Deleted Tweets From Adrienne Bell, D-Texas
Adrienne Bell's accounts: AdrBell
Tracked Between: December 06, 2017-November 09, 2020
AdrBell (D-Texas)
Roe v. Wade Luncheon today, celebrating the 47th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision. There was over 3000 of us in the room. #PlannedParenthood
AdrBell (D-Texas)
Not a good movie experience @AMCTheatres. Nearly a hour for ticket line and popcorn.
AdrBell (D-Texas)
AdrBell (D-Texas)
If Money Is Tight, Climate Change Is Your Issue - OtherWords
AdrBell (D-Texas)
Congratulations to @plummer4hou for #becoming CouncilMember #Hou #Hou2019 #angeljbd #drletitiaplummer #plummer4hou #houchron #texastribune
AdrBell (D-Texas)
Welcome to the race @cenkuygur!!! What fun it will be serving with you in Congress, for the people!!
AdrBell (D-Texas)
Take care! QT @TezlynFigaro: How many of y’all cooking on a knee scooter with a broken ankle like me? I don’t make excuses love, I make it happe…
AdrBell (D-Texas)
RT @DocTran2018: With the California primary just weeks away, your support is more needed than ever in our fight to #FlipCA39 and br…
AdrBell (D-Texas)
RT @DocTran2018: After surviving breast cancer twice, my daughter came into our lives and brought us immeasurable light. I run so th…
AdrBell (D-Texas)
This video from 2018, is still true. I will be #unbought and #unbossed. Adrienne Bell (TX-14): Educator for Congress via @YouTube
AdrBell (D-Texas)
So proud of my buddy @plummer4hou who received endorsement from @HoustonChron.
AdrBell (D-Texas)
So proud of my buddy, @plummer4hou. Today she got the @HoustonChron endorsement, cause she is the best to represent on #Houston City Council. #HoustonVotes
AdrBell (D-Texas)
It was a beautiful day to canvass and talk with voters. #VoteforBell #SundayWalks
AdrBell (D-Texas)
Changing our twitter handle will remove the blue mark (verification).
AdrBell (D-Texas)
Today we discuss charter schools and public education. Tell us how you feel about these important issues that great effect our children, our schools, and our districts.
AdrBell (D-Texas)
This is exactly what this film reveals. The push for private schools is from those who can afford to send their students to private schools.
AdrBell (D-Texas)
He was serving prison time for a crime that was committed at a time when he was detained by the police!! You can’t make this stuff up. The time for #CriminalJusticeReform is now. #ElectionsMatter
AdrBell (D-Texas)
Ms. Opal needs 2,000 more signatures
AdrBell (D-Texas)
Thanks for the follows #TexasResisters. When Texas turns blue in 2020, the road to the White House will have to cone through here! #TexasForTheWin QT @Brian_Chovanec: @BellForSenate @mjhegar @RoyceWestTX @AmandaForTexas @cristinafortx @RepFletcher @RepColinAllred @ElisaCardnell…
AdrBell (D-Texas)
RT @RepAdamSchiff: The President’s misconduct makes today’s impeachment resolution necessary. To honor our oath to the Constitution.…