Deleted Tweets From Todd Heussner, R-Ga.
Todd Heussner's accounts: COLToddHeussner
Tracked Between: May 12, 2021-November 12, 2021
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
The product of a great nation not a racist nation. A clear example of a life well lived.
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
Maybe we should spend less time on social programs and more time training. Our officer education and promotion system is severely broken. via @MailOnline
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
A joke should be funny. This is early not... Sad is a more accurate description. The media sold this guy to the American people. QT @BonginoReport: )
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
She could have led by example and cancelled rent for her tenants. She didn't... You can be sure that there is a separate set of rules for the rest of us.
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
We've suffered through these crises of confidence in the past. Replace the weak leaders and America rebounds quickly. Remember @jimmycarter? #bidendisaster @potus45 via @NewYorker
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
There are hundreds of thousands who have served there and we will not forget!
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
She meant the vodka she's drinking is strong... QT @BonginoReport: )
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
Absolutely right!
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
Does anyone think there aren't two sets of rules? One for them and another for the rest of us. It's time we elect real leaders for America. via @nypost
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
RT @Yamiche: President Biden didn’t take any questions. But, there was this super color coordinated red row waiting to try.
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
Think anyone in the media will take the time to look or will they look the other way like they did on her election ballot harvesting? QT @AndrewKerrNC: )
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
Not the headline we need since America is back... #BidenDisaster #waytogojoe #BidenIsALaughingstock via @WSJOpinion
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
Guess we'll need to change his name from Sleepy Joe to Farting Joe...
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
Not even acknowledged by @POTUS . The lack of response invites more attacks and will result in our Soldiers being hurt or killed. Where is the media coverage?
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
Exited to watch you read the teleprompter again! QT @POTUS: )
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
Weakness encourages conflict. The world knows @potus is weak and we will not respond. Weren't they talking about a credibility problem when @potus45 was in office? Magnify that 50X now...
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
RT @COLToddHeussner: Joe Biden = Jim Crow Don't let the democrats run away from their racist, segregationist past! via @FacebookWatch
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
@potus decision to withhold antibodies to score political points amounts to murder. Deliberately limiting access to lifesaving treatment is beyond evil. And the dems claim to care about people. Time to wake up America! #bidendisaster
COLToddHeussner (R-Ga.)
Now he's really earned the nickname sleepy joe. @potus