Angus King (IND) | Senate | ME | WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $13,687 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | MENTZER MEDIA SERVICES INC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $1,322,961 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) | Senate | ND | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $391,156 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) | Senate | ND | MCCARTHY HENNINGS MEDIA INC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $15,036 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) | Senate | ND | BLUEFRONT STRATEGIES LLC | WEB ADS | $52,000 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Shelley Berkley (DEM) | Senate | NV | UPGRADE FILMS | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $13,322 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Shelley Berkley (DEM) | Senate | NV | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $460,933 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Shelley Berkley (DEM) | Senate | NV | TARGETED VICTORY | WEB ADS | $18,632 |
# | Oct. 30, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $1,711,149 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Sean Maloney (DEM) | House | NY-18 | WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATION | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $13,565 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Steven Horsford (DEM) | House | NV-4 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $339,811 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Bishop (DEM) | House | NY-1 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $139,130 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Elizabeth Warren (DEM) | Senate | MA | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $1,001 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Cheri Bustos (DEM) | House | IL-17 | MCCARTHY HENNINGS MEDIA INC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $14,660 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | William Enyart (DEM) | House | IL-12 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $290,280 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $538 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $863,563 | |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Raul Ruiz (DEM) | House | CA-36 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $144,999 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Raul Ruiz (DEM) | House | CA-36 | FPI STRATEGIES LLC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $10,398 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Sean Maloney (DEM) | House | NY-18 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $250,489 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Steven Horsford (DEM) | House | NV-4 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $448,793 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Louise Slaughter (DEM) | House | NY-25 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $348,967 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Louise Slaughter (DEM) | House | NY-25 | RISING TIDE MEDIA GROUP LLC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $12,437 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Leonard Boswell (DEM) | House | IA-3 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $54,239 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Leonard Boswell (DEM) | House | IA-3 | WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $13,099 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | John Hernandez (DEM) | House | CA-21 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $182,532 |
# | Oct. 29, 2012 | Oppose | Brendan Mullen (DEM) | House | IN-2 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $184,131 |
# | Oct. 28, 2012 | Oppose | Jon Tester (DEM) | Senate | MT | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $11,473 |
# | Oct. 28, 2012 | Oppose | Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) | Senate | ND | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $9,326 |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) | Senate | ND | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $6,106 |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Steven Horsford (DEM) | House | NV-4 | RISING TIDE MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $971 |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Steven Horsford (DEM) | House | NV-4 | RISING TIDE MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $971 |
# | Oct. 27, 2012 | Oppose | Elizabeth Warren (DEM) | Senate | MA | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $2,677 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | RADIO MEDIA PLACEMENT | $67,824 | |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) | Senate | ND | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $1,194 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $6,187 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Elizabeth Warren (DEM) | Senate | MA | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $18,914 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $745 | |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $925,980 | |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | UPGRADE FILMS | TV / MEDIA SHIPPING | $93 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $400,329 |
# | Oct. 26, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | HACKNEY & HACKNEY | RADIO MEDIA PRODUCTION | $1,450 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | John Hernandez (DEM) | House | CA-21 | RISING TIDE MEDIA GROUP LLC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $11,507 |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Christie Vilsack (DEM) | House | IA-4 | RISING TIDE MEDIA GROUP LLC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $11,706 |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Christie Vilsack (DEM) | House | IA-4 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $346,983 |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | MCCARTHY HENNINGS MEDIA INC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $16,429 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $985,444 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $1,094 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $1,457,783 | |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Steven Horsford (DEM) | House | NV-4 | RISING TIDE MEDIA GROUP LLC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $12,289 |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Bishop (DEM) | House | NY-1 | RISING TIDE MEDIA GROUP LLC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $11,288 |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Brendan Mullen (DEM) | House | IN-2 | FPI STRATEGIES LLC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $11,239 |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Elizabeth Warren (DEM) | Senate | MA | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $17,425 |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Jon Tester (DEM) | Senate | MT | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $2,861 |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) | Senate | ND | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $19,984 |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Bishop (DEM) | House | NY-1 | RISING TIDE MEDIA GROUP LLC | RADIO / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $2,873 |
# | Oct. 25, 2012 | Oppose | Elizabeth Warren (DEM) | Senate | MA | MAJORITY STRATEGIES | POSTAGE, PRINTING / PRODUCTION | $174,705 |
# | Oct. 24, 2012 | Oppose | Leonard Boswell (DEM) | House | IA-3 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $613,162 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Jon Tester (DEM) | Senate | MT | MCCARTHY HENNINGS MEDIA INC | RADIO / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $2,157 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | RADIO / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $532,774 | |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | RADIO / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $137,290 | |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | TARGETED VICTORY | WEB ADS | $500,000 | |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $27,941 | |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $2,052,589 | |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Joseph Donnelly (DEM) | Senate | IN | TARGETED VICTORY | WEB ADS | $74,529 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Joseph Donnelly (DEM) | Senate | IN | MCCARTHY HENNINGS MEDIA INC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $14,814 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Joseph Donnelly (DEM) | Senate | IN | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $1,010,266 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Shelley Berkley (DEM) | Senate | NV | TARGETED VICTORY | WEB ADS | $18,632 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Shelley Berkley (DEM) | Senate | NV | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $1,040,025 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Jon Tester (DEM) | Senate | MT | BLUEFRONT STRATEGIES LLC | WEB ADS | $52,000 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | Senate | WI | TARGETED VICTORY | WEB ADS | $37,265 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Angus King (IND) | Senate | ME | WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $13,727 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Angus King (IND) | Senate | ME | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $330,094 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | TARGETED VICTORY | WEB ADS | $41,923 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | RISING TIDE MEDIA GROUP LLC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $14,473 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Sherrod Brown (DEM) | Senate | OH | MENTZER MEDIA SERVICES INC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $1,308,571 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | TARGETED VICTORY | WEB ADS | $51,239 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | UPGRADE FILMS | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $14,260 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $1,731,534 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) | Senate | ND | BLUEFRONT STRATEGIES LLC | WEB ADS | $52,000 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) | Senate | ND | MCCARTHY HENNINGS MEDIA INC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $14,506 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) | Senate | ND | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $212,111 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Tammy Baldwin (DEM) | Senate | WI | TARGETED VICTORY | WEB ADS | $37,265 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Heidi Heitkamp (DEM) | Senate | ND | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $12,053 |
# | Oct. 23, 2012 | Oppose | Jon Tester (DEM) | Senate | MT | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | RADIO / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $59,504 |
# | Oct. 22, 2012 | Oppose | Cheri Bustos (DEM) | House | IL-17 | MENTZER MEDIA SERVICES INC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $389,248 |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | Steven Horsford (DEM) | House | NV-4 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $339,601 |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | John Hernandez (DEM) | House | CA-21 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $200,006 |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | Brendan Mullen (DEM) | House | IN-2 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $171,343 |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | Leonard Boswell (DEM) | House | IA-3 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $194,025 |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | Gary Mcdowell (DEM) | House | MI-1 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $264,526 |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | William Enyart (DEM) | House | IL-12 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $282,670 |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | William Enyart (DEM) | House | IL-12 | RISING TIDE MEDIA GROUP LLC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $13,153 |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | Raul Ruiz (DEM) | House | CA-36 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $144,946 |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | Raul Ruiz (DEM) | House | CA-36 | RISING TIDE MEDIA GROUP LLC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $11,995 |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Bishop (DEM) | House | NY-1 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $138,990 |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Bishop (DEM) | House | NY-1 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | RADIO / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $68,104 |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Bishop (DEM) | House | NY-1 | RISING TIDE MEDIA GROUP LLC | RADIO / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $2,475 |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | Louise Slaughter (DEM) | House | NY-25 | RISING TIDE MEDIA GROUP LLC | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $11,098 |
# | Oct. 21, 2012 | Oppose | Louise Slaughter (DEM) | House | NY-25 | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | TV / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $402,530 |
# | Oct. 20, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | RADIO / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $35,413 | |
# | Oct. 20, 2012 | Oppose | Shelley Berkley (DEM) | Senate | NV | UPGRADE FILMS | TV / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $13,141 |
# | Oct. 20, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | HACKNEY & HACKNEY | RADIO / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $682 | |
# | Oct. 19, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | RADIO / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $44,702 | |
# | Oct. 19, 2012 | Oppose | Elizabeth Warren (DEM) | Senate | MA | MAJORITY STRATEGIES | POSTAGE, PRINTING / PRODUCTION | $174,705 |
# | Oct. 19, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | HACKNEY & HACKNEY | RADIO / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $2,185 | |
# | Oct. 19, 2012 | Oppose | Elizabeth Warren (DEM) | Senate | MA | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $8,004 |
# | Oct. 19, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $1,029 |
# | Oct. 19, 2012 | Oppose | Jon Tester (DEM) | Senate | MT | MAJORITY STRATEGIES | POSTAGE, PRINTING / PRODUCTION | $48,339 |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | UPGRADE FILMS | RADIO / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $2,503 | |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | HACKNEY & HACKNEY | RADIO / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $5,916 | |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | RADIO / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $606,425 | |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Timothy Kaine (DEM) | Senate | VA | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $6,641 |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Jon Tester (DEM) | Senate | MT | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $31,056 |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Shelley Berkley (DEM) | Senate | NV | CONNECTION STRATEGY LLC | PHONE CALLS | $5,583 |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Support | Mitt Romney (REP) | President | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | RADIO / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $7,746 | |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | HACKNEY & HACKNEY | RADIO / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $1,200 | |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | CROSSROADS MEDIA LLC | RADIO / MEDIA PLACEMENT | $151,584 | |
# | Oct. 18, 2012 | Oppose | Barack Obama (DEM) | President | WILSON GRAND COMMUNICATIONS | RADIO / MEDIA PRODUCTION | $835 |