Lookup Your Congressmember's LPAC Money

Leadership Political Action Committees are the second-largest source of political money for sitting members of Congress. But there are few rules on how the money can be spent, effectively allowing lobbyists and other donors a back door to fund a politician’s personal expenditures, including resort and travel bills. Our analysis shows that in the 2008 campaign cycle, less than half of the $112 million leadership PAC money was spent on its intended purpose of funding campaigns. Read the story here.

You can find your congress member by using the search bar or the lists at the top right of the site. Our database includes every expenditure made by the 400+ leadership PACS and shows who received the money. See our methodology here.

Top 20 Leadership PACs, by Entertainment, Events, and Travel Spending

PAC Affiliation Entertainment, Events, or Travel Total Categories
Freedom Project Boehner_john_b000589

Rep. John A. Boehner (R-OH)

$525,005 $3,082,112 44% Contributions to candidacies
17% Entertainment, events, or travel
14% Administrative
Every Republican is Crucial PAC Cantor_eric_c001046

Rep. Eric I. Cantor (R-VA)

$496,416 $2,826,360 41% Contributions to candidacies
18% Entertainment, events, or travel
13% Salaries
AmeriPAC: The Fund for a Greater America Hoyer_steny_h000874

Rep. Steny H. Hoyer (D-MD)

$413,404 $3,105,881 50% Contributions to candidacies
16% Miscellaneous or unknown
13% Entertainment, events, or travel
Searchlight Leadership Fund Reid_harry_r000146

Sen. Harry M. Reid (D-NV)

$377,703 $2,120,538 53% Contributions to candidacies
18% Entertainment, events, or travel
15% Administrative
Rely on Your Beliefs Blunt_roy_b000575

Rep. Roy Blunt (R-MO)

$285,143 $1,854,364 40% Contributions to candidacies
29% Administrative
15% Entertainment, events, or travel
Republican Majority Fund Chambliss_saxby_c000286

Sen. Saxby Chambliss (R-GA)

$268,320 $778,971 34% Entertainment, events, or travel
29% Conventions
26% Contributions to candidacies
Glacier PAC Baucus_max_b000243

Sen. Max S. Baucus (D-MT)

$261,925 $1,198,023 41% Contributions to candidacies
22% Entertainment, events, or travel
13% Conventions
Heartland Values PAC Thune_john_t000250

Sen. John Thune (R-SD)

$242,134 $1,216,318 30% Contributions to candidacies
26% Administrative
20% Entertainment, events, or travel
Senate Majority Fund Kyl_jon_k000352

Sen. Jon Kyl (R-AZ)

$236,944 $909,140 62% Contributions to candidacies
26% Entertainment, events, or travel
5% Conventions
21st Century PAC Mckeon_howard_m000508

Rep. Howard P. McKeon (R-CA)

$214,700 $1,046,708 35% Contributions to candidacies
21% Entertainment, events, or travel
14% Credit card payments
America Works Brown_sherrod_b000944

Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH)

$206,221 $653,054 50% Contributions to candidacies
32% Entertainment, events, or travel
14% Administrative
HILLPAC Clinton_hillary_c001041

Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY)

$189,859 $2,419,331 34% Administrative
26% Salaries
18% Contributions to candidacies
Synergy PAC Larson_john_l000557

Rep. John B. Larson (D-CT)

$189,790 $624,632 52% Contributions to candidacies
30% Entertainment, events, or travel
17% Administrative
Together for Our Majority Reynolds_thomas_r000569

Rep. Thomas M. Reynolds (R-NY)

$188,792 $1,067,364 26% Conventions
22% Contributions to candidacies
18% Entertainment, events, or travel
21st Century Majority Fund Isakson_john_i000055

Sen. John H. Isakson (R-GA)

$178,785 $485,008 58% Contributions to candidacies
37% Entertainment, events, or travel
4% Credit card payments
Next Century Fund Burr_richard_b001135

Sen. Richard M. Burr (R-NC)

$178,451 $626,208 67% Contributions to candidacies
28% Entertainment, events, or travel
2% Salaries
All America PAC Bayh_evan_b001233

Sen. Evan Bayh (D-IN)

$176,734 $789,435 30% Conventions
22% Entertainment, events, or travel
22% Administrative
Cmte for the Preservation of Capitalism Mccrery_jim_m000388

Rep. Jim O. McCrery (R-LA)

$175,102 $1,032,435 62% Contributions to candidacies
17% Entertainment, events, or travel
11% Administrative
COLE PAC Cole_tom_c001053

Rep. Tom Cole (R-OK)

$170,323 $556,402 62% Contributions to candidacies
31% Entertainment, events, or travel
6% Administrative
National Leadership PAC Rangel_charles_r000053

Rep. Charles B. Rangel (D-NY)

$169,757 $1,974,065 62% Contributions to candidacies
21% Administrative
9% Entertainment, events, or travel