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Deleted Tweets from Mont. politicians


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Politwoops tracks deleted tweets by public officials, including people currently in office and candidates for office. If you think we're missing someone, please email us with their name, state, political party, office they hold or are seeking and, of course, their Twitter handle.

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WinterForMT (D-Mont.)

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RT @shocks: it's 2008, the min wage is 7.25, and congress is debating gay marriage and promising to address climate change in t… https://t.co/DOI9X3FPwF

1268595485016612865 fxzxnltn bigger

WinterForMT (D-Mont.)

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RT @kemc: No starker reminder of history rhyming 'round here than unmarked private jets landing right next door to lynched un… https://t.co/MreAb4EZWQ

1517167423534682112 ektn0uw  bigger

We continue to obligate ourselves to protect other countries while continuing to ignore the invasion that is taking place on our southern border and the fentanyl chemical attack and associated loss of life it has caused. #MontanaFirst #AmericaFirst https://t.co/7FZM0a4hyO

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We continue to obligate ourselves to protect other countries while continuing to ignore the invasion that is taking place on our southern border and the fentanyl chemical attack and associated loss of life it has caused. #MontanaFirst #AmericaFirst https://t.co/7FZM0a4hyO$

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The Biden administration is allowing the some of most dangerous people in the world to enter our country without repercussions. Under this Administration, our borders are not secure and the American people are vulnerable. This is not compassionate. https://t.co/EsH2ihlYkI

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MonicaTranel (D-Mont.)

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Montana is not for sale. This Congressional seat brings Montana’s history back into the spotlight. We are up against the greed, corruption, and out-of-state interests. I’m honored to be on the side of the people. #mtnews https://t.co/RS58UKovE9 https://t.co/tSgBYQXF4l

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MonicaTranel (D-Mont.)

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RT @TheMontanaTimes: Two different campaigns: corrupt @RyanZinke's out-of-state special interest corporate backed versus @monicatranel's… https://t.co/X75eliVgRk

1268595485016612865 fxzxnltn bigger

WinterForMT (D-Mont.)

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Conservative friends: Tired of all the red tape? Wanna unleash American capitalism? Wanna piss off your centrist Democrat neighbors? Then try this one weird trick… End single-family zoning.

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WinterForMT (D-Mont.)

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Conservative friends: Tired of all the red tape? Wanna unleash American capitalism? Then try this one weird trick… End single-family zoning.

1517167423534682112 ektn0uw  bigger

Our society continues to head down the path of insanity by claiming that there are more than 2 genders. The Left only wants to follow the science when it advances their narrative. #FollowTheScience #OnlyTwoGenders https://t.co/0phyvAPIK2

1268595485016612865 fxzxnltn bigger

WinterForMT (D-Mont.)

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No really @KernanBlake I did you the courtesy of a screenshot rather than an rt and didn’t tag you, but now I know you’ve seen this. You need to delete the post. Perhaps you didn’t know it was irresponsible at the time, but that doesn’t make it any better.

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WinterForMT (D-Mont.)

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This will kill people. QT @chrispknight: Looks like we're already at the point where "major questions doctrine" will be cited against nearly every regulatio… https://t.co/oWW93wQfVV)

1477342792942817285 lj3nbykm bigger

Honored to sit down with Admiral Linda Fagan as we consider her nomination to serve as the 27th Commandant of the @USCG. The Coast Guard is a vital asset in our nation's armed forces, and Admiral Fagan's years of dedicated service and sacrifice have prepared her to lead it. https://t.co/uEvAEcxS1p

1268595485016612865 fxzxnltn bigger

WinterForMT (D-Mont.)

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And before you get on my ass about this: I own guns, I’ve been elected by gun owners, I hunt, and I ran for office as the only person *begging* the Democratic Party to have a backbone on this issue, and I got called anti-police by my party leadership for doing so

1268595485016612865 fxzxnltn bigger

WinterForMT (D-Mont.)

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Punisher logo on his phone, as if he’s in a fucking video game. Nauseating. QT @ninaturner: Cops in Uvalde checked their phones and got hand sanitizer while children were massacred. My God. https://t.co/E8K6UJhqs0)

1268595485016612865 fxzxnltn bigger

WinterForMT (D-Mont.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @MelissaRyan: Threats against Rep. Jayapal's life -- at her home -- won't get nearly the attention of Kavanaugh heaving to leave a resta… QT @SFrameK5: When police arrived in front of Rep. Jayapal’s home they say the suspect was standing in the middle of the street w… https://t.co/hAtACBJVHP)

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Meeting with Montana students is the highlight of my day, and today was no different. It was a pleasure talking to members of the International Key Club who traveled all the way from Great Falls. https://t.co/euqDtKRb2M

1469073116185960458 12mh8gaf bigger

RT @FoxNews: .@SteveDaines introduces bill to block Biden from adding 'woke' requirements to US retirement plans https://t.co/i0136Fg2b8

1268595485016612865 fxzxnltn bigger

WinterForMT (D-Mont.)

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@ChloDubs But I’m not a portlander, so beware!

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WinterForMT (D-Mont.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

@ChloDubs Luce, for sure.

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