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Deleted Tweets From Israel Cruz, R-N.Y.

Deleted Tweets From Israel Cruz, R-N.Y.

Israel Cruz's accounts: IsraelCruz4NY

Tracked Between: October 21, 2019-July 21, 2020

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IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

@CharlotteAlter @AOC frivolous or hypocritical are the perfect words to descibe her actions. frivolous not having any serious purpose or value. The green new deal is a pipe dream based on nonintellectual bases its value is unknown &its purpose to make the poor more pore &her rich. Thus hypocritical!

1174349835874516992 xowmgp1t bigger

IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

@Ilhan @RashidaTlaib this is your people why not help. You say a woman has a right to choose. So she chose time yo back her pr are uou a hypocrite? Don’t answer we know you to are #BigTime! #IOC_vs_AOC https://t.co/VsAP7VAgAv #NY14thDistrict #Bronx #Queens QT @RejectIslam: "Islam silences us in the East and in the West. #ExMuslims, stand up for your rights." https://t.co/vIqekR1hX4)

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IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

@MariaTeresa1 Housing: I work Directly with this one thus no one can tell me how corrupt and lopsided this is. thus, if you cut the spending it will be easier to know who has their hand in the pot. We have lots of poor and much of the money never reaches them. so, use logic not emotion.

1174349835874516992 xowmgp1t bigger

IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @1776Attitude: The Government in #China is now locking people in their own homes. The doors only opens outwards and windows are ha… https://t.co/p8kzv7gvvs

1174349835874516992 xowmgp1t bigger

IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @helper2: Today is Saturday, January 11, 2020 and in the past 30-days there were 111 Islamic attacks in 23 countries, in whic… https://t.co/rTTPjqpA6j

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IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

@PrisonPlanet @ForHisGlory52 @AOC we have a great amount of people from China that either escaped or have family there do you really think you are going to make socialism work here? Good luck! I know this is what you want in America Martial law empowered CDC agents! #VoteIOC2020 https://t.co/VsAP7VAgAv

1174349835874516992 xowmgp1t bigger

IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @IOCforcongress: @RobBelgrave @ozzie_usa @AOC I heard that before, but the Democratic Party believes in taking the life of a child w… https://t.co/rEXgSkhxA1

1174349835874516992 xowmgp1t bigger

IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

@NYGovCuomo @NYPD @NYCMayor If you give a damn of your hoods, Barrios,Vecindarios, favelas, hayi, Harevanut’yun, Línlǐ, Geitoniá, שכונה, Quartiere etc You throw out the trash and start new. The democrats gave you this mess time to be under new management! #CrimsonTide You & deblasio Screwed us all royally!

1174349835874516992 xowmgp1t bigger

IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

@NYGovCuomo @NYPD @NYCMayor Only care for Votes and pin cops vs blacks, blacks vs blacks vs jews vs .... where does it end??? It ends with New Yorkers doing for themselves. Taking care of our own. You did enough damage now step down we are not social experiments. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! #VoteThemAllOut2020...

1174349835874516992 xowmgp1t bigger

IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

@NYGovCuomo @NYPD @NYCMayor sick version of art. But you are sleeping on us Governor Racist! Mayor full of lies! You cant treat New Yorkers like this we will vote you out. We will fix our own hoods and restore respect for the blues, blacks, whites browns pink, yellows etc. You have proven that democrats...

1174349835874516992 xowmgp1t bigger

IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

@NYGovCuomo @NYPD @NYCMayor act like you have a heart, like you actually give a damn. We are nothing but votes to you. We are Ni&&ers, Spicks, Wetbacks etc that you can manipulate speak pretty words from one side of your mouth and venom from the other. You made NY this way, this is you grand design, your...

1174349835874516992 xowmgp1t bigger

IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

@NYGovCuomo @NYPD very ones that protect the innocent. Cops have to foght the higher crime that you crated making them stressed. The are angry some hurt people and then all get get targeted. You created this mess you & the retard of the @NYCMayor did this. How do you dare speak for them let alone-

1174349835874516992 xowmgp1t bigger

IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

@NYGovCuomo @NYPD “Those responsible will be brought to justice & held accountable to the fullest extent of the law”. Which law? The one you keep skewing towards the lawless? You raise taxes, land lords can’t pay. People lose homes & apartments. You give criminals free out to assault &kill the...

1174349835874516992 xowmgp1t bigger

IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

@everydaynyc @AOC Thanks I don’t need your sweat words of encouragement I believe I will be fine. I have been working thats all you need to know. But thank you for caring in your in the form of condescension it’s people like you that make this run fun and worth the getting up everyday. By the way-

1174349835874516992 xowmgp1t bigger

IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

RT @KashJackson2018: @RepAdamSchiff Instead of watching tonight's God awful #demdebate where, they'll tell us how terrible our country i… https://t.co/mu3WclTI3c

1174349835874516992 xowmgp1t bigger

IsraelCruz4NY (R-N.Y.)

Politwoops no longer follows this account.

As a congressman I promise that I will take care of my people to listen to what they have to say and love them as I do my family… That means that sometimes I have to listen to things that are though cute Could be annoying as well… Having three girls some is lovely #SpaceCats https://t.co/IYOt0s1ufO

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