Deleted Tweets From Brianna Wu, D-Mass.
Brianna Wu's accounts: BriannaWu
Tracked Between: January 27, 2017-August 10, 2020
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
RT @johniadarola: Here is the portion of Fox News's front page dedicated to Hillary Clinton right now.
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
Do I want to know? I’m guessing I don’t want to know why a senior member of Buttigieg’s campaign is trending. What is it this time? My bet is on more racism.
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
Fair point! What do you think I’m too optimistic about? The timeline? The safety? QT @stannenb: That thing where you walk into a #boskonr panel on AI and a congressional candidate is in the middle of the discuss…
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
RT @stannenb: That thing where you walk into a #boskonr panel on AI and a congressional candidate is in the middle of the discuss…
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
@jauxking My advice would be don’t go into community management. It’s a critical field, but you won’t be paid enough to warrant the abuse you’ll take - and management will put their continence over your mental health every time.
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
Real talk: One of the best habits I ever got into was subscribing to @audible_com as a teenager. Since 1998, I’ve listened to 3-5 books a month. Sometimes more. Over a lifetime, it’s paid off with a broad base of knowledge that makes me a better candidate and a better writer.
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
I'm glad companies like Google are taking campaign cybersecurity seriously & doing something about it. The breach I experienced is mentioned here & it's the tip of the iceberg in terms of what the threats are. https ://
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
RT @reckless: I wrote 5,000 words about the miserably bad decision letting T-Mobile buy Sprint. I regret to inform you that I am…
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
I’m building many of these ideas into my own campaign, and am grateful for the model. If you want to get involved, you can sign up to join me here:
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
I’m sorry to see @andrewyang drop out of the race, but glad he put so many good ideas into the mainstream, including UBI, which I think every candidate should seriously consider. I appreciate his ambitious, innovative thinking & know he’ll continue to do great things. #yanggang
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
It hurts seeing Elizabeth Warren forfeit New Hampshire and move on to South Carolina. I think she’s a remarkable politician, and would make a great president. But I want a progressive to win, and it increasingly looks like it isn’t going to be her.
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
RT @cczona: Use some of that sweet, sweet tech salary to donate the maximum allowable amount to, each, @RossforMaine's run for…
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
There’s a lot to critique Biden over, but referencing a weird quote from a John Wayne movie ain’t it, chief. His generation didn’t have memes. Give him this one.
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
No, you’ve basically wandered into the ending of @StephenKing’s “11/23/63.” QT @dceiver: if you're reading this tweet, it's because I scheduled it on April 4, 2015 what's the world like, I imagine it's pretty cool)
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
2/ As far as Buttigieg, he’s not my guy and never will be. He doesn’t come across as genuine to me - but there’s clearly an audience for the way he’s being marketed. Trump is a reality show president. Buttigieg would be a slickly produced Tide commercial.
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
Apple News is sponsoring the #DemDebate? That’s certainly unexpected.
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
Look, we here in the “intelligentsia” can explain to people why you should vote for a plutocrat in a Democrat’s dress like Mike Bloomberg. But how am I supposed to explain this to someone without health care in the Midwest?
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
When voters mistrust the voting system, they vote less—just what Dems don't need. To hold Trump accountable for election meddling, we need to be 100% above board. Election security is a top issue for me. If it's yours too, sign up for my campaign updates:
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
What's least excusable in the #IowaCaucusDisaster is the party's failure to fix glaring errors, documented by top reporters like @Taniel and covered by the @nytimes. You don't have to be a conspiracy theorist for this to undermine your confidence. QT @Taniel: I'm floored that (with 0.1% difference) IDP did not address glaring errors many on here (incl. myself) verified & t…
BriannaWu (D-Mass.)
Fun fact: The word “Leg” used to be profane in Victorian times. And not just for women, who were obviously not allowed to show it. They would actually put cloth skirts around the bottom of pianos, because the idea of even showing a PIANO LEG was considered sexual.