Deleted Tweets From Gerry Connolly, D-Va.
Gerry Connolly's accounts: ElectConnolly, GerryConnolly
Tracking Since: May 26, 2010
Mylan's EpiPen price gauging practices were worse than we thought. This must be investigated by DOJ
Great crowd @StonebridgeWB w/ my friend Steve Liga and @ACTSPWC for annual I Walk for ACTS. Thank you to all who pa…
Sec Clinton has shown unwavering commitment to human rights and was right to push for Aya's release QT @AndrewBeatty: In Sisi meeting, Clinton called for Aya Hijazi's release + 'raised concerns about prosecution'* of activists. *read torture, persecution)
RT @CGDavenport: President Obama dropped in on the @WhiteHouse Summit on #GlobalDevelopment. @GerryConnolly
Transparency & accountability are critical to #globaldevelopment. Glad @POTUS signed @JudgeTed - @GerryConnolly Foreign Aid Transparency Act
@FCPSEnergyZone @nokidhungry Visiting London Towne Elementary to learn more about the Summer FEEDS program!
Help say #ENOUGH gun violence with your profile pic!
.@AAUWVA The gender wage gap costs American women nearly $500B per year.That money could be invested in our economy
It's time we invest in our future to sustain our econ. development in N.VA
@PWChamber luncheon discussing how we will continue to work together to improve our transportation infrastructure
70 percent of taxpayers qualify for the EITC tax credit. Check at
DMV delegation met w/ Kawasaki and urged they immediately resume full production & delivery of 7000 series cars
RT @FRoseDC: My intrview w/@GerryConnolly @GovExec on #VA employees, #Metro, fed pay raise, and more
RT @nbcwashington: "In my entire coaching career, I have never talked to any player or staff member about football air pressure."- #Patriots Coach Belichick.
RT @gaburke: WaPo endorsement says @GerryConnolly "well-versed, effective, a dominant figure in #NoVA." In other words, Gerry gets things done for #VA11.
Supporters braving the rain at Centreville Days.