Due to a Twitter API change, Politwoops is not currently tracking deletions. We are working to restore service soon.

Deleted Tweets From Lee Haywood, R-N.C.

Deleted Tweets From Lee Haywood, R-N.C.

Lee Haywood's accounts: 1Haywood

Tracked Between: January 18, 2014-July 29, 2020

582169821686689792 n4xwrkv  bigger

1Haywood (R-N.C.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

And another one. http://t.co/FodcToEf52

582169821686689792 n4xwrkv  bigger

1Haywood (R-N.C.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

Here's another one. http://t.co/fx0Tr0KJTm

582169821686689792 n4xwrkv  bigger

1Haywood (R-N.C.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

Having a good time celebrating AJ Daoud's 57th birthday at Flemings in Greensboro http://t.co/nnUq1VUWaG

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