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Explore the Tweets They Didn't Want You to See

Politwoops tracks deleted tweets by public officials, including people currently in office and candidates for office.

Politwoops tracks deleted tweets by public officials, including people currently in office and candidates for office. If you think we're missing someone, please email us with their name, state, political party, office they hold or are seeking and, of course, their Twitter handle.

Are your deleted tweets displayed here but you think they shouldn't be? Here's how to let us know.

1002634185511788545 rl0xojyq bigger

From the largest cities in America to the smallest town in Missouri, everyone has been affected by the economic fallout caused by the COVID-19 crisis. The modernization of CRA is a perfect reminder of the need for banks to reinvest in their communities. https://t.co/YXKZpAMerp

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RepPeteOlson (R-Texas)

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RT @commitforlife: We had a special guest donor @RepPeteOlson donating to help replenish our critically low blood supply! Thank you… https://t.co/lqO82qkqKT

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agnes_gibboney (R-Calif.)

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@thejtlewis Thank you so much.

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RudyGiuliani (R-N.Y.)

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RT @RudyGiuliani: In episode 36 of Common Sense, we analyze the rogue counter-intelligence trap, part of Obamagate, with Former Polic… https://t.co/pf0rdq0dlB

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In 2005 @JoeBiden sponsored and passed a Bill that stripped bankruptcy protection from millions. The leading company that was lobbying Biden to pass this was @mbna bank. Coincidentally MBNA bank was paying Hunter Biden $100k+ for ‘consulting services’ during the same time. https://t.co/EZlVSvz9C2

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va_shiva (R-Mass.)

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RT @realDonaldTrump: Congratulations to my daughter, Tiffany, on graduating from Georgetown Law. Great student, great school. Just what… https://t.co/BLNKYQnUkV

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RealBetyCardens (R-Calif.)

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@jenvanlaar Jen reminds me of a saying my grandma had in Spanish: “Where she puts her eye, she puts the bullet.” (Loose translation) Lorena best beware because she’s in Jen’s crosshairs & she has the power of the pen.

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RT @ellenbacca: The Grand River from Ionia to Ottawa expected to crest in the "moderate" flood stage category, steering clear of ma… https://t.co/H4Af8XlB1q

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RT @BurgessOwens: Hurry Twitter, or she's going to write a very long yelp review. QT @morningmika: .@twitter need to know why trump is not banned?)

1069283525982121990 hsyh5a79 bigger

jamesmsimpson (R-Md.)

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James Woods Brands NY Gov. ‘Killer Cuomo‘ over Nursing Home Scandal https://t.co/Bh9wm0xQXr Cuomo should be behind bars @realjameswoods @arlenwms

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