Deleted Tweets From Paul Gosar, R-Ariz.
Paul Gosar's accounts: Gosar4Congress, RepGosar
Tracked Between: January 10, 2013-April 12, 2014
Why do American’s mistrust the mainstream media? Look how the New York Times changes their headline three times to appease Democrats.
RT @BLMNational: While on #yourpubliclands, please follow @CDCgov guidance to prevent spread of infectious diseases: maintain social…
RT @seanmdav: It looks like the Mueller prosecutors running the Stone case may have lied to DOJ about the completely insane 9-yea…
RT @seanmdav: Democrats are so somber and prayerful and thoughtful about impeachment that they’re handing out coup swag to members to sell… QT @FoxReports: So many pens that Pelosi will sign to officially transmit the articles of impeachment and sign resolution appointin…
RT @seanmdav: We obtained a copy of Kurt Volker's testimony before the House yesterday. It directly contradicts the Democrat impeachment narrative and completely blows it out of the water. You can read his full testimony here.
Democrats: TrUmP iS dEsTrOyInG dEmOcRaTiC nOrMs!! Also Democrats: QT @RepGosar: Nothing to see here, just the Senate Minority Leader threatening two Supreme Court Justices...)
RT @ErnestScheyder: Environmental group comes out in support of Minnesota copper mining project QT @westerncaucus: During today's @NatResources hearing, Jason Walsh, Executive Director of the @BGAlliance came out in support of dom…
RT @RepGosar: The same people voicing concern over a 23-year-old working in the White House have a 17-year-old Swedish teenager dictating t… QT @CNNPolitics: The White House has hired a 23-year-old college senior to a top post in the Presidential Personnel Office…
RT @westerncaucus: During today's @NatResources hearing, Joe Walsh, Executive Director of the @BGAlliance came out in support of domes…
After years of being targeted and corrupted by drug cartels, the Tohono O'odham reservation as become a significant but little known point of vulnerability in our border security. #BuildTheWall
RT @USFWSDirector: Congratulations to Kate McGregor, Deputy Secretary of the @Interior! QT @SecBernhardt: Pleased to see the Senate finally confirmed Kate MacGregor as Deputy Secretary of the @Interior. She will be a trem…
RT @westerncaucus: BREAKING: Kate MacGregor has just been confirmed as Deputy Secretary of @Interior with bipartisan support. MacGrego…
One of the youngest entrepreneur I think I’ve ever met! Jo is an 8th grader from Florence who rehabbed this pink trailer into her own traveling boutique. She makes soaps, crafts, jewelry and her grandma makes earrings. All this to prepare for her college life & beyond! #AZ04
RT @BLMNational: BLM Deputy Director for Policy & Programs William Perry Pendley is ready for CBP’s air & marine unit border tour.BL…
This isn’t news to conservatives. Twitter and other #BigTech platforms have long tried to censor & silcence conservative voices.
RT @thehill: World Health Organization: Coronavirus presents "grave threat" globally
RT @BenGoldey: .@joerogan on @RepGosar’s “Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself” tweets �
Corporations like @DeloitteUS lay off hard-working Americans and replace them with foreign workers on H-1B visas. We should be putting #AmericaFirst!