Deleted Tweets From Chris Balasinski, X-Calif.
Chris Balasinski's accounts: ChrisBalasinski
Tracked Between: February 18, 2021-August 12, 2022
ChrisBalasinski (X-Calif.)
As we celebrate American independence, it might be a good time to re-evaluate our own. Are referees truly independent or is it finally time to give that fallacy a rest?
ChrisBalasinski (X-Calif.)
As Vegas goes, so does the nation, in regards to referee game fees. I implore the officials of Nevada to hold their weak and corrupt assignors accountable for failing to get them fair pay for these incredibly profitable annual summer basketball events. #UnionStrong
ChrisBalasinski (X-Calif.)
Camps are overrated and overpriced. What we really need is more D1 refs taking the time to give feedback to young officials as they work paid games on the grassroots circuit. That’s called giving back to the game. And that’s our friend, PAC-12 official Deldre Carr.
ChrisBalasinski (X-Calif.)
@RefereeMag Now they usually start a camp for $300 a session to share the secrets of their success.
ChrisBalasinski (X-Calif.)
ChrisBalasinski (X-Calif.)
ChrisBalasinski (X-Calif.)
ChrisBalasinski (X-Calif.)
I often get asked, "How did Ref Union get started?" Well, if I had to put that answer into just two words, it would be "Open Gym." Congratulations on your 10-year anniversary! Sorry I ever doubted you. #ogp10year @OpenGymPremier
ChrisBalasinski (X-Calif.)
@goldsilver_pros You mean “silver,” right? Because if gold actually goes to $30, there’s gonna be some hell to pay.
ChrisBalasinski (X-Calif.)
@RefereeMag And, I am so torn on this one. On one hand, I agree with those that say referees are paid for their time and experience. On the other hand, if both paid equal, I would want JV games always and forever. Less stress, earlier in the day, more casual, and just easier to do.
ChrisBalasinski (X-Calif.)
@JohnSmi91381200 @Jenner4Governor @MichelleSteelCA First thought that popped into my head: “Illegitimate” Independent >>>> Democrat. Not that I hate all Democrats (or even Republicans) but there’s just something so off-putting about being forced into a box.
ChrisBalasinski (X-Calif.)
@ExileOC I concur but in a traditionally red state, it's not a bad strategy to suggest you'll at least listen to what amounts to half the population. And besides, she mentions "bipartisanship" on her Twitter and website far less than your boy, @HarleyRouda, did in the 2020 race.