Deleted Tweets From David Torres, D-Colo.
David Torres's accounts: Cd5Torres
Tracked Between: May 09, 2021-November 20, 2022
Cd5Torres (D-Colo.)
RT @RepDLamborn: Today I'm back in D.C. to work on the National Defense Authorization Act. I'm focused on: ▪️ Preventing the expans…
Cd5Torres (D-Colo.)
RT @Joelmpetlin: Less than one tenth of one percent of @benshapiro's 3.5 million followers will ever appreciate the gadlus of this Tweet. QT @benshapiro: The answer is l'chatchila, you shouldn't, but b'dieved, it's probably okay
Cd5Torres (D-Colo.)
RT @cfishman: What's happening at Kabul airport (KBL)? Great tidbits in this interview from @nprscottsimon w/ US chief of air tr…
Cd5Torres (D-Colo.)
Rich is preaching! QT @RealRichWilkins: I was 18 on 9/11, 22 at the height of the Iraq War, 25 for the 2008 Great Recession, and 33 when Trump took office.…
Cd5Torres (D-Colo.)
I need all Repub's to get on board to stop this. This bill does nothing but help the people. Preschool? Free CC?? Kids (living) and education are the devils. More Medicare benefits? Senses are overrated! Cutting emissions? To benefit who? Not us @RepDLamborn - Sound right? QT @Acyn: Rep. Banks: We will do everything we can to stop this
Cd5Torres (D-Colo.)
RT @ethanmwolf: I am a Gen-Z activist fighting against radical right leaders like Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk to help elect youn…
Cd5Torres (D-Colo.)
RT @COTimesRecorder: “My good colleague Lauren Boebert, she’s got some really great people. So I can’t wait to come to Colorado,” said U…
Cd5Torres (D-Colo.)
RT @PrezLives2022: We will never have the country we want until we end gerrymandering, end money in politics, force the wealthy to pay…
Cd5Torres (D-Colo.)
Bipartisanship is something that many strives for but I’m starting to believe that without an overhaul of Congress, it’s a moot subject and current efforts are only slowing progress down or halting it completely. Ugh!! Let’s change it up.