Deleted Tweets From Burgess Owens, R-Utah
Burgess Owens's accounts: BurgessOwens, RepBurgessOwens
Tracking Since: August 19, 2019
RT @BurgessOwens: Had an opportunity to chat with my friend @mboyle1 at @BreitbartNews this weekend about why winning the 4th distric…
RT @BurgessOwens: I'm tired of seeing @realDonaldTrump working with one hand tied behind his back because @SpeakerPelosi would rather…
RT @BurgessOwens: I'm tired of seeing @realDonaldTrump working with one hand tied behind his back because @SpeakerPelosi would rather…
RT @BurgessOwens: I'm happy to finally agree with Mr. Biden. We have the power to give @realDonaldTrump 4 more years, and give him a house… QT @JoeBiden: Don't let anyone tell you differently: We have the power to write the future we want for our country.)
RT @BurgessOwens: I have so much respect for @FLOTUS and how with such grace she handles the nastiness that comes from media and b li…
RT @BurgessOwens: I have so much respect for @FLOTUS and how with such grace she handles the nastiness that comes from media and b li…
RT @BurgessOwens: I have so much respect for @FLOTUS and how with such grace she handles the nastiness that comes from media and b li…
RT @BurgessOwens: I have so much respect for @FLOTUS and how with such grace she handles the nastiness that comes from media and b li…
RT @BurgessOwens: I have so much respect for @FLOTUS and how with such grace she handles the nastiness that comes from media and b li…
RT @BurgessOwens: I have so much respect for @FLOTUS and how with such grace she handles the nastiness that comes from media and b li…
RT @BurgessOwens: I'm tired of seeing @realDonaldTrump working with one hand tied behind his back because @SpeakerPelosi would rather…
RT @BurgessOwens: Why do I talk about race so much? For 8 years of Obama, Republicans were told they were racist if they disagreed on…
RT @BurgessOwens: I'm tired of seeing @realDonaldTrump working with one hand tied behind his back because @SpeakerPelosi would rather…
RT @BurgessOwens: Someone, somewhere thinks @RepAdamSchiff is doing a good job... If that doesn't scare you, nothing will.
RT @BurgessOwens: @MichaelRapaport @FLOTUS What a sad excuse for a man. Of all messages you could use your platform to send on mother…
RT @BurgessOwens: I'm tired of seeing @realDonaldTrump working with one hand tied behind his back because @SpeakerPelosi would rather…
RT @BurgessOwens: @MichaelRapaport @FLOTUS What a sad excuse for a man. Of all messages you could use your platform to send on mother…
RT @BurgessOwens: I'm tired of seeing @realDonaldTrump working with one hand tied behind his back because @SpeakerPelosi would rather…
RT @BurgessOwens: @MichaelRapaport @FLOTUS What a sad excuse for a man. Of all messages you could use your platform to send on mother…
RT @BurgessOwens: @MichaelRapaport @FLOTUS What a sad excuse for a man. Of all messages you could use your platform to send on mother…