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Explore the Tweets They Didn't Want You to See

Politwoops tracks deleted tweets by public officials, including people currently in office and candidates for office.

Politwoops tracks deleted tweets by public officials, including people currently in office and candidates for office. If you think we're missing someone, please email us with their name, state, political party, office they hold or are seeking and, of course, their Twitter handle.

Are your deleted tweets displayed here but you think they shouldn't be? Here's how to let us know.

1460330738692374530 g9e3gxe7 bigger

75% of schools don’t offer advanced computer science courses. We can’t let our student fall behind, it’s time for… https://t.co/l1vP7rJOg2

1194671781719752704 wmj3ecqg bigger

RepEliotEngel (D-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @RNMarcus: It was great to have lunch today with @RepEliotEngel (@HFACDemocrats) a true champion for NY and American foreign policy. #ForeignAffairs

1159162721381814273 hrrrot0f bigger

Psyched to be with @IPS_DC for #LM2016 human rights awards on #PeaceDay. Orlando and Ronnie live in our hearts.

1159162721381814273 hrrrot0f bigger

How can progressive America lose with @mrdannyglover on our side? Danny sends love to Maryland and will be back! https://t.co/AxG1Clza3s

1159162721381814273 hrrrot0f bigger

RT @EGSchulman: Beautiful evening. Congratulations IPS! @jodieevans__ we felt the love. https://t.co/AiGDCSImOv QT @jamie_raskin: Celebrating #LM2016 human rights awards w/ Marcus Raskin and Danny Glover. The struggle for justice continues. https://t.co/T0D1SB52IG)

1157021315427028992 bjey4jir bigger

JayInslee (D-Wash.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

Proud to have the endorsement of the Alliance for Gun Responsibility. It's time for action on reducing gun violence… https://t.co/rqttD6YKFX QT @WaGunResponsib: Gov. @JayInslee is working to prevent gun violence in WA. He's a gun responsibility champion and we're proud to end… https://t.co/0QhRx79ni5)

1449017805655973888 hz45cmna bigger

RT @theodenjanes: Rep. Alma Adams on MSNBC: "Violence is not the answer, but we do want some answers and we do want some justice."

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Are your deleted tweets displayed here but you think they shouldn't be? Here's how to let us know.