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Politwoops tracks deleted tweets by public officials, including people currently in office and candidates for office.

Politwoops tracks deleted tweets by public officials, including people currently in office and candidates for office. If you think we're missing someone, please email us with their name, state, political party, office they hold or are seeking and, of course, their Twitter handle.

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Benzel4Congress (R-Calif.)

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https://t.co/kannWdmMDx *It's worth noting, since I operate in facts, and facts only... the lovely young lady featured in the story was not a student of mine so she could not possibly know if what I said was "inappropriate."

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SteveFDA (R-D.C.)

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I want to express how delighted we were to see almost 1,000 furloughed staff who returned to #FDA yesterday for our outreach event, and how grateful we are for the continued dedication of all our colleagues. I know how hard today is on many of you, and you have my deep respect. https://t.co/P1YwqFC4XG

1080531843907244032 xlrsvxa5 bigger

RT @BolteLeslie: Once again Brian Mast set aside time to speak to Beacon Cove Students about overcoming adversity, our government and reminding them that try too have a voice. https://t.co/9IxCAwA2nt

1488954714435854347 aautj4 k bigger

Joining the Neal Larson Show at the top of the hour. We will talk #GovernmentShutdown. Be sure to tune - https://t.co/64AoyRbtVI

21572351 20150115 1261 1q4r6vj

auctnr1 (R-Mo.)

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RT @dbongino: Clearly Mueller is panicking. He’s now desperate to invent a collusion scandal that the facts won’t deliver to him.… https://t.co/KAo1s8AUDj

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Congratulations Governor @billleetn on your first week in office. I know you’ll do a great job for the state of Tennessee. https://t.co/w1L4bEDybj

21572351 20150115 1261 1q4r6vj

auctnr1 (R-Mo.)

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RT @Lrihendry: Sarah Sanders taking questions on arrest of Roger Stone outside the WH. A female reporter asked a question Sarah Sa… https://t.co/keYHPUYh4z

18229117 20140828 20013 1ropg8t

Duffy4Wisconsin (R-Wis.)

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RT @RepSeanDuffy: “The mission is to not bring us to a trade war. The mission is to bring us to trade peace, again to lower the tarif… https://t.co/WXhnNjl76C

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Rep_Hunter (R-Calif.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

ICYMI: I joined @cvpayne on @FoxBusiness to discuss the government shutdown and border security. Watch my interview ↓ https://t.co/vIIoYdQONT

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Are your deleted tweets displayed here but you think they shouldn't be? Here's how to let us know.