Deleted Tweets From Derek Kilmer, D-Wash.
Derek Kilmer's accounts: DerekKilmer, RepDerekKilmer
Tracking Since: January 01, 2014
RT @RepDerekKilmer: Excited to join my friend @RepKimSchrier & incredible teachers from across our region to talk about the work we're doin… QT @washingtonea: TODAY! WEA will welcome Congressman Derek Kilmer (CD 6) and Congresswoman Kim Schrier (CD 8) for a virtual town hal…
On average, Black women are paid 62 cents on the $1 of White men. That’s just plain wrong. We need to value Black women and work toward justice with equal pay for equal work! #BlackWomensEqualPay
The Tacoma-Pierce County Black Collective has been fighting for social, economic, and educational justice in our community for over 50 years. I’m honored to have received their recommendation ahead of next Tuesday's election!
The House Committee on the Climate Crisis included five pieces of my legislation in its new plan. I'll keep calling for comprehensive reforms that will get our country back on track in the fight to mitigate this threat.
Honored to be recommended by the Progressive Voter Guide put together by Fuse WA! Remember, ballots for the August 4th Primary Election are out now, so make sure to vote and return your ballot ASAP!
Given all of the challenges in our country right now, it’s important to celebrate young people who are doing big things! We have immensely talented young students across the region - and that includes Quincy Rumpke - the winner of the 2020 Congressional Art Competition for WA-06!
Local organizations are the heart of the Democratic party, and I'm proud to have the support of the 29th Legislative District Democrats. Let's get to work!
Have kiddos at home? Do they have all sorts of questions about the coronavirus? ME TOO! On Friday I’ll be hosting a KIDS town hall to help answer those questions! Join me for a LIVE Facebook event as we learn more about the coronavirus. Let me know if your kiddo has a question!
Today @POTUS signed into law the bipartisan legislation I supported yesterday to deliver addt'l assistance to WA’s small businesses & frontline health care workers, while investing in our testing capacity. It's a good step fwd - but here's more work to do.
Thoughtful words about an extraordinary person.
RT @ModernizeCmte: � Reminder: The Modernization Committee will be holding a hearing today at 2 PM EST on “Article One: Restoring Capa…
RT @ModernizeCmte: � UPCOMING HEARING ALERT � This afternoon, the Modernization Committee is holding a hearing to discuss how Congre…
These actions by the Administration have potentially devastating impacts on food access right here in our community for folks seeking job training and employment. Check out our conversation and hear about the local impact️:
Great to hear from the amazing folks at @goodwillwa, @UWPC, & @wkfcentral at the Goodwill Milgard Work Opportunity Center in Tacoma about the troubling actions by the Administration to make drastic cuts to access to the SNAP program - and our ongoing efforts to combat them.
This #SmallBusinessSatuday, we clebrate and support the Main Street businesses that make up the backbone of our community & that fuel our economy. Today and every day, I’m committed to supporting policies that help our entrepreneurs drive innovation & create new jobs #ShopSmall
RT @iFiberoneradio: Belfair, WA -U.S. Representative Derek Kilmer will hold a Congressional pinning ceremony for veterans of the Vietna…
Today marks 52 years since the cap on women serving in our Armed Forces was lifted. To honor their service, register servicewomen and women veterans with the Women's Memorial today (stories & photos welcome!). Learn about the memorial and register here:
It was great meeting with Craft3 in DC to talk about all the great investments they are making back home in Washington state to grow businesses and job in our region. Consider me a partner!
It was an honor to celebrate the #YearOfTheSalmon and speak with folks about all the work we have done, and still need to do, to ensure a healthy salmon population in the Pacific Northwest - protecting our way of life and our local economies.