Deleted Tweets From Tony Cardenas, D-Calif.
Tony Cardenas's accounts: CardenasforCA, RepCardenas
Tracked Between: February 11, 2013-June 30, 2014
RT @RepHastingsFL: In 2 days, @FCC will vote on #SetTopBox. Join me asking @TomWheelerFCC to #UnlockThePlan
RT @NACDS: During a @EnergyCommerce hearing,@RepCardenas @SecBecerra recognized the need for ongoing funding for #COVID19 prog…
20 years ago today, the 1992 LA Riots started following the acquittal of the officers who brutally beat Rodney King. We've made progress in the aftermath, but we still have a lot of work to do in the pursuit of racial justice & police reform.
20 years ago today, the 1992 LA Riots started following the acquittal of the officers who brutally beat Rodney King in Sylmar. We've made progress in the aftermath, but we still have a lot of work to do in the pursuit of racial justice & police reform.
Glad President Biden confirmed his plans to #CancelStudentDebt. Our communities are counting on us to get this done. QT @LisaDNews: NEW - POTUS on student loans: "I am considering dealing w/ some debt reduction. I am not considering $50,000 in deb…
RT @LisaDNews: NEW - POTUS on student loans: "I am considering dealing w/ some debt reduction. I am not considering $50,000 in deb…
Earlier this week, I joined the @HispanicCaucus in asking President Biden to #CancelStudentDebt. I'd love to see him eliminate student debt across the board, but forgiving at least $10K will be a positive step forward.
Earlier this week, I joined the @HispanicCaucus in asking President Biden to #CancelStudentDebt. I'd love to see him eliminate student debt across the board, but forgiving at least $10K will be a positive step forward. QT @JDBalartMSNBC: “We'd love to see [President Biden] eliminate student debt across the board, but anything in that direction is goin…
When we work collaboratively, we get things done for our community. Thank you, @SenAlexPadilla, for securing this funding for @csunorthridge's Equity Innovation Hub! QT @RepCardenas: Growing up in the 'barrio' of Pacoima, I know what an Equity Innovation Hub will mean for students, especially thos…
⭐️#InternTakover: Today, Odalys Gomez is taking over our IG story! She was born and raised in the San Fernando Valley and is currently a senior at the UC Riverside. We're so happy to have her this winter, and we hope you tune into our story.
The #AmericanRescuePlan invested nearly $200M in college students at @csunorthridge, @lamcofficial, @LAValleyCollege and @PierceCollegeCA. One year later, we're still seeing the benefits of the direct financial relief we provided to students in need.
RT @RepUnderwood: More than 14.5 million Americans signed up for coverage during the 2021 open enrollment period – an all-time high!…
There's still time! The deadline to enroll in health insurance for 2022 is TODAY, January 31st. Don't wait and get covered. QT @CoveredCA: There's still time! The deadline to enroll in health insurance for 2022 is January 31. Don't wait and get covered!…
@FCC Learn more about the #CA29 and Los Angeles Schools benefitting from the @FCC's ECF Program ⬇️
Protecting your right to vote is how we save our democracy. The clock is ticking. The Senate must do whatever it takes – including changing their rules – to get the Freedom to Vote: John R. Lewis Act over the finish line.
A heartfelt thank you to @LAPDFoothill for their quick action to free the pilot moments before the train hit the plane. Grateful for the heroism of the officers who risked their lives to get the pilot to safety. QT @LAPDHQ: Foothill Division Officers displayed heroism and quick action by saving the life of a pilot who made an emergency l…
RT @RepSusanDavis: The Latino story is an American story. There are so many lost histories, heroes, and memories of Latinos in our nat…
RT @RepShalala: This is outrageous! Teachers are being forced to use their own savings to buy personal protective equipment for th…