2020 Presidential Candidate Summaries

Presidential campaigns report their financial activity to the Federal Election Commission on a regular schedule. Use this page to see how much the 2020 candidates have raised and spent. These figures are only from each candidate's official campaign; they do not include party committee or joint fundraising committee totals. The percent of money raised from small-dollar donors refers to the total amount given by individuals who have contributed less than $200 to that candidate.

Candidate Date Through Receipts From Small-Dollar Donors Transfers In Spending Cash Loans Debts
Mike Bloomberg (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $1,124,592,945 0% $0 $1,121,170,037 $3,422,907 $0 $82,387
Elizabeth Warren (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $131,150,873 57% $10,415,000 $130,961,075 $178,499 $400,000 $423,941
Amy Klobuchar (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $54,569,266 45% $3,575,275 $54,521,520 $47,747 $0 $0
Andrew Yang (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $42,409,751 50% $0 $42,671,145 -$153,172 $0 $2,010
John Delaney (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $23,309,691 13% $0 $23,565,912 $12,027 $20,665,000 $1,493,250
Joe Biden (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $16,077,918 65% $13,911,324 $48,254,447 $260,475 $0 $0
Kirsten Gillibrand (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $15,954,400 31% $9,600,000 $15,870,011 $84,389 $0 $0
Julián Castro (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $10,693,815 66% $59,312 $10,713,402 $182,923 $0 $0
Michael Bennet (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $7,524,650 34% $700,000 $7,520,786 $3,864 $0 $0
Jay Inslee (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $6,942,809 50% $0 $6,903,950 $38,858 $0 $0
Steve Bullock (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $5,657,893 32% $0 $5,657,893 $0 $0 $0
John Hickenlooper (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $3,509,495 17% $0 $3,509,495 $0 $75,000 $0
Seth Moulton (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $2,516,795 23% $918,579 $2,515,835 $960 $40,000 $0
Bill Weld (R) Dec. 31, 2020 $2,104,104 33% $0 $2,103,326 $777 $256,800 $384,037
Mike Gravel (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $337,801 98% $0 $252,307 $7,459 $0 $0
Wayne Messam (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $126,918 31% $0 $126,918 $0 $0 $81,876
Bernie Sanders (D) Dec. 31, 2020 $50,539 100% $0 $4,733,157 $61,108 $0 $0
Bill de Blasio (D) Nov. 30, 2020 $1,484,576 10% $0 $1,473,207 $1,423 $0 $57,373
Marianne Williamson (D) Nov. 23, 2020 $8,269,454 57% $0 $8,240,558 $58,757 $4,000 $226,596
Kamala Harris (D) Sept. 30, 2020 $42,091,613 40% $1,770,076 $41,992,063 $99,550 $0 $90,131
Cory Booker (D) Sept. 30, 2020 $26,031,687 34% $2,725,000 $26,017,621 $20,065 $0 $785,890
Tom Steyer (D) Jan. 31, 2020 $271,575,699 1% $0 $253,742,430 $17,833,270 $7,500,000 $24,000
Tim Ryan (D) Jan. 1, 2020 $1,341,246 32% $0 $1,340,943 $304 $0 $0
Eric Swalwell (D) Dec. 31, 2019 $2,604,856 38% $1,700,000 $2,604,856 $0 $0 $0
Joe Sestak (D) Dec. 31, 2019 $449,345 24% $0 $445,768 $3,577 $0 $0
Donald J. Trump (R) Sept. 30, 2019 $176,592,845 58% $105,235,040 $110,904,859 $83,216,270 $0 $2,733,832