Deleted Tweets From Donna Shalala, D-Fla.
Donna Shalala's accounts: DonnaShalala, RepShalala
Tracked Between: June 24, 2016-January 03, 2021
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Hay miles de personas trabajando para que se realicen las elecciones de este año. Somos una gran democracia porque tenemos elecciones libres. Gracias por todo que están haciendo para ayudar a mantener esta elección segura y garantizar que se cuente cada voto.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
En el sur de Florida, contamos con muchos excelentes maestros que dedican sus vidas a educar e inspirar a nuestros niños. Este Mes de la Herencia Hispana tienen la oportunidad de ser reconocidos. Encuentre más información sobre cómo participar aquí:
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
In South Florida, we count on many great teachers who devote their lives to educate and inspire our children. This #HispanicHeritageMonth they have an opportunity to be recognized. Find more info on participating in Florida's Educator Awards here:
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
On this #InternationalCoffeeDay, I encourage all my FL-27 constituents to visit a ventanita and get some #cafecito to celebrate.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Make sure your community gets a fair and accurate count! Complete your #2020Census before September 30, 2020 You can participate online, by mail, or by phone. Take your Census here:
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
¡Asegúrese de que su comunidad reciba un recuento justo y preciso! Complete su #2020Censo antes del 30 de septiembre de 2020 Puede participar en línea, por correo o por teléfono. Visite:
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Ya casi se termina el tiempo - pero todavía pueden completar su 2020 Censo, que determinará cómo miles de millones de $$$ se asignarán a las escuelas públicas y otros servicios. ¡Visite o llame al 844-330-2020 y #HágaseContar hoy!
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
¡EXTENDIDO AL OCTOBER 15! #SoFla: estudiantes en los grados K-3 tienen la oportunidad de ganar un premio en efectivo al enviar su obra de arte original, y los estudiantes en los grados 4-12 pueden obtener una Beca Prepagada de Florida de 4 años a través del concurso de ensayos
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
#SoFla: la fecha límite de registro para que los no declarantes reclamen un Pago de Impacto Económico a través de la herramienta No-Declarantes es el 15 de octubre de 2020. Para obtener más información visite:
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
An officer has been indicted in the fatal shooting of Breonna Taylor, but it does not feel like justice has been served. No innocent person should ever be shot dead while sleeping in their bed, much less by those sworn to protect. My prayers are with Breonna and her family.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
For decades, Donald Trump has wanted make money from doing business with the tyrannical Cuban regime. Pass it on.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
I am proud to call @DoloresHuerta a friend. A civil rights activist & labor leader who worked tirelessly on behalf of farmworkers to receive US labor rights. Dolores also co-founded the @snccdigital and is a Medal of Freedom recipient (2012). #SiSePuede #HispanicHeritageMonth
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Getting a visit from a #2020Census worker? All census workers carry official government badges that include their name, photograph, a Department of Commerce watermark, and an expiration date. More info here: #GetCounted
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Happy new year to all those celebrating #RoshHashanah!
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
Scientists and experts should write the guidelines for COVID-19 testing, not politicians. Whoever was responsible for this decision not only undermined our efforts to combat this virus, they cost many people their lives.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
The Pregnant Workers Fairness Act will benefit all pregnant workers -- but is especially critical for the more than 1 in 5 pregnant workers who are employed in a low-paid job where the work is likely to be physically demanding and lack flexibility. #ProtectPregnantWorkers #PWFA
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
RT @RepDarrenSoto: As we mark the first day of #HispanicHeritageMonth, I'm introducing a resolution that would support Puerto Rico’s N…
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
We continue to rush reopening in Miami-Dade County. Taking these steps will have negative impact in our communities and will take more lives. We must re-consider
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
We have already killed a generation of seniors with COVID-19, but climate change will kill many more. Just our scientists and public health officials have worked tirelessly to combat this virus, we must preparing the same scale of national mobilization to tackle climate change.
RepShalala (D-Fla.)
#TEAMSHALALA se enorgullece de #GoOrange por el mes de septiembre apoyando a @FeedingSouthFL & @FeedingAmerica. En #SoFla, más de un millón de personas no saben de dónde obtendrán su próxima comida, casi 330,000 de estos son nuestros niños. #HambreAcciónMonth