Deleted Tweets From Walt Blackman, R-Ariz.
Walt Blackman's accounts: BlackmanForAZ
Tracked Between: May 17, 2020-August 02, 2022
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
I will ALWAYS fight for the unborn!
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
RT @BlackmanForAZ: Our campaign just won BIG in the Yavapai County GOP straw poll with 50% of the vote. Arizonans want safety and sec…
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
Thank you to the Yavapai Republican Committee for hosting the CD-2 Candidate Forum. You did such an amazing job in facilitating. We all appreciate you.
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
QT @samanthamarika1: They are telling y’all in advance 🤷♀️
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
RT @MattWalshBlog: I am ethically opposed to shaving but even I will admit these are phenomenal razors, with an ad to match the quality of… QT @realDailyWire: A year ago, Harry’s Razors advertised on our shows. But then, they pulled their ads due to “values misalignment”. I…
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
RT @RosenForAZ: While HB 2596 has been stalled, HB2571 the election integrity bill I crafted with @BlackmanForAZ now gets a chance.…
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
RT @Caleb_Issac99: 2022 Georgia Senate Prediction Herschel Walker: 57.9% ✅ Raphael Warnock: 42.3%
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
Yesterday, Team Blackman was honored to attend Gila County Republican Party’s grand opening of the Gila County Republican Headquarters in Payson. Thank you all for what you do for our party! @RepGosar @AZKellyT @DaveMarshallAZ #AZCD2 #LD7
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
Just 12 more followers until I hit 4k followers. Thank you all for your support!
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
You are not alone as I too am feeling the pain at the gas pump . When I am elected to represent #AZ2 , I will vote and sponsor American First policies to help protect Arizonans and Americans from out of control government spending and dependency on foreign adversaries.
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
Yes, yes we do QT @realLizUSA: NEW! President Donald J. Trump: “BREAKING NEWS: HIGHEST GAS PRICES IN HISTORY! DO YOU MISS ME YET?”
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
@JosephChaplik @AZHouseGOP @AZGOP @AZSenateGOP HB2839P has parts of the bill that clarifies the number of signatures a Candate must gather to be placed on the ballot because of redistricting. However, there are issues with the legislation that need to be addressed. Monday morning,I plan on offering an amendment to 1/
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
RT @merissahamilton: INCREDIBLE! @BlackmanForAZ is running an amendment on @AZHouseGOP new bill to fix the mess created by HB2839 to re…
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
RT @DonaldJTrumpJr: You're not supposed to say this out loud, but it's especially relevant in light of what's happening in Ukraine...…
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
Blinken, Milley and Austin should have been relieved last August! QT @catturd2: We have the biggest bumbling idiots running this country I've ever seen.)
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
RT @KellySRael: Biden’s military
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
RT @peterdaou: I was Jake Sullivan's colleague at the Clinton campaign. And I know half the senior people around Biden and Harris.…
BlackmanForAZ (R-Ariz.)
In Congress, just like at the state capital, I will stand up for our conservative values and fight back against liberal policies like CRT. #AZ2