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Explore the Tweets They Didn't Want You to See

Politwoops tracks deleted tweets by public officials, including people currently in office and candidates for office.

Politwoops tracks deleted tweets by public officials, including people currently in office and candidates for office. If you think we're missing someone, please email us with their name, state, political party, office they hold or are seeking and, of course, their Twitter handle.

Are your deleted tweets displayed here but you think they shouldn't be? Here's how to let us know.

1289292726278795266 hysvbdjg bigger

The President’s language is absolutely unacceptable. His rhetoric is embarrassing on the world stage and is not the example we want to teach our children. https://t.co/91cr1Jjrep

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DebHaalandNM (D-N.M.)

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Friends in Minnesota - you have three hours left to get out the vote for @peggyflanagan in the #MNPrimary! Find your location here! https://t.co/MqbnVIUVC4

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RT @TheBeatWithAri: "What really worries me" is "the deafening silence from Republicans" who "are just saying nothing and allowing this… https://t.co/YYCH0HT9da

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Colvin4Congress (D-Md.)

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On Sunday, I attended #Waterman Appreciation Day down in St. Michaels. In pursuing our goal of 10B #oysters, watermen must have a seat at the table. They are the original stewards of the #Bay, and they are critical to helping it continue to rebound and ultimately flourish. https://t.co/5Xc0Mg6xwx

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lisa4congress (D-Wash.)

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Our volunteers and interns are always getting together for different events (which usually include free food). Come volunteer and change the course of history in Washington's 5th District! Sign up to be part of the Team Lisa here: https://t.co/EIpaP7mHEH https://t.co/3DToIZoJsi

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83 years ago, Pres. Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act, ensuring protection for seniors and in case of job loss. But today, this critical program is at risk. I will defend Social Security against GOP attacks and fund it without reducing benefits. #ScrapTheCap #SocSec83

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BriannaWu (D-Mass.)

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Had a long drive today and listened to a good part of @OMAROSA’s book. I’ve never seen the Apprentice, so had no preconceptions with her reputation as a villainess. But, seems like she was genuinely trying her best to make the Trump administration less racist behind the scenes.

1043484181941112832 9xmerbhm bigger

I’m standing up for people like Tara. During the fight to protect health care, she wrote to me saying, “I wish every Senator could come sit at my table, look me in the eyes and tell me how much they think my kids are worth.” So I did. 2/ https://t.co/eEFXEPmmsJ

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Kelly4SouthrnIL (D-Ill.)

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Last night’s conversation was just an incredible example of what can happen when the Kelly Coalition shows up and shares their ideas for Southern Illinois. I have so much faith that together, we will save Southern Illinois. #KellyCoalition #IL12 #twill https://t.co/7B2uWG4kdx

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Are your deleted tweets displayed here but you think they shouldn't be? Here's how to let us know.