Deleted Tweets From Dan Whitfield, D-Ark.
Dan Whitfield's accounts: DanWhitCongress
Tracked Between: January 27, 2020-November 07, 2020
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@SenTomCotton Coronavirus. Racist.
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@SenTomCotton Tell @AsaHutchinson to issue stay at home orders before more Arkansans lose their lives!
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@SenTomCotton Is it a coincidence that every GOP senator is tweeting about the coronavirus and not impeachment inquiry?
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
Why are people freaking out about the corona virus, which has killed 130+ people, but are silent about 20,000 dying from the flu in America since October? Wash your hands often, don’t touch your face, be germ aware. We don’t need a mass panic.
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@DefrancoGregory Creating a mass hysteria over a virus that has killed less people in all than the flu has killed Americans in a single day is not hysteria worthy. Don’t forget nearly all of the people that have died from this virus did not seek medical attention and live in third world cities.
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@brianschatz All of the above sounds good to me. It’s never bad to proctise all precautions, hand washing, social distancing, masks, etc.
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
Due to a time zone issue we will be rescheduling our AMA on r/politics. @rSlashPolitics The reschedule will be for 12pm CT, not 12pm ET. I’ll give y’all the new date ASAP.
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
Sigh. I don’t get why it’s my job to go google things for people that don’t feel like doing it themselves. We all have google on our phones/computers. It’s not like I have a PHD in google searching and am any better at it than you.
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
RT @DanWhitCongress: @SenTomCotton The CARES act should be titled “The corporate giveaway, and y’all lower class people can have a few b…
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@SenTomCotton The CARES act should be titled “The corporate giveaway, and y’all lower class people can have a few billion bucks too act.” How is $1,200 going to help Americans for a few months? But hey, at least billionaires and billionaires solar corporations got a few trillion bucks.
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@SenTomCotton Oh yeah, and it’s called the covid-19 corona virus. If you continue to be a warmongering racist I’m going to call you out and embarrass you on national television.
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@joncoopertweets Ahh that’s why they are rigging the election against the candidate Bloomberg said he was running to beat, and it’s not Donald trump.
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@JoeBiden @sherrilee7 Yes sir, yes we do, and that’s why I 100% support @BernieSanders.
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
When a corporation poisoned 70,000 people with C8, causing cancer and birth defects, it was fined $14 million. They profited over $1 billion that year. Not a single person went to prison even though they knew for 40 years what was happening and his it. DuPont @MarkRuffalo
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
@SenTomCotton @marthamaccallum So... you ant your constituents to pay even higher prices for their prescribed live saving drugs?
DanWhitCongress (D-Ark.)
Told ya he is a racist. QT @SenTomCotton: Told you China would pay.)