Deleted Tweets From Energy GOP, R-D.C.
Energy GOP's accounts: EnergyGOP
Tracking Since: October 11, 2018
“We are not typically the headline grabbing committee in the Senate, but we put our head down, go to work, and we achieve a lot.” Chairman @LisaMurkowski outlined 2019 ENR accomplishments in a recent floor speech → #ThrowbackThursday #EnergyIsGood
With rising global demand for electricity and renewable energy, remember that the components for clean energy technologies come from mining. #MineralsMonday #WhatCantBeGrown #MiningMatters #SupplyChain #MineralSecurity #MineralsEveryday Read more @USGS →
#YearInReview ENR held hearings on many hot topics - geothermal, energy efficiency, CCUS, advanced nuclear, innovation to address global climate change, minerals for clean energy tech, cybersecurity, wildfires, recreation, and more. #EnergyIsGood
#YearInReview Sweeping bipartisan legislation: with some 120 measures, #LandsPackage2019 passed the Senate (92-8), passed the House (363-62), and was signed into law by @POTUS.
#YearInReview #EnergyDominance: For the first time in modern history, the U.S. achieved a full month as a net exporter of oil & petroleum products→ @EIAgov
#YearInReview Sweeping bipartisan legislation: with some 120 measures, #LandsPackage2019 passed the Senate (92-8), passed the House (363-62), and was signed into law by @POTUS.
#YearInReview #EnergyDominance: For the first time in modern history, the U.S. achieved a full month as a net exporter of oil & petroleum products→ @EIAgov
#YearInReview ENR held hearings on many hot topics - geothermal, energy efficiency, CCUS, advanced nuclear, innovation to address global climate change, minerals for clean energy tech, cybersecurity, wildfire, recreation, and more. #EnergyIsGood
#YearInReview Sweeping bipartisan legislation: with some 120 measures, #LandsPackage2019 passed the Senate (92-8), passed the House (363-62), and was signed into law by @POTUS.
#YearInReview EnergyDominance: For the first time in modern history, the U.S. achieved a full month as a net exporter of oil & petroleum products→ @EIAgov QT @lisamurkowski: The United States is certainly capable of being a leader in addressing the global mineral demand. We’ve got incredi…
#EnergyEfficiency #SolutionsThatFit QT @BrianRMotherway: Efficiency is the first fuel - my new commentary on our recent discussions in how to accelerate
#EnergyEfficiency #SolutionsThatFit QT @BrianRMotherway: Efficiency is the first fuel - my new commentary on our recent discussions in how to accelerate
#EnergyEfficiency #SolutionsThatFit QT @BrianRMotherway: Efficiency is the first fuel - my new commentary on our recent discussions in how to accelerate
Did the @ForestService break the law? This @USGAO report found that they did not comply with a provision in the #LWCF Act that limits the amount of land the agency can acquire using LWCF money→
RT @lisamurkowski: The impacts of climate change and subsequent loss of seasonal sea ice has created new opportunities and challenges invol… QT @thecordovatimes: New story: Arctic shipping legislation moving forward
Watch ENR's business meeting live! More information →
You are reading this tweet on a device made from minerals, and we do not have a domestic supply chain. Your device was likely made in countries with lower environmental and labor standards. It is important to recognize where the U.S. can and should be leading. #HumanRightsDay