Deleted Tweets From David Carlucci, D-N.Y.
David Carlucci's accounts: DavidCarlucci
Tracked Between: October 16, 2019-July 20, 2020
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
Its been 21 years since the horrific shooting at Columbine High School that left 12 students and one teacher dead. Sadly, we still see senless acts of gun violence. I will keep fighting for common-sense gun laws to keep our communities safe. QT @GabbyGiffords: 21 years ago, Columbine was the worst school shooting we’d ever seen. We’ve had too many worsts since. Today and a…
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
RT @tvdonkaplan: Proud! A real example of NY’s future leaders taking charge: 2 @FFMS_Falcons raising $$$ to create ‘Stay Strong’ ki…
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
RT @lohud: Coronavirus: Rockland deaths increase; six ZIP codes have highest infection rates
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
⚠New $5K Small Business Grant Available Now The Save Small Business Fund will provide $5,000 grants to small businesses in economically vulnerable communities. You can check your business's zipcode now for eligibility.
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
RT @ZackFinkNews: .@NYGovCuomo says without a new federal stimulus to help the State’s New York May have to cut education aid to loca…
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
It's #BlueGreenDay, and I am staying home for all of NY's transplant recipients who are at much greater risk for infection and have to take even more extreme measures to stay safe during the #COVID19 outbreak. 1 organ donor saves 8 lives: @DonateLifeNYS
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
RT @NYSLabor: Important: Anyone calling from NYS DOL will verify their identity by providing: (a) the date you filed your Unemplo…
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
RT @SenatorCarlucci: Our frontline workers taking care of our most vulnerable still do not have adequate #PPE. Our psychiatric centers a…
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
RT @DavidCarlucci: I am fighting to ensure stimulus checks end up in your pocket. Debt collectors should not be able to garnish your m…
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
RT @NewCityPatch: One of your neighbors posted in Neighbor Posts. Click through to read what they have to say. (The views expressed i…
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
#CoronavirusUpdate: @kenzebrowski_ny and I reached out to the State Parks Department after numerous complaints from residents about a lack of social distancing being practiced at Rockland Lake State Park, and it was closed to the public today.
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
#CoronavirusUpdate: Besides the vaccine, there is possibility of a medical treatment developed through the convalescent plasma, antibody testing, and possibly hydroxchlorquine. NY will do anything we can to test hydroxchlorquine to see if it works.
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
We thank all our frontline first responders. Today we will hear what they go through on a daily basis, and how we can all help. We will be joined by @OssiningPDChief and Ossining Volunteer Ambulance Corps, Chief Nick Franzoso. Watch LIVE here:
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
RT @SenatorCarlucci: New York launched a new COVID-19 tracker, with detailed county-by-county information on confirmed cases. The websit…
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
RT @NBCNewsHealth: Many medical workers toiling during the coronavirus pandemic remain burdened by another crisis that emerged long be…
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
RT @NUFSD: Day 1 of Virtual #NUFSDSpirit Week ✔️ We loved seeing your creative indoor and outdoor ways for staying active! Ge…
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
RT @ORUConnect: If you need to report an outage or wish to view the status of one previously reported, please use our outage map. I…
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
Wishing everyone a Healthy and Happy Easter and Passover to those observing. I want to highlight @NYSAC's campaign #Take5forNY. Now more than ever, please let people know you care about them, and you are thinking about them. QT @NYSCounties: This week we launched the 'Take Five for New York' campaign to encourage people to take five minutes each day to ca…
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
#CoronavirusUpdate: The White House Task Force estimated far more deaths at this point than NY has actually had. The CDC was projecting more than half of people becoming infected. Its far too early to know yet how this turns out.
DavidCarlucci (D-N.Y.)
#CoronavirusUpdate: The State is watching the spread around #Westchester, #Rockland, and on Long Island and it seems to have stabilized. We thank @NYGovCuomo for delivering critical PE to Rockland on Wednesday.