Deleted Tweets From Bobby Scott, D-Va.
Bobby Scott's accounts: BobbyScott4VA3, BobbyScott
Tracking Since: October 06, 2012
RT @GovernorVA: After lots of hard work, the health metrics in Hampton Roads have significantly improved—localities in the region a…
RT @DanWardVA07: No better champion for the American worker than @BobbyScott4VA3 & @doriscmays. An honor to spend Labor Day with the…
RT @SpeakerPelosi: Safely reopening our economy requires making sure Americans have access to quality, affordable child care. Today, t…
RT @ngiste: Continuing to listen to local Virginians, today @RalphNortham meets with faith leaders in Norfolk #GameOnVA
This decision creates 2 types of workplaces: 1 where workers’ civil rights are protected and 1 where an employers’ religious beliefs can infringe on those rights. We must pass the #DoNoHarmAct so religious liberty cannot be used to undermine civil rights.
This decision creates 2 types of workplaces: 1 where workers’ civil rights are protected and 1 where an employers’ religious beliefs can infringe on those rights. We must pass the #DoNoHarm Act so religious liberty cannot be used to undermine civil rights.
RT @EdLaborCmte: If the Trump administration wants schools to reopen in the fall, it should start by joining @HouseDemocrats efforts…
Happy #FourthofJuly! Today should be more than just a celebration—it’s a time to recommit ourselves to forming a more just and perfect nation.
56 years ago, our nation outlawed discrimination and segregation based on race, religion, sex or national origin. But the fight for justice continues. #CivilRightsAct #BlackLivesMatter #ForThePeople
RT @EdLaborCmte: As we build a clean energy economy, we must invest in school infrastructure, protect workers on the job, and strengthen wo… QT @ClimateCrisis: 🌎#SolvingTheClimateCrisis will allow us to build a healthy, resilient & just America for generations to come. It…
Congratulations to Rep @EleanorNorton who has been a tireless advocate for the disenfranchised citizens DC. Supporting #DCstatehood is about our core principles of self-determination, opposition to taxation without representation, and giving an equal voice to all Americans.
Headed in to vote for the #JusticeInPolicing Act
.@OSHA_DOL, under President Trump's leadership, has yet to issue any enforceable standard to keep workers safe from #COVID19. I applaud Virginia's Department of Labor & Industry for taking action to keep Virginia's workers safe.
The #JustinceInPolicing Act responds to the need for police accountability, federal oversight, and improves transparency. We can keep our communities safe, invest in crime prevention and our schools, and end police misconduct.
The #JusticeInPolicingAct is a good first step. The choice between public safety and police accountability is not binary. We can keep our communities safe, invest in crime prevention and our schools, and end police misconduct. #BlackLivesMatter
Talked about the importance of taking action by registering to vote during the Hampton Branch of @NAACP Rally for Justice and Voter Registration Drive
Today, the House passed bipartisan legislation that puts small businesses & workers first by making Paycheck Protection Program loans easier to use and providing much needed flexibility to the program.