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Deleted Tweets from Vt. politicians


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After the Senate passed it yesterday, without taking up my concerns, we’ll attempt to work with the House to find the best path for Vermonters who ultimately will be responsible for making good on this massive $5.7 billion liability. 2/

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But I want to be clear: Legislative leaders know full well I continue to have concerns about putting a more than $200 million band aid on a system without fixing the underlying problem. 3/

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History shows us that simply adding more money is only a short-term solution and we’ll be back in a few years with the same problem. One way to help fix that is giving new employees something we know appeals to them: the ability to choose the benefit plan that works for them. 4/4

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The pension bill was first introduced in the Senate on March 9, and on March 10, I sent a letter outlining my concerns to Senate leadership and providing a pathway forward. 1/ https://t.co/DiO6MBSrCj

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brockpierce (X-Vt.)

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RT @eoshubnet: @PomeloGrants Pomelo Season 2 starts! Please support and support the #EOS Hub construction of #EOS all-in-one plat… https://t.co/CF3MoVIHDi

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RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)

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VT tells schools: ignore CDC https://t.co/WWuRBAwSuR

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brockpierce (X-Vt.)

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"Today was good. Today was fun. Tomorrow is another one."-- Dr. Seuss Aurora had a GREAT time QAing the rides and exploring the Santa Monica Pier! ☀️ ‍♀️ Tomorrow, it's back home to #Vermont.⚡️ #familyfun #spring #funinthesun #santamonicapier @crystalrose https://t.co/rnm7KZQsZU

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brockpierce (X-Vt.)

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@Trim_Bot Hey Dan, Are you as excited for the #EOSReturn as I am? Let’s show the world how passionate, united and powerful the EOS community is. Here’s a new profile pic for you https://t.co/LBoYBfKsLB

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RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)

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RT @davidsirota: My thoughts on the Oscar Slap incident are that it’s 70 degrees in Antarctica and what’s left of the livable ecosys… https://t.co/qalogEfPPq

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It makes zero sense to provide $53 billion in corporate welfare to the microchip industry and $10 billion in bailout to Jeff Bezos. I know it is a radical concept, but maybe just maybe government might want to be working for working class Americans, not the billionaires. https://t.co/ouQMVFcZAy

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It is imperative that Senators be allowed to vote on whether we should give Jeff Bezos a $10 billion handout to go to the moon and give, with no strings attached, $53 billion to massively profitable microchip companies. I'm going to do all I can to make sure those votes happen

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I stand in solidary with Maximus workers walking out of federal call centers across the country today. To my mind, we should not allow greedy corporations to privatize public services or profit from robbing workers of fair pay and benefits. QT @CWAUnion: Today, @Maximus_news call center workers in the south are striking for livable wages, paid sick leave for all, and… https://t.co/CCsKNqDcA1)

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The company that will likely benefit the most from the legislation in front of the Senate this week is Intel. Intel is not a poor company. It is not going broke. Does Intel need a taxpayer bailout worth many billions of dollars with no strings attached? https://t.co/Q1KriJd8gx

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Today, billionaires like Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos and Richard Branson are zooming off to outer space, buying $500 million super-yachts and mansions with 25 bathrooms. Is that really what America is supposed to be about?https://t.co/Q1KriJuJ85

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2021 Profits Amazon:⬆️75% to $35 billion Netflix:⬆️96% to $5.3 billion Nike:⬆️125% to $5.7 billion FedEx:⬆️307% to $5.2 billion 2022 Price Hikes Amazon Prime:⬆️16.8% Netflix Subscription:⬆️10.7% Nike:⬆️10.5% FedEx:⬆️5.9%-7.9% Don't cite inflation. Cite corporate greed.

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Congratulations to Captain Julie Scribner on being the Vermont on of the recipients of @USATODAY Women of the Year for her efforts to recruit more women in law enforce. Captain Scribner represents the best of what Vermont has to offer! QT @bfp_news: Julie Scribner is one of USA TODAY’s Women of the Year for her contributions toward Vermont becoming the first to h… https://t.co/fTnE8efuq6)

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RHolcombeVT (D-Vt.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @AnandWrites: Do the Murdochs think we are so stupid that they can sabotage democracy, fuel fascism in America, and then have one… https://t.co/FdtO2QJ0k5

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