Deleted Tweets From Denny Heck, D-Wash.
Denny Heck's accounts: DennyHeck, RepDennyHeck
Tracked Between: July 14, 2012-November 14, 2020
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
RT @washdems: RT @sethmdawson: @JayInslee getting a big crowd fired up in Olympia! Time to get out the vote! #WaDems #primary #GOTV
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
"I'd rather have you all than the Koch Brothers any day." - @JayInslee #wadems #waelex #gotv
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
Haven't voted? What're you waiting for?! Get your ballot postmarked tomorrow or into one of these boxes by 8 PM #wadems
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
Our Field Director @evangorelick teaching new volunteers how to #GOTV canvass today. Get those ballots in! #wadems
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
Doors to the #GOTV rally in #Olympia are open! Come down and join @DennyHeck and @JayInslee! 423 4th Ave W #wadems
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
Our #GOTV rally w/ @JayInslee is this afternoon! Doors open at 2:30, address is 423 4th Ave W in downtown Olympia. Join us and RT! #wadems
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
RT @sethmdawson: 36 hours until ballots are due, have you voted for @DennyHeck yet? #GiveCongressHeck #WaElex #GOTV
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
Dear Mr. Akin: The words "legitimate" and "rape" do not belong in the same sentence. Ever. -DH
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
RT @BarackObama: RT if you agree: We can’t let Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan turn Medicare into a voucher program.
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
Check out today's editions of The News Tribune and The Olympian. Denny's victory last night was big news! #wadems
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
Denny is taking questions from 4th graders about why voting is important! #wadems
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
Paula and I are both deeply grateful for the help of so many. -DH #wadems #waelex #givecongressheck
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
TODAY is the day to #givecongressheck. Postmark your ballot today or return it to one of these boxes by 8 PM: #wadems
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
RT @VETPAC: VETPAC candidates: @RepGaryPeters @DerekKilmer @DennyHeck all won their primaries this week! #Congratulations
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
RT @OFA_WA: Well that's a wrap. And in our completely unbiased opinion we'd say the Dems pretty much killed it in Charlotte. RT if you agree!
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
RT @washdems: Just heard that there were 200 people at the rally in #Olympia for @JayInslee @dennyheck @kathleen_drew @MikeKreidler @BobFergusonAG!
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
RT and sign Denny's petition against the Romney-Ryan budget: #p2 #wadems
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
RT @SarahClifthorne: Busy phone banking voters 2 support @DennyHeck! Civic duty on National Voter Registration Day...check!
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
48 hours to go. If you live in #WA10 you can return your ballot here: RT so we can #GOTV #wadems
DennyHeck (D-Wash.)
Exciting news! Denny has been endorsed by another member of the Pierce County Council - Rick Talbert. Thank you, Rick, for your endorsement.