Deleted Tweets From Adam Harrison, X-Wash.
Adam Harrison's accounts: HarrisonforWA
Tracked Between: January 15, 2018-March 31, 2018
HarrisonforWA (X-Wash.)
@DeborahKIRO7 @SenatorCantwell @SeaTacAirport @photog44 @KIRO7Seattle Or we could get rid of the @TSA (they've stopped nothing) & role their $7B budget into education, healthcare, addiction programs, etc....
HarrisonforWA (X-Wash.)
@SenatorCantwell @SeaTacAirport Or we could get rid of the @TSA (they've stopped nothing) & role their $7B budget into education, healthcare, addiction programs, etc....
HarrisonforWA (X-Wash.)
. @RepDennyHeck Contributors: Lawyers & Lobbyists: $95k Insurance: $89k Securities & Investment: $87k Commercial Banks: $63k Defense: $35k
HarrisonforWA (X-Wash.)
. @RepDennyHeck Contributors: Lawyers & Lobbyists: $95k. Insurance: $89k Securities & Investment: $87k Commercial Banks: $63k Defense: $35k
HarrisonforWA (X-Wash.)
. @RepDennyHeck Contributors: Lawyers & Lobbyists: $95k Insurance: $89k Securities & Investment: $87k Commercial Banks: $63k Defense: $35k
HarrisonforWA (X-Wash.)
Hashtags and social media "awareness" campaign (that don't raise money or effectively lobby) are the liberal version of #ThoughtsAndPrayers
HarrisonforWA (X-Wash.)
RT @BillClinton: Ron’s right. Courage and conviction led to an assault weapons ban once before. Let’s do it again. QT @RonaldKlain: This weapon was illegal in the USA between 1994-2004. Uses of it in mass shootings declined. And America was stil…
HarrisonforWA (X-Wash.)
RT @MeetThePress: .@realDonaldTrump on arming school employees: "If these cowards knew that the school was well-guarded from the stan…