Deleted Tweets From EPW Democrats, D-D.C.
EPW Democrats's accounts: EPWCmte
Tracking Since: February 14, 2019
The EPW title of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 invests more than $35 BILLION to addressing climate change and equity (and includes a program to capture excess methane emissions). Read the text yourself ⤵️ [650-716]
The EPW title of the Inflation Reduction Act of 2022 allocates more than $44 BILLION to addressing climate change and equity (and includes a program to capture excess methane emissions). Read the text yourself ⤵️ [650-716]
⚠️ Pedestrian deaths are at a 40-year high in our country. This crisis is disproportionately impacting communities of color. We must do everything we can to make our roadways safer for ALL. @SmartGrowthUSA
.@SenatorCollins will testify on the Comprehensive National Mercury Monitoring Act, bipartisan legislation with EPW Chairman @SenatorCarper to better address mercury contamination across the United States.
J. Alfredo Gómez, Director of @USGAO's Natural Resources and Environment team, will testify on the role of the national air quality monitoring system and the overdue need for greater federal funding.
.@RepLBR will testify on the Public Health Air Quality Act, her legislation with @SenDuckworth that would expand fenceline monitoring and improve access to air quality information for communities near industrial plants.
The EPW Committee will also examine @SenMarkey's Environmental Justice Air Quality Monitoring Act, legislation that would launch a pilot program for hyperlocal air quality monitoring projects in environmental justice communities.
To help the EPW Committee better understand the importance of these air pollution monitoring bills, we will also hear from the following witnesses: Kathy Fallon, @cleanaircatf Jason Isaac, @TPPF Dana Johnson, @weactforej Bart Eklund, @haleyaldrich
THIS WEDNESDAY, the Senate EPW Committee will consider legislation that would strengthen @EPA's ability to monitor air pollution. :
RT @EPWCmte: Thank you @EPAChemSafety Assistant Administrator Freedhoff for testifying before the EPW Committee today. The law r…
On Thursday, June 9, at 10:00 AM ET, Senate EPW Subcommittee on Chemical Safety, Waste Management, Environmental Justice, and Regulatory Oversight Chair @SenJeffMerkley will lead a hearing on S.4244, the Alan Reinstein Ban Asbestos Now Act of 2022.
The American clean energy future is being built by good-paying, union jobs. Today, @SenatorCarper and @SenMarkey joined Biden Administration officials and labor leaders to celebrate the signing of a historic offshore wind project labor agreement between @NABTU and @OrstedUS.
RT @EPWCmte: WATCH LIVE: @EPAMichaelRegan testifies on the @EPA fiscal year 2023 budget proposal.
NOTICE: On Wednesday, March 22, at 10 AM ET, the Senate EPW Committee will hold a hearing on advancing American energy security and through investments in climate solutions.
The California Waiver is back! @EPA is restoring California's ability to set stronger clean car standards that other states can adopt.
RT @ClimateCrisis: TOMORROW AT 8:45 AM: Chairs @USRepKCastor, @FrankPallone, and @SenatorCarper will urge the Supreme Court to protect…
RT @SenAlexPadilla: Scientists now project sea levels will rise one foot by 2050. This puts coastal communities — 40 % of the U.S. pop…
RT @EPWCmte: WATCH LIVE: We are holding a hearing to examine challenges and opportunities with @EPA's Renewable Fuel Standard pr…